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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. I totally want these, but have spent far too much money on toys for recording this weekend.
  2. The Sansamp turned up wicked fast, in box with manual, off to practice with it saturday. Cheers.
  3. [quote name='chrisba' post='187875' date='Apr 29 2008, 10:41 AM']As a bit of a newbie, I have a related question. I have a Squier P-Bass, which I've had for a couple of years, I've been playing a lot more recently, including a gig or two, so I decided it was about time to put new strings on. According to the sticker, the bass was supplied with Fender 7250 strings ( they have red threads on the end ). I replaced them with a pack of 7250 M ( .045-105 ), which have black threads, so they are clearly not quite the same. My main issue is that the sound is incredibly different, much tinnier and twangy-er, more resonance, less bass, much more noise from finders sliding along them. Doesn't really suit our pop and soft to hard rock style at all. My question is. is this due to... 1 - Them being a lighter grade than the originals 2 - They need playing in ( this is the first time I have changed the strings, so have never experienced the difference ) 3 - The sticker lied, and the originals were something different. Any ideas ?[/quote] Thats the sound of new strings, without the 'funk' thats in the 'funk'. They'll die down as you sweat into them, till then, roll off your tone knob.
  4. 50s, suddenly basses weren't all huge any more.
  5. [quote name='budget bassist' post='187453' date='Apr 28 2008, 06:29 PM']I'm moving house on friday and i just cleared a cupboard out and realised there was loads of kids board games and stuff in there that i don't use (i'm 17 now) and i won't have anywhere to put them in the new house. I can't remember what a lot of the board games were (there was a harry potter one), but there were also a couple of smallish meccano sets which are now mixed up so you can't really just take one, and the same for a couple of lego sets, one of which was the harry potter train one and an insect one that makes noises and all that jazz. They're mixed up but i still have the instructions and most/all the pieces, so if any of you have kids that want them (or you want to feel young again ) i'm in the nottingham area so come have a look if you want. Alternatively if you paypal me a few quid i'll send them to you once i've moved as they're currently all boxed up. I also have a fair bit of fishing gear that i'm selling (rods, nets etc, some good gear) so PM me if you're interested. Mods, if you don't find it appropriate, feel free to edit that last bit out.[/quote] I call the lego, I still make stuff with that. Love the stuff, only thing better is technical lego, due to ease, used to make models of mechwarriors and stuff.
  6. [quote name='thedarxide' post='187547' date='Apr 28 2008, 08:20 PM']The green one? It was a nice price, but the damage put me off, especially with those super hi-res pics on the auction![/quote] Oh, no the stripped to wood one, NJ, no. 290224275204
  7. One is a standard mono with both pups going to it, one is a stereo one with pups split. Stereo wiring is awesome.
  8. I scored the knackerd warlock. Think a trashed point bass would be ideal style for our stuff.
  9. Hmm, suddenly I have my suspicions about when Shockwave mentioned a dream bass appearing on ebay. It ticks all his boxes.
  10. How about let your guitarist name the band the first name that comes into his head, and put up with everyone how that relates to doom metal [see sig]?
  11. What is the thing between the nut and the first machine head?
  12. Brass will change your open string sound a bit in theory, and graphtec is very brittle, so you have to make sure you file it to just the right size, otherwise you'll have same problem again.
  13. One of my basses was hung in a shop window for ages, it made the rosewood go very pale and the red paint to go pink. Not recomended.
  14. I've got a full set of hardware for a Westone I stripped to restore, its all tatty and stuff, shoot me a pm, I'm tempted to let it all for and start from scratch with just the body (the neck needs a new fingerboard).
  15. If you put in a block under the whole neck pocket, then the contact area should be sthe same as before, which would make no noticeable difference in sustain. In addition, many stock basses will come with a shim in anyway. Get some numbers on how much sustain it has with and without the shim.
  16. Other fun with amps is passive vs active eq,some valve amps have passive eq and thats all cut, my DHA pedal has passive eq, found it best to turn all up and turn stuff down to adjust.
  17. Picking everyones brains at every opportunity, finding how to make every noise to can come out of a bass and gradually figuring which ones to not do.
  18. Is this related to Jedson? I have a matching Jedson short scale bass, well, identical one on the bay had a Jedson badge.
  19. Have any idea how this compares to the normal Pi? Lookin to save some pedal board/ backpack space.
  20. I've got the rackmount Exciter with big bottom, is that the one you aer after? Think it needs a new fuse, got it in america, never used it. Not sure if it needs somethign changing for UK voltage. There are a few things you have I'm after.
  21. Not Mr. Sheen. Wax on bodies, lemon oil on dark fingerboards. Check the tech issues forum, theres already bunches of this there.
  22. I always use the same cutters as I use for trimming strings, cause they are always handy.
  23. All round slick exchange. Cheers.
  24. In the quest for epic silly noise, this is the next target, been playing with the one on my ME50, whats the options on equivalent in pedal form thats not in triple figures on the bay?
  25. Get some helpful american to get one and send it. Surely with all the bass forum time you know someone, the uglybassplayer forum is good. Sure a few people could vouch for you if you don't have a presence there, like me, I guess, I've dealt with them bunches, and I know (roughly) where you live.
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