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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Good work! Enjoy it - playing bass live is where it all makes sense.
  2. The Vox is quite flimsy build quality I agree, but in terms of spec they seem decent. And they come up here secondhand for about £25 so I’ve bought a couple in case it I break another one.
  3. That’s nice. (I’ve also had the melting pickup foam on my Fender from 1970. Think it just deteriorates but easy enough to get new foam in there.) GLWTS.
  4. Here you go Dave - the FB page is here. There’s a couple of showreels on there which gives an idea. You’re 100% right tho - there’s some ace bass lines in there (quite a lot of which aren’t what you’d expect at first, but learned right they really lift the songs.) Thoroughly enjoy it. https://m.facebook.com/imstillstandingtour/
  5. Yeah I possibly picked the wrong moment to demonstrate how busy it was!
  6. That’s him! He was excellent. First time he’s depped with us.
  7. Elton John tribute gig at Kings Hall in Ilkley last night. Had a fantastic time! Good crowd, cool venue. Result 👍
  8. I suspect it was Wild Thing in a church hall youth club in Swansea in about 1987 on my white Westone bass. A few of us got together to do a gig (my first!) at Christmas 1988. I can’t remember the songs tho - I think Every Rose Has It’s Thorn was in there, and er Wild Thing…
  9. Most of the time with that rig I’m going thru a big front of house PA anyway so the onstage sound for me is what matters rather than how it sounds in the next room. I might give it a try tho. As the two cabs aren’t the same size it would make for a pretty weird looking vertical stack!
  10. Most of the time I’m only using a compressor, tuner and either a chorus or an octaver depending on the gig. None of which need to be changed rapidly, so I often set them up on top of my amp head (especially handy for cramped stages where I’d be tripping over cables otherwise.)
  11. 4x10 for onstage = righteous bass tone! I like to be heard and shift some air. No point being there otherwise.
  12. Exactly. That's the truth of it. I remember when I bought mine there was another identical one next to it but it was an absolute plank to play. Good and bad basses out there regardless of age, pedigree or any other perceived indicators of quality.
  13. Mine neither - I've got a 1970 TV logo P bass which weighs just 3.8kg, has lovely tight neck joint, slim B profile neck, no scrappy workmanship at all and sounds bright, loud and resonant.
  14. I can’t vouch for all the Barefaced range as I haven’t tried it. But in terms of the one cab I did own (Big Twin II I think it’s called) I much preferred the sound of the Markbass stuff. As I understand it Barefaced is great as FRFR stuff - a great blank canvas for effects etc. But for me as a plug in and play bassist (I just use a tuner, a compressor and occasionally a chorus if needed) then the Markbass stuff feels more like familiar ‘bass speakers’ territory rather than the super transparent Barefaced sound. Each to their own tho. Lots of people on here love their Barefaced cabs. They are incredibly light weight too - noticeably lighter than my Markbass cabs.
  15. I'm using a modular 4x10 arrangement made up of a STD102HF together with a Traveller 102P cab and my Little Mark head and I love it. Previous had a Barefaced 2x12 but the Markbass set up behaves much more like a bass rig for my needs, and still v light and portable. (Updated with image)
  16. And there are pads inside which move about to accommodate different body shapes. I’ve got a short scale Mustang in mine but it’s held snugly in place.
  17. Loving my Protection Racket case. It’s halfway between a rigid case and a gig bag. Really light but solid and tough. I think there’s even a secondhand one for sale on the forum somewhere.
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