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Everything posted by goblin

  1. Update! [URL=http://s88.photobucket.com/user/goblin92/media/5B1D06F0-4AE9-4769-A938-881AD768F58B_zps08bmi5xz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k195/goblin92/5B1D06F0-4AE9-4769-A938-881AD768F58B_zps08bmi5xz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Here's mine as it stands now (minus power supply and leads). Rear right of the board is my Sennheiser wireless receiver (legal), which is wired to the A side of the A/B box. Then the signal link is as an order on the board, TU3 being first, MXR is last. I've had to do a couple of little tweaks to make life easier, first one is a side to straight adaptor for the other side of the AB box. [URL=http://s88.photobucket.com/user/goblin92/media/A2D20188-31E0-4599-A6F8-3C6F427A4309_zpsfxnrabpg.jpg.html][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k195/goblin92/A2D20188-31E0-4599-A6F8-3C6F427A4309_zpsfxnrabpg.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hosa, so it's pretty decent quality for the money, and I can just plug my lead in for when I'm not on wireless, without having to lift any pedals out of the foam. I've got an Artec power block on order now, so all the pedals on 9v will run off it, and I've got one with a 12v out at 300mA, so with a polarity reverser, I can also power the wireless receiver too. Result!
  2. I have a love of ACC gear! I used to run a 470 with a Paulman 4x10 cab. Moved it on because I couldn't get the cab into the back of a VW Polo We've got an Acoustic Model 120 at home though, recently had a service and sounds great!
  3. I run a '97 US L2500 as my main bass - can't fault it at all. I prefer playing it to the Wal! I've played Tributes before, and for the money, out of the box, you can't really complain. A bass is only really as good as the setup though, there are some great basses out there let down by shoddy setups and such. The things I like about mine are that, it sounds good. I mean, REALLY good. I leave the EQ on my amp and MXR on flat and haven't yet had issues getting a sound suitable for a song out of it. Last night's gig was cab-less, so I was running straight from the M80+ to the desk, and it sounded absolutely fantastic through the PA on it's own. It also looks great, they're real head turners, but they're not ostentatious or flashy. People in the know, know exactly what it is and how good a product it is. Those who aren't in the know and are only interested in a 'big' brand, haven't a clue. That's fine by me. Value for money - what can I say? Mine cost me less than £1000. I've played Fenders and such for more than that, which I wouldn't trade it for. Then there's exclusivity, in the UK, they're not overly common. I still see it as a nice surprise to see another one at a gig somewhere, especially a US model. My recommendation is to go for one, you won't regret it, and if you do? It'll easily sell on.
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  5. You can get an decent middle aged Warwick for that, if you're lucky you might be able to snip a USA G&L too, but you'd be pushing it there! You'd be right at the top end of your budget if you did!
  6. Fingers crossed, if it's the same guy as usual at the Cavern Club ( nice Chinese fella ), then you'll be alright in there. No idea how often the guy at the pub does it, but if you see double denim, panic
  7. I've recently fancied the look of a Ray, so tried a 5 stringer for a recent gig. Played great, and it sounded good too, but I just couldn't get a sound that I liked for the gig out of one. The twin humbucker layout on my G&L is much better, and when I want to, I can easily get a Stingray sound from it, plus much, much more!
  8. It's a cracking festival that one! I depped in for a band on Tuesday just gone for the same, 18:30 at the pub then 22:30 down at the club. Had a great day and lots of great music. Just a shame the sound engineer at the Cavern Pub was embarrassingly bad!
  9. I took delivery of a pair of ACS Pro 17s this week, tried them at rehearsal and thought they were great. I've just come back from a fairly loud gig with them and they've blown me away. I get the occasional bit of leakage coming through, but that doesn't bother me and actually shows how well they're working when sealed! Still nice and clear, I can hear everything with ease and if anything it helped with my (poor attempts at) backing vocals as I could hear myself better!
