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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

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  3. [quote name='tempo' post='166200' date='Mar 30 2008, 01:13 AM']Yeah, sorry. I didnt think. DO NOT THINK AS A MUSICIAN, ONLY A BASSIST![/quote] In Shockwaves defence (and that will be a rare thing, as I'm generally inclined to make fun of him behind his back), he is coming from the perspective of a shred guitarist turned bassist, so his point is to an extent valid, in that all guitarists only think one way, and can't accept any other way of thinking until they try to learn a real instrument like the bass.. There, I think I sort of struck a balance between defence and still making fun of there...
  4. I won this a while back, should be arriving soon (had some fun with that). [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=190199467160&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=009"]OHM head[/url] Is it similar to that? Will be paying attention to the things your mods achieve.
  5. A bit of work with a razor and a lighter cures the silk winding problem.
  6. Tone hole. One of Leo's innovations, not a CNC locating point at all.
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  9. My favourite is dragonburst on some really evenly quilted maple, proper looks like the underneath of a dragon should.
  10. [quote name='cheddatom' post='164302' date='Mar 27 2008, 09:17 AM']Do you have two outputs on your bass to do this? That's cool![/quote] Yeah, just made it more technical that putting a new pickup in and wiring to a new jack and had OBBM make stereo cables and put a single jack in so it looks all normal, and less Sheehan wannabe. Good for borrowing guitarist's effects without losing your lows.
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  12. I use a standard silver big muff at the moment, blended with clean. I put the bridge pup through the muff and the the neck pup clean, so I can have it snarl up my sound a bit, then turn up the pup to bring the roaring feedback for those parts (playing slow droning doom). Gonna go check out the other muff options.
  13. Dammit dude, what happened to the blazer being one too many. And the riclone being 2 too many?
  14. [quote name='jammie17' post='101484' date='Dec 8 2007, 08:02 PM']No, Rickenbacker has always been cool. At least with me. They have admitted "dead spots" and even described them at length and have listened to their customers input and improved their basses. The new vintage switch, thinner neck profile and adjustable poles on their pickups for the 4003 series basses came from complaints about quiet "e" strings and other remarks. That company listens to their customers. And the year long wait and high resale shows the high quality of the instrument.[/quote] From GWbasses website in his restoration of a Ric: [quote]A block of lead had been put in a hollow spot in the back of the fingerboard... weird, huh? I talked to Rickenbacker and they said it was for helping to eliminate dead spots.[/quote]
  15. If you are playing unplugged, it might not be a problem once your plugged in. I've just put new steel strings on my bass, theres a fair amount of clank when I fret, not really an issue when you compete with a Peavey 51050 and a marshall with respective 4x12s.
  16. My guitarist likes bass cabs for his downtuned sound (my bass cabs currently). There is much less colouration from bass cabs, and flatter response from amps, so if you are playing guitar through a bass rig, one of the many modelling jobs is a good plan.
  17. Its all in the fingers. Wish will make with however many strings you ask for. Also, finishing is hugely time consuming so it is a pretty big cost, spend a week over Christmas putting the finish on my Wishbass, whats a weeks wages come to?
  18. When asked what strings he used to get his sound, he asked Nile Rodgers what strings came on a Stingray.
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  20. Three letters: DHA You can use the other pedals to drive one and get the valve overdriven sound.
  21. I think it was an intor. Er, hi dude, you're not from round here are you?
  22. Surely you are much better off bringing one with you, you know, the one you 'brought with you' when you left the UK? Also, bringing another one back for me, maybe a black Traben Chaos, one with a 35" scale? Tuning to A might like that.
  23. [quote name='barneythedog' post='159970' date='Mar 18 2008, 10:01 PM']Nice joining of the body pieces too. everything I have seen of these is just utter c**p. Why oh why do people buy this garbage? Maybe it's his demo on you tube.[/quote] Ever played one? Or are basses about looking awesome?
  24. I already emailed and phoned, got no reply. [Bassassin can vouch I saw first]
  25. If I could make my living making slightly poo basses I would. The fact that people always bid on every one I've seen is sort of a reason, course, if they BIN I won't see. The holes are precision aligned to improve resonance in the fundamentals of those strings in the body wood. I think he learned it off Fender.
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