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Everything posted by goblin

  1. I'm on my third iPad and they're brilliant. Get a full sized one though, that's why I'm on my third. Went for a mini after my iPad 2 to discover it's too small. I've got a clamp for mine which lets it go on a music stand, and it's great for my charts and such. The only gripe I've had is turning pages every now and again, sometimes it's not as co-operative as I'd like. Set it up with AirTurn and it'll be fantastic though. There are plenty of apps around too such as iRealPro, Songbook, MusicNotes Viewer.
  2. Not going to lie, I've owned 34 and 35 inch scale basses, and I've never had issues going between them, or even really noticed to be honest. The only real difference on the 35 is that the B was tighter and more focused. I wouldn't let the scale bother you too much, and I've got relatively small hands too!
  3. Nope, I know someone who got an early OLP Stingray for £40 today That, and my dad picked up the Wal for £400...
  4. You can get a lot of bang for your buck at £300 with the right deals. If you want something Jap, check my signature
  5. I really like Peterson combos, not so easy to get hold of nowadays but they sound great. I use my dads a lot, and it sounds great. Punchy, easy to use and I've not yet had a sound I don't like out of it.
  6. You willing to split by any chance? could be tempted by a 5 set.
  7. Standard "I need to tax my car at the end of the month" bump. Now £260. Open to sensible offers too!
  8. I'll be starting to take half of a mic stand to gigs soon...
  9. A body bag... ...they're great for carrying PA leads. I'll get my coat.
  10. Cheers Shep, I wondered if technique could have been anything to do with it, I'm a very clean player, but I'm still getting used to the G&L, and it's a very unforgiving bass, partly due to how hot a signal it sends, it highlights more deficiencies in my playing - same story with the Wal. So by the looks of it, need to improve my playing
  11. Yeah I thought it would, I'll give it a shot and see what happens. I played with the demo unit at LBGS to see what their settings were like, and it was fantastic, so I have a hunch it's partly signal related. I've not yet tried it with my Jazz so perhaps I'll give that a shot, see if it's any better.
  12. Hi all, I'm running an Aggy Octamizer as per title, and so far so good it's been great, but it's not been perfect. I find that it doesn't track as cleanly as I'd like it to and wondering if there's anything I could do to improve it. Signal chain goes as follows - A/B Box - Tuner - Octamizer - Chorus - Compression. I tried moving it to the end of the chain, but didn't see much improvement, and it got worse when I tried adding chorus, so I put it in between comp and chorus, and it seems to have improved things a bit, but not enough. Has anyone got any further thoughts? My basses have pretty hot signals so I'm wondering if this could perhaps be effecting it, as with my previous Warwick which wasn't quite so hot, it seemed fine.
  13. I use Mono now, having used a leather gig bag previously. It offers great protection, makes the weight of the bass much more manageable and looks fantastic, and it sits at a nice height too rather than swinging around my ankles (I'm only a short to be fair), but like others have said, it does get uncomfortable for a while. Fortunately my walk down to uni with it is less than 5 minutes, so it's not too bad. That said, I've also walked over 2 miles with it on my back before, and it's been fine. Much better than the previous Warwick bags I've used.
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1394531490' post='2392202'] Are you sure you just posted that to the right site? [/quote] You mean this isn't.... ohhh sh*t, I thought I was on ass chat!
  15. Oh and the downfall? My load is incredibly large, I get assistance loading and unloading at gigs, but at home it's not so much fun!
  16. A lot of the time I do sound and playing at the same time, as it's usually my PA which is in use. The key to doing it successfully is to have the desk in close range. It can be a bit tricky as I run a 20 channel desk, so finding somewhere for it can be tricky. For sound check, I always set levels quite loud, and then bring them down a bit for the gig itself. It means I've got headroom on the desk if anything needs to be raised, and there's a lot less of a worry about feedback. So far so good, whilst playing I've never had any issues. Only things like the singer asking for more of her in the monitors, which is fine, one knob does that. Spend a good amount of time studying the desk, learn it's controls inside out. It makes it a lot easier, as you spend less time panicking and staring at it, looking for something like a mid pot.
  17. Seconded with Beyer Dynamic, we've had ours for years. Senn appear to be pretty decent too, my drummer friend has an ancient one which just just come to me for repair from a threaded screw. Even if it's ancient, a lick of paint and sorting the thread will be a lot cheaper than replacing, and it'll see another good few years I reckon.
  18. I'm selling my 4" leather and suede Moody Leather strap, these are very high quality straps and I love it, but having just changed to a Mono strap and I have more straps than I can shake a stick at, this one's currently surplus to requirements. At it's shortest (in the pictures), it's approximately 40 inches, although you can manipulate them to go even shorter (I'm only short!), and it'll go a lot longer, though I haven't got my tape measure with me so can't quite measure how long I'm afraid. It makes playing heavy basses very comfortable, but I found the width to be a bit of an issue for my relatively skinny figure, and I lose straps, it's a bit of a fancy one to lose It's black leather with a cream suede back, it's a couple of years old but it's in pretty much mint condition. There're marks where the strap locks were, but they'll probably disappear over time, or if you put SLs on, then it won't be noticeable. The suede has darkened a little bit, but nothing major at all, and doesn't detract from the overall aesthetics of the strap. £75 + £5 postage takes it, or cash on collection is always welcome. [url="http://s88.photobucket.com/user/goblin92/media/Basses/Basses%20for%20sale/C40F38C2-C35E-4730-A2B2-528CB4AC72E5_zpsvchffo8t.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s88.photobucket.com/user/goblin92/media/Basses/Basses%20for%20sale/6879542B-1CA7-49CF-A44C-302E80F6BE4C_zps1wjajtfu.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s88.photobucket.com/user/goblin92/media/Basses/Basses%20for%20sale/76E6A0E9-1C34-4D8A-89C3-42274B5880DA_zpsx1m6icpm.jpg.html"][/url]
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