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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509919023' post='3402649'] Excellent. If anyone else is interested in seeing if there is any benefit / additional convenience from a bulk purchase order of Iron Ether pedals (e.g. in terms of saved shipping or bulk discount) please give me a shout. We're up to a tally of 3 pedals so far, I'm guessing if we can get up to 5+ between us then that would start to make it interesting for them as manufacturers. [/quote] Might be worth asking Darren from fxpedalrentals.com too; he’s on here (Tonyxtiger or something like that).
  2. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509810799' post='3401818'] Looks like there's a bit of a head of steam picking up around this pedal. We could maybe think about putting in a 'bulk order' if several of us are looking to get this and the only option is get directly from the US? That maybe would allow us to negotiate a discount on purchase and some savings on transport costs? Just a thought - but I'm seriously interested too. I'd be happy to coordinate unless someone else is a dab hand at US imports (e.g. dB or DB? - just realised we have two BC pedal experts with same avatar initials! ) [/quote] I'd likely be up for this (and would probably throw in a Xerograph Deluxe while I’m at it).
  3. Playing a bass with a neck pickup helps tracking, rolling off tone too. Depends what you’re after. Do you want synthy soloed octave down or something fatter to beef up your dry signal?
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  5. Is this just for suppressing hum or can it be used to make a fuzz pedal into a gated fuzz?
  6. I need to try this. Does anyone have one? https://youtu.be/mu9zVeDBIAI
  7. [quote name='jposega' timestamp='1509814876' post='3401852'] The dip switches let you set the function of both footswitches. Mine is set so that left is bypass, right solos the sub signal. You can also have it setup so that the right brings in and out the square wave signal. [/quote] Cool, thanks. Is it possible to set one side up to solo the sub and the other side to switch in the square wave? i.e. removing the bypass function altogether? If so, you could set it up thusly and use an LS-2 as the bypass switch, giving more options.
  8. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509797989' post='3401712'] @Q - So if you could only go for one synth pedal would it be the ultra compact [url="https://www.banananaeffects.com/products/matryoshka"]Bananana[/url] or the [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aatqpmztb60"]FMeron[/url] or neither / something completely different - as I see you're really after an analogue pedal, due to latency and tracking issues? [/quote] I’m not sure yet without having played any of them (except a quick go on the Freqbox, but I think I did it without the sync being switched on so I wasn’t getting the results I wanted). I’m not so fussed about the size, though bonus if it could be small and run off a standard supply. I’m more interested in the sound (multiple oscillators, waveforms and registers is better) and how well it tracks and copes with fast notes. As a side note, having a gate would be a welcome addition too. Do you guys use any kind of separate gate pedal?
  9. Yup. I just checked out the FMeron and ended up looking at his review of the Xerograph Deluxe; I’m totally going to have to get hold of one now.
  10. This is pretty cool, thanks for alerting me to this Danny. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509788915' post='3401602'] I couldn't see this pedal listed on the [url="https://ironether.com/"]Iron Ether website[/url] [/quote] It is on the website, it’s just not listed under “pedals” on the drop-down menu but rather it has its own section: https://ironether.com/pedals/fmeron/
  11. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1509739641' post='3401384'] They aren’t available yet. I’m patiently waiting though! [/quote] I meant, where are pigtronix pedals usually stocked in the uk?
  12. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1509709081' post='3401055'] Wait for the new Pigtronix Mothership 2 to come out [/quote] I knew you’d have a good suggestion. That looks pretty interesting. Where are they stocked in the UK?
  13. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1509722167' post='3401209'] I’ve owned both a Wonderlove Deluxe and a Proton v2 and found the proton much, much easier to dial in a useable sound. It has fewer knobsbswitches and is half the size though, so you’d expect that! Less flexible as far as routing options go but for me, plug & play wins over complexity almost every time. The notable exception to my rule being Source Audio stuff which can get ludicrously deep but I like having those little powerhouses at my disposal sometimes. [/quote] Yes, the Wonderlove is harder to dial in initially than the Proton. I know what you mean about some of the knobs seemingly having little effect. I thought so too until I worked out how they interact with one another. For example, the decay knob has a far more pronounced effect when the cutoff (tone) knob is dialled high and more so if the sensitivity is higher because filter will travel a greater distance when triggered so it’ll be more noticeable whether it covers this distance on the way back in a short or long space of time.
