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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. Al, yes I bought it. I did say as much in my post but worded it oddly. Yes, as Cameron says, you can turn off the dirt. And have a clean octave. I didn’t have the instruction manual when playing it in the shop so it took a while to figure out what the knobs were for. I was turning a couple that seemed to have no effect until I realised what was going on. The Nøjs side of the pedal has two subsections: the “Nøjs” knob is a dirty sub octave which has a “colour” (tone/filter) knob with it. The “Level” knob is the level of the normal octave synth tone which has a gain and a tone knob with it. The Octo side of the pedal has a knob for the sub and a filter/tone for the sub. It can also get growly with the tone turned up and quite fat with it rolled off (though not quite Octamizer fat). The dry knob puts the clean signal equally into both sides of the pedal. It sounds really cool with the right side engaged, the Nøjs rolled off and the gain really low on the normal synth tone. There are so many great sounds on this pedal. And stick it in front of an envelope filter (I tested it with the Discumbobulator which I’ll talk about in the big filter thread) and it sounds even cooler. As Cameron knows, I’ve recently fallen for the 3 Leaf Doom. It sounds really synthy with the gain on low. I feel it loses its synthiness somewhat when the gain is really high and becomes a little bit more like a “normal” fuzz whereas the fuzz on the Octo-Nøjs retains its synth quality throughout the whole gain range. As regards tracking low notes with the sub engaged, it’s on a par with the Octamizer. Lower than B on the E string and you start to get some glitching. (The MXR still beats this comfortably in this regard. I can get to low F# before I get glitching.) I’m not sure how long it’ll take to find a used one of these. Darren at FX pedal rentals stocks these and they are a few quid cheaper than what I paid for this. I didn’t mind paying a little extra as I really wanted to support my local shop; I’ve spent several hours in there recently and the staff are great, lovely, friendly people and don’t pressure you at all. I really wanted to give them my money. One thing about the Octo-Nøjs that’s annoying is that the jack sockets are slightly narrower than all my other pedals (metric as opposed to imperial measurements, I suspect) and one of my Planet Waves cables won’t fit in at all!
  2. “If you could choose only one octave pedal… you wouldn’t be in the precarious financial situation you’re currently in.”
  3. Holy cow, the Octo-Nøjs is fantastic. I went to my local shop to check one out and ended up getting it (I almost had to fight the bass guy in the shop for it after he heard me playing it). Cameron, you’ll prove the ruin of me! :-)
  4. There are (Precisions out there with Jazz necks on them as standard (both from Fender and other companies). Check out Buster Williams playing a Jazz on Herbie Hancock's album "Fat Albert Rotunda" it's super fat and easily rivals a P. I want to know how to get that sound out of mine! I'm guessing he used flatwound or tapewounds.
  5. Depends what you need it for. If you want the sound of a Jazz with both pickups in use then a Jazz is the only way to go. If you just want to use the P pickup soloed and the J pickup soloed then a PJ is great choice. I have a Fender PJ (PJ pickups in the normal (60s) position, P body J neck and it's very versatile. I personally don't like the sound of both pickups on full though it's a different sound from a Jazz with both pickups on full.
  6. Is that not a mix between dry and wet (octave) signals? So if you've got the dry on a constant level it overrides its function perhaps?
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. I have a similar thing on both my Octamizer and MXR and it was on my T-16 too: the knobs all the way still allow a faint signal through. I just assumed it was normal for analogue octaves.
  9. Just bought a Fwonkbeta from Paul and it was exactly as described and was posted the same day and arrived the next. Clear and prompt communication. I’d have no hesitations in dealing with him again. Many thanks for giving up the funk.
  10. I’m just going to leave this here: https://youtu.be/QBZKIJkfRU8
  11. Quatschmacher


    I recently bought an Octamizer from Tim who kindly contacted me after seeing my wanted ad. The transaction was all sorted really quickly and easily. The pedal arrived safely and promptly and was exactly as described. Many thanks.
  12. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1507482113' post='3385767'] Do it! [/quote] Go on then. PM coming.
  13. Would you mind putting a video up of the new Micro-Tron III? I signed up for the mail out but never received anything and they’d all been and gone by the next time I checked. I’m still puzzled by the choice of putting the sweep direction as a foot switch given that you generally have to dial in different settings for up and down sweeps. It would’ve made far more sense to use the second footswitch to toggle the expression pedal on and off a la the Wonderlove. Tempted by the Fwonkbeta…
  14. I didn’t go to the presentations so it was otherwise mostly a mixture of retailers/manufacturers and then loads of exhibitors who’ve built crazy home-made modular synths. The modular thing is a bit over my head to be honest. I got to try a bunch of Moog stuff, including a Theremini, which was fun and some weighted controller keyboards. I did get to try the Discumbobulator and Octo-Nøjs pedals but only via a synth so couldn’t get a real sense of how they’d sound on my bass. I was really looking forward to trying out some of the virtual pianos by Sonic Couture but sadly and somewhat short-sightedly they didn’t bring them to their display stand. The sound great and they’re offering a hefty 40% discount code but I still wanted to get an idea of how they play before dropping £50-£80 per item as it’s not like I can sell it on afterwards if I don’t rate it. It was a bit overwhelming to be honest but worth a look.
  15. Going back to the subject of large pedals: I just saw a Mu-Tron Bi-Phase in the flesh today at the UK Synth Fest in Sheffield and it makes the Glou-Glou look small.
  16. The grain on the body is phenomenal! It’s got to be the nicest figuring I’ve ever seen on a MM bass.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. And this: https://youtu.be/GqHocC6lUxU They make the Moogerfooger pedals look petite by comparison.
  19. I’ve just become aware of this beast: https://youtu.be/HYj6gPy1va4
  20. Beautiful. Had it been 2EQ I may have been tempted.
  21. Thanks, Chris. It does have a speaker input at the back, though. Again, sorry for sounding thick, but what’s that for? I’d presume one could run a cab from it. Edit - I just looked on the Avalon website and it’s for recording from the speaker (hence input as opposed to output). It makes sense now. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1506074666' post='3376249'] Hello mate, needs to go into an amp live (either a normal rig or power amp only, but through headphones it's lovely. Obviously great for recording also. Chris [/quote]
  22. This is probably a dumb question. Can this be used instead of an amp head to power a cab onstage? Or does it need to go into an amp head? The only time I’ve seen this in use is in Angeldust Guitars’ bass demos where he runs it into an Aguilar DB750 and it sounds great. I’m very tempted, if only to have a great-sounding way of practising with headphones at home.
  23. I’ve found that my MXR Distortion sounds better in front of the filter. Bear in mind, it has a dry knob too, which helps. It’s a different story if there’s only a distorted signal as it has less bottom end to drive the filter (so probably works better in the filter’s loop if it has one).
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