  10. Fair enough they're readily available so something to consider for the future. The plugs are more vital to me (especially after a dickhead sound engineer actually made our keys players ears bleed!). Cheers for the advice
  11. Oooh they look nice. It's my turn to jump in with a question now, which I can't seem to find a definitive answer to. I'm looking for IEMs on a budget, on the basis that A. I don't have much money to spend, and B. I won't use them often, but I've got more dep gigs coming in where they're required (cabless bands, etc) I'm a bit torn between ACS T15s and Shure 215s. I've used the Shures live before, and they seemed very good, but the 'moulded' fit wasn't all that moulded as it's obviously a universal fit, and they did become a tad uncomfortable, but I did like the sound of them. And they're quite cheap second hand. Now I've got a pair of ACS Pro17s on order which should be with me within the coming week, so the obvious choice would be the T15s as I know they fit in the moulds. What I'm wondering, is will any other driver such as the 215 / 315s be insertable into the plugs?
  12. They're not my favourite band, but they're one of the bands I want to see an entire concert of before they die, I saw half of their set at Download a couple of years ago, so seeing them at Glasto this year doesn't bother me, I'll watch half of their set and then I'm sorted
  13. It also means if set lists get edited at the last minute, you don't have to scribble all over them and they still look neat. Another benefit I've found to iRealPro is when the singer turns round just before the start of a song saying "Oh can we do it in *insert key* "
  14. I have mine on stage for Spotify (background music between sets, playlists preset to offline mode), and then I'll flip between Pages with a nice, clear set list on it (sometimes I'll use Setlist Maker), and then iRealPro for chord charts / structures when required.
  15. Last night's gig was a good'un. It was thrown together when the landlord of one of the pubs I play at texted me last week to see if I could muster anything up (I'm between bands at the moment and doing mostly dep work!) - A few phone calls later, I had a band! A singer / guitarist who I've worked with previously and known for years, and then the guitarist and drummer from my previous band, Electric Lounge (who're both really damn good!). Spent the night blagging it, but no issues at all, pub was packed and everyone were on their feet dancing, I had a couple of iffy moments when the singer told me on the spot he wanted to sing something in a different key Anyway, after the gig a guy came up to me, turns out he's an American bassist and his band are over here doing a UK tour, and he had a night off so came along to the gig, and he really liked my playing which was nice. He then went on to say that me, the drummer and guitarist are really tight in together and should get into a full time band together! Well... a bit awkward considering I chose to leave that band! I loved working with them and last night reminded me how much I miss them, but some band politics (not really to do with either of them) led to me choosing to leave before sh*t got nasty with a member
  16. I occasionally DI at uni depending how shagged the bass amp in a rehearsal room is. Works alright with the G&L, but with other passive basses there's a limit of flexibility. I'd suggest the best way to go would be good IEMS, and a Lehle RMI Basswitch DI - I've used one live with Shure in ears, and it sounded great. I just don't like the isolation from the rest of the gig. I'd much prefer a rig every day of the week.
  17. That one's going into my collection of comebacks
  18. I think he's just called it time and wants to go on to pursue other musical ventures. Fair enough to him, his replacement is Keith Carlock, so a very good replacement at least!
  19. Sadly I reckon the jam session is dying. They're all very much becoming open mic, so anyone can perform but it's only really rehearsed stuff nowadays. There's still some jamming happening where you're busking it out with each other and hoping for the best, but that's as far as it goes.
  20. Well, it was released onto iTunes (currently downloading as I type), and listening to it on Spotify. All I can say is, wow! I guess it's just a shame that Simon Phillips and Nathan East will be leaving them
  21. I was on one of many dep jobs last night... and I sang backing vocals. First time I've sang live since 2004... needless to say, I was terrified!
  22. I like having my own rig, but I gigged recently using an RMI Basswitch DI. Straight out into the desk, and then a return for my in ears... It made me wonder, that's for sure!
  23. If I remember rightly, I sold an Acoustic 470 head and it was gone within 20 minutes of posting it... sorry guys
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