  14. I’ve had the Wonderlove and v3 Proton side by side.
  15. [quote name='paulo m' timestamp='1509688361' post='3400847'] If you can find one' a 3 leaf GR2 envelope filter is superb on bass' believe me.. combined with Octave ( i have both a Cog T16 & an original Boss OC2 ( the Bronze One) Before them a MXR bass compressor then after the GR2 in my chain a EBS microbassII with a overdriven channel....Combining all four of these pedals & i know it sounds a lot...Give's a gargantuan Synth Funk' Sound.. In closing check out the (Bass-Pedals.Com) site for invaluable info & brilliant sound clips.... [/quote] The GR2 has been replaced by the Wonderlove as far as I know. (I have the latter; have never played the former but from the videos and descriptions I’ve seen it appears to be a precursor to the Wonderlove.)
  16. After playing with the Future Impact and loving the possibilities but being a bit disappointed by the feel due to latency and tracking difficulties I am on the lookout for an analogue pedal which can generate various waveforms from my bass’s signal for the purposes of creating synth tones. I’m aware of the Moogerfooger Freqbox (anyone here used it?). What else is out there? Something which could replicate the Minimoog D’s ability to switch octaves and have multiple oscillators would be great. Does such a thing exist?
  17. Are there any pedals out there which have exactly the same controls as the filter in the Minimoog model D? Specifically, cutoff, emphasis (resonance), amount of contour (how much envelope affects the sweep), attack time, decay time, sustain level. (The last one is the one I’ve never come across on other filter pedals as a direct control; it's usually achieved in conjunction with using the envelope to sweep the filter further to lengthen the time between attack and decay.) Relatedly, are there any pedals which replicate the D’s loudness contour controls? I wonder if this could be a mission for Mr. Broughton?
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1509691229' post='3400849'] Re the Octabvre Mini - for me it’s all about the soloed octave sound with this pedal. However it’s very sensitive to what you plug into it. Some basses can sound quite flat and uninteresting, very bass heavy but not much character - but a passive P Bass sounds amazing. [/quote] Same with the Mark II for me. I’ll second the P bass view too. In fact, I’m considering selling my Sterling to maybe fund another P bass (or more pedals).
  19. Pedal bash sounds like a great idea, I’d be up for that. Are you in London now, Cameron? Relatedly, I’m there next weekend (going to see Chris Potter at the Barbican) and maybe some other gigs; if anyone is up for meeting up for some bass frolicks then that’d be cool. I could probably bring a pedal or two.
  20. You should still try some low pass filters for comparison to your band pass BEF.
  21. Weirdly the OC-3 sounds way better if you plug the bass into the guitar input as opposed to the bass input.
  22. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509655079' post='3400674'] Itch fully now scratched in relation to: Third: Emma Okto Nojs (nice additional dirt, but I guess somewhat superfluous if you already have a dirt pedal, which I do) [/quote] The difference here is that there are two dirty signals, one at pitch and one an octave lower. It gives more options than if you were adding dirt after octaver, either directly or in parallel line. It’s funny how tracking differs for different people/setups.
  23. The Broughctave sounds very interesting, I’d certainly like to try one, though it looks like they may be hard to come by. Do you have a PDF of the manual and any video clips? I’m curious to know about the dip switch settings.
  24. @Al There are a few pedals with a blend: Wonderlove, Qballs Enigma, Moog MF-101; the Qtrons have a “mix” mode which blends BP with clean, though at a fixed ratio (probably 50:50). A way around those that don’t is to use a Boss LS-2 in mix mode.
  25. The filter in this Glou Glou pedal is really cool. It’s not as resonant as some other filters I have or have tried (such as the Fwonkbeta and the Moogerfooger) but all the settings are useable without spikes (and it has a level control). The thing that’s exciting me the most are the highest three (of the eleven) discrete filter sweep speeds which make it sound really fuzzy and synthy. Cameron, I am pretty sure you’ll dig this a lot just for this bit. A dry signal blend, expression pedal input and a loop would be welcome additions though. If they made the filter as a stand-alone unit I’d probably get that. The other side of the pedal is capable of some ridiculous sounds. The LFO can go into audible frequencies so can go all ring mod. When used as a straight vibrato or phaser it produces some lovely sounds. You can also use the envelope to trigger the phaser so get a kind of phase wah which is really sweet. Such a shame it’s €580. I’ve got it for two weeks so will see if I feel the need to sell a bunch of other pedals to get one. I’m looking forward to seeing what else this can do. I’m really digging the sounds on the Future Impact but the fast note triggering issues are making it a less enjoyable experience than it could be. Maybe I should try with another bass and/or try a fret wrap or foam mute to see if that helps with cleaner articulation between notes.
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