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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. I have a love-hate thing with the ladder adjustment but i very rarely adjust my strap after the first time and having bought a strap with a metal buckle i ended up making a soft cover to go over the buckle as i was paranoid about scratching the guitar i was using it with and i haven't touched the adjustment since the first initial setup. the ladder adjustment does have the one advantage that once adjusted it stays put unlike with the nylon straps i've used) I'm almost tempted to have a one piece non adjustable strap made to my preferred length.
  2. i'm not sure that shorting out the lead would be a great idea as you would actually be shorting out whatever it was plugged into at the other end, with the volume at zero and the power disconnected wouldn't it act much like a passive bass plugged in with the volume at zero? Having the volume knob act like a on-off switch sounds like a reasonable idea to me provided there wasn't an audible click on the output when it's turned on. Matt
  3. i have quite a few of the Levy's suede ones but for my bass my go-to strap is from Leathergraft, i bought it on a whim from a local shop and it's the perfect mix for me, 3" wide, soft leather on the top, grippy suede on the back, just the right amount of padding and not stupidly expensive. Leathergraft Liverpool - Guitar Straps, Leather Goods, Straps mine is the Pro deluxe, I might actually order for my new 5 string
  4. That's what I was worried about, well if you ever decide to part with it send me a message, I can promise it will be going to a very good home! Matt
  5. good afternoon, i am hoping that the collective wisdom of this thread can help me identify (and hopefully locate) a bass that a friend of mine sold many years ago, all i have is one slightly fuzzy (and badly doctored) picture. From reading through this thread I think it might be a 405 in metallic grey/Pewter (we are trying to dig up some more pictures) but the husband of the bassist in question is trying to locate an identical bass to replace the one sold for just 100 quid back when they were skint students (and to slightly offset the through-neck Warwick thumb 5 string that had just been Bought) it was originally bought in the early 90's so we are fairly sure it is a bass collection. @BassBunny you mentioned a pewter 405 many pages back, am i on the right lines? does anyone have one that they would be prepared to part with? any leads gratefully received! Matt
  6. yes, the choice came down to 2 versions, this one and the one shown originally, it was very close but seeing it together like this i think it's the right one, this is going to be a stunning bass and will definitely become my number one bass. Matt
  7. That looks even better now it's glued together, how many people spotted that the template is the wrong way round? 😁 Walnut is my favourite wood for instruments, I already have 2 guitars and a bass that are walnut but I'm very sure this is going to be the best looking one! Matt
  8. I bought Rob's Scpectracomp, it arrived very quickly and was very safely packaged. a great deal all round, trade with confidence, Matt
  9. loving the shape of this, will be watching with interest. the SIMS superquad does seem to be the ultimate choice for a single pickup bass, that's pretty much what pushed me over the edge and got my 5 string shortscale build underway, i own some 2 pickup basses but only ever seem to use one pickup on each so the 3 in 1 pickup is perfect (and they are expensive so only buying one helps) Matt
  10. are your stands hollow? if so it might be worth filling them with something to prevent resonances, I used a pair of the Castle Durham 2's until quite recently (bought some Castle Severn 2's) and had them on Atacama stands filled with the Atabites filler, (my friend has an identical pair on the same stands but sand filled) I always used bluetac to couple the stands to the speakers. Matt
  11. most of my basses seem to end up with flatwounds fitted, so flats would be my first choice, i definitely want BEADG though as that is what i find most useful. I believe that LaBella and Dunlop both make short scale 5 string flats so some investigation might be required as i've not used either of those brands before (current basses wear Ernie Ball group flats, D'addario Chromes, GHS precision flats and Status ground wounds.) Matt
  12. I'm going custom for my 40th, build has just started Matt
  13. To say that I'm excited about this is a bit of an understatement! I have been thinking of a bass like this for quite a while and seeing the triple Sims-pickup build just pushed me over the edge. This is my 40th Birthday present from my parents and my wonderful wife, it's a dream bass build really. Matt
  14. if the combo has an effects loop then connecting the Hotone effects send to the combo return should work fine. Matt
  15. i think it's actually his 5th! Search Results for “ajr” – No Treble Matt
  16. I'd imagine that catswhisker could make you something suitable. https://www.catswhiskerpickups.co.uk/ Matt
  17. i bought a pair of the zs10 pros on amazon, i went for some of the inairs foam tips, i seem to remember a chart that showed which tip fitted each particular IEM INAIRS - Memory Foam Tips – INAIRS Foam Tips (getinairs.com) I believe that the zs10 pro is a different size to the original zs10 so make sure you get the right size, if you have a set of callipers you could measure the diameter and compare that to the different tips available. Matt
  18. my '77 Fender Precision came with a set of flats when i bought it about 10 years ago, they were a used set that the previous owner found in the cupboard, they sounded perfect, they're still fitted and i have no intention of changing them (although i did get them identified as Ernie Ball group flats by the experts on here so i know what they are should i ever need to find another set) I also fitted a set of Chromes to my Letts 5 string when i bought it 8 years ago, they won't be changed until they break as they sound fab. Matt
  19. another option if you don't mind spending some cash might be one of the conversion necks a that Retrovibe sell, designed to fit onto a guitar body and make it into a 30" or 32" scale bass, i've looked at them a few times but the opportunity for something else came up. the necks are designed for a telecaster body but with a bit of modding i'd imagine that fitting to a strat body shouldn't be a problem 30.6" 32" Matt
  20. I fitted ghs precision flats to my short scale aria and they work great for me, it's got a great p-bass tone and the strings feel right under my fingers. Matt
  21. Thanks, I've actually cut up a couple of the cheap ikea hangers to use the timber for projects, the nicer hangers are hardwood as well. This is my p-bass, I really should make a neater one and get some better screws, these were just old ones from my parts stash. Matt
  22. I have done something similar on my p-bass, i used a section of a wooden clothes hanger as it was already nicely profiled, my P-bass is an old 77 that has been modded many times so already had the 2 holes for the thumb rest, and there are some random extra holes so i just ran between a couple of those, i'll try and get a photo later. i think that using a couple of the scratchplate holes might work if you wanted a long thumbrest. Matt
  23. this is definitely getting interesting, you might want to have a look at some of the youtube videos from twoodfrd, he has done quite a few neck resets and the videos are really good and pretty detailed, might give you a few pointers for successfully removing the neck in one piece twoodfrd - YouTube the martin neck reset video might be a good starting point Guitar repair: Martin Neck Reset - YouTube Matt
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