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Everything posted by paul_5

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  3. i've done quite a bit of moving kit around the country this year; parcelforce are so far the only courier firm to balls it up. +1 for the boycot.
  4. Isn't that Jack socket from a stratocaster?
  5. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1277982' date='Jun 22 2011, 12:13 AM']are you referring to *ahem* teenage exercise?[/quote] Egad jake, i'm shocked. I'm far too busy these days to indulge in any onanism; that includes double-thumbing too.
  6. i love self-indulgence, i really do.
  7. Here's my little lot. [attachment=83106:P6190696.JPG] Signal path goes is: Looper - OC2 - EHX Bass MS - EBS Chorus - MXR Bass Fuzz - EBS TremoLo - 3 leaf Groove regulator - back to looper - Master output to MXR Bass DI+. Silica Gel optional.
  8. [quote name='Finbar' post='1275435' date='Jun 20 2011, 12:02 AM']If I use too many VSTs in a project on Reaper, my playback starts stuttering, which makes it hard to do much more. If I turn stuff off, then it works fine again. I'm cool with that, as I don't need everything on all the time. But is there a way of seeing which VSTs use how much CPU, so I know which ones it is most efficient to leave off etc? I use Reaper. Thanks [/quote] Have you tried using grouping stuff and/or using FX busses to reduce instances of VSTs? just a thought. You could also export tracks that you are happy with and then turn off all of the VSTs on that track, that way you could still develop a piece without having to cull plugins.
  9. The best book I ever read (twice) on this was by [i]The principles of Orchestration[\i] by Samuel Adler. Brilliant book. Don't think it does Big Band stuff though.
  10. I seem to remember Frankie Bello from Anthrax doing alright with his P bass, just drop the action for a bit more 'cluck' and you're golden. Leave the aesthetic obsession to the lead guitarists, they think it's all about them anyway, so don't upset them by putting them straight . If they really complain then you could get away with a more 'metal' scratchplate with some sort of offensive/gory decal on it. Edit: unless you're doing some GWAR stuff, then it's black and pointy all the way.
  11. [quote name='Doddy' post='1268420' date='Jun 14 2011, 11:26 AM']What I'd do is put the synth wah first,so that it gets the cleanest signal[/quote] +1 for this. My board runs an OC2 an EHX bass micro synth, these are the first two units in the chain, as they need a clean signal to 'track' better. Have you thought about using the BDDI earlier in the chain to give sound engineers a 'clean' signal (from the BDDI) and a 'dirty' from the Ampeg, or even mic'ed up? This all depends on how fussy FOH engineers are.
  13. [quote name='Doddy' post='1272868' date='Jun 17 2011, 03:54 PM']'The Improvisers Bass Method' by Chuck Sher Of course,Ed Friedland's books 'Building...' and 'Expanding Walking Basslines' are always worth checking out.[/quote] Definite +1 for these. 13 weeks should be enough to get through them and memorise everything... ..sorry, I can't keep a straight face, you can make a really good start though.
  14. Oh my! How would you go about PAT testing that?
  15. don't be seduced by flashing lights and the machine that goes 'ping', listen to some of their previous output, it should give you an idea of what you're getting into.
  16. The Bill Milkowski book "Jaco" is pretty much the authoritative biography and a pretty good read also. IF you want it straight from the horse's mouth then the 'Electric Bass' DVD with Jerry Jermont is a good watch, a bit saddening to see how he was clearly not well at that point in his life, but he's still got the chops. Not sure how much use that would be to you though.
  17. ever thought about starting up a 'relic'ing business? I've got a belt sander you can have...
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  19. ditto. Smartphone? Vile temptress more like. We're so weak!
  20. paul_5

    TO GO: Books to go

    hi bassman, can you confirm your paypal details via pm? I tried sending a payment for the neil peart books last week and i'm being told that the payment is 'unclaimed'. Still really interested to read there books and hope this technical glitch can be resolved.
  21. my name is paul and i'm a recovering gasaholic. I've managed to keep a preamp for 15 years (asymptomatic of gas i know, but bear with me) and one bass for 4 years. So far this year i've had two different heads and about 10 changes on the pedalboard. It's not even a big board. I've pretty much found all of the sounds i want and when the final pedal arrives this week i shouldn't need to buy any more gear again. Just reading through this post it's become clear that i'm in denial, not recovery. Ah well, anyone want to buy a ...
  22. Just cleared 20MB of stuff, things and gack. There you go.
  23. if i could get down to brighton this weekend i'd have it. My first "proper" bass head was an earlier version of this, lovely amp. Free bump.
  24. on tour? Glad i'm not. I'm currently enjoying being at home; a 9month old wee one and a slightly older one who's 4 on sunday. Plus the time off playing gives me chance to upgrade my pedalboard: bad GASattack this year.
  25. plus one for 51mon's suggestion of reaper. It's not free but is a fraction of the cost of any other daw i've used. It doesn't do everything viat some of the 'big boys' do, but is very good for most things. If you're running on a mac then i'd in for firewire over usb anyday. The MOTU stuff is rock solid in every sense of the word. I'm still using an old (10 years probably) motu 828 mark one which does 8 tracks simultaneously without any hiccups. Give also had great results with the sapphire pro that someone else mentioned. I've seen the same motu as mine go for about £150 on the bay, so should be able to get one for less than the price of a digital multitrack unit if you're that way inclined.
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