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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Mine neither - I've got a 1970 TV logo P bass which weighs just 3.8kg, has lovely tight neck joint, slim B profile neck, no scrappy workmanship at all and sounds bright, loud and resonant.
  2. I can’t vouch for all the Barefaced range as I haven’t tried it. But in terms of the one cab I did own (Big Twin II I think it’s called) I much preferred the sound of the Markbass stuff. As I understand it Barefaced is great as FRFR stuff - a great blank canvas for effects etc. But for me as a plug in and play bassist (I just use a tuner, a compressor and occasionally a chorus if needed) then the Markbass stuff feels more like familiar ‘bass speakers’ territory rather than the super transparent Barefaced sound. Each to their own tho. Lots of people on here love their Barefaced cabs. They are incredibly light weight too - noticeably lighter than my Markbass cabs.
  3. I'm using a modular 4x10 arrangement made up of a STD102HF together with a Traveller 102P cab and my Little Mark head and I love it. Previous had a Barefaced 2x12 but the Markbass set up behaves much more like a bass rig for my needs, and still v light and portable. (Updated with image)
  4. And there are pads inside which move about to accommodate different body shapes. I’ve got a short scale Mustang in mine but it’s held snugly in place.
  5. Loving my Protection Racket case. It’s halfway between a rigid case and a gig bag. Really light but solid and tough. I think there’s even a secondhand one for sale on the forum somewhere.
  6. Hello, Selling my Markbass amp bag head which I bought from Mungobass of this very parish just a month ago. A mix up on my side means I’ve now got three bags and only two heads, so moving this one on. It’s the one that fits the Little Mark series of heads. Good condition. One tiny corner tear on the outside and an equally tiny gap on the lining on the inside (presumably where something has been pressing against it). Tried to show those in the photos. All padding, zips and everything else in perfect working order though. How does £30 posted sound? Or £25 if someone wants to collect it from me 15 mins drive south of Leicester. Cheers all.
  7. Just bought a Markbass amp bag from Ash. Absolutely spot on, great condition and easy transaction. Top man.
  8. Aha now I tried that (I’ve also got a second STD102HF to stack them together). I couldn’t decide if it was any better tho! I prefer mixing the Traveller cab (raucous and punchy) with the standard cab (smoother and more mellow) as the combination of sounds works well for me.
  9. Haven’t gigged at all during August and enjoyed the time off. Starting back next weekend with my usual rig - a Markbass LM3, 102P Traveller and STD102HF cabs (both 8ohms) but a couple of basses (sometimes swap the P for my Mustang). Its a good enough sounding rig for what I use, and modular enough to fit in a Ford Fiesta. updated: forgot to include pic!
  10. Given my finances, if I bought another bass now I’d end up having to chop it up for firewood to survive the winter…
  11. Can I just say “thanks to the Basschat community” on this one - I had quite a few really helpful replies from bassists offering to help out within a couple of hours of me posting this, which is brilliant. A dep is now sorted and hopefully I’ve made some useful contacts ready for the next time I mess up my diary and double book myself. Thanks all, and take it easy. Chris
  12. Hi all, Looking for a dep bassist to cover for me for a wedding gig in Leicestershire on November 5, 2022. Varied rock/pop covers set as part of a good five piece band - you know the sort of thing you get at weddings! Decent payer too. Possibly other local gigs in East Midlands in future. Drop me a line if interested and I’ll give you the full info. Cheers. Christian
  13. No I can’t read music at all. Always meant to get round to it but never did. Now the gap between my playing ability and reading ability is so big it would feel like a massive step backwards to try to match up the two. Rubbish excuse I know.
  14. Rubble sacks here too - nice and tough and just tape them together to cover the gig bag.
  15. I play both pick and fingerstyle. I find rolling off the tone a little does the job - takes out some of that harsh clackiness, but still allows you to dig in and get that nice pick attack. You might be right tho - adding some bass probably would work. Depends on your gear I suppose, and how it all sounds when it’s cooking along at stage volumes etc. I usually play on a P bass midway between the pickup and the bridge (just enough to avoid hitting either of them.) For years I’ve been using those big yellow Dunlop .73mm picks (like a rounded off triangle) but I seem to be the only person on Earth who likes them!
  16. Bands always come and go - it’s just life. Lost track of how many apparently promising bands/ideas I’ve been part of have fallen apart in the end. But if you’re into playing, and into your instrument, you’ll always find yourself looking for some to make music with. I’m 48 btw - no spring chicken but not retired yet, and with a full time job, kids etc - but a couple of good covers bands, some original stuff and some stuff just for fun ticks the boxes nicely for me. Never gonna be famous or rich - don’t care. It’s about enjoying the journey not the goal.
  17. Fewer, better gigs for me every time. I'm not against the occasional badly paid pub gig if its a good laugh, decent band etc. But 30ish gigs a year is plenty for me while juggling a full-time job and family, so I've no desperate need to add in bad gigs on top of that.
  18. Don't much like the colour on some of my basses, but I'll live with it. First world problems and all that.
  19. Picked up a nice Markbass amp head cover/case from Mungobass. Easy transaction, and a top guy.
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