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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. I love that clanky picked bass sound you got in the 80s that people don’t really use any more.
  2. I think my main rig is entirely from the BC classifieds anyway, and all under £300 per item. Little Mark head Markbass 2 x 10 cabs Yamaha BB604 bass Comfort Strapp PS I’m pretty certain there’s usually something close to these items for sale on here.
  3. I don't think it's absolute that everyone in a band is paid equally - depending on the circumstances if you're an occasional hired hand rather than putting money into the upkeep of the band, if you're getting extra petrol money etc. What I do think is essential is honesty and openness over how much you are getting paid. On one hand if you've accepted the amount of money you've been offered for a gig, it shouldn't matter what someone else is getting (I'm thinking of "unequal" situations, such as being part of a "name act's" backing band). But you wouldn't expect jam night mates, contributing equal amounts of effort in a long-running arrangement, to regularly be pocketing more money and not telling you. I'd want to hear them justify their reasons, or forget it.
  4. Using a Behringer P2 and a pair of KZ ZS10 pros at the moment and they are great.
  5. I gig regularly with a 2006 Little Mark II and a 2011 Little Mark III. Touch wood they’ve both been flawless throughout.
  6. That sounds pretty a decent selection to me, as a regular player not into expensive boutique kit (ie I can’t afford it!)
  7. Also quite partial to Rhythm Stick at soundchecks and the intro to Queen “Breakthru”
  8. I used to chuck the riff from Magnum PI into the occasional bass solo in gigs.
  9. In terms of songs I heard as a kid that still bring me joy, stuff like Phil Collins “Easy Lover,” the Communards “Don’t Leave Me This Way” etc still bring a massive smile to my face and cause me to sing very loudly in my car.
  10. You’re not wrong there - i hadn’t thought of using them for bass but I’ve just tried it and it sounds pretty good. I’d previously tried the Pure Boost for bass but it didn’t really do it for me. But the Hustle Drive hmm. That’s not bad at all.
  11. Hello, I don’t really play electric guitar anymore, hence me selling these two pedals which i originally used to drive a Fender Hot Rod deluxe combo. The Hustle Drive is a distortion pedal with switchable high peak and low peak settings, volume and tone controls and drive dial. The Pure Boost is, as it sounds, a clean boost pedal with bass, treble, volume and gain controls. Both nice bits of kit in really good condition as I’ve barely used them. Just surplus to my needs these days. The going rate new seems to be £45-£49 each for these so I’m happy with £30 each or £50 for the pair plus a bit of postage. They don’t have their boxes anymore but I’ll package them up nicely with bubble wrap etc.
  12. Ah cool. Mine is a 2013 MIJ model and didn’t come with a case (or had been lost along the way before I got it). Haven’t tried the Nordstrands. I did think about swapping the pickups but I’ve gigged it solid for the last year and a half and never felt the need to change the sound as it’s perfectly good. I wanted a red tort or pearl white plate but they were both rare and/or expensive so I went with a white one that cost about a tenner instead. Works for me!
  13. Great basses. I have the exact same one though I swapped the pickguard for a white one purely for cosmetic / vanity reasons! Yes - the La Bella mustang set are brilliant - not thuddy and dead at all - surprisingly musical, smooth and warm on mine. I’m well jealous you’ve got a hard case that fits yours tho! What is it?
  14. Just collected a Yamaha RBX765A bass off Matt. Top man. We geeked out chatting about basses and amps for a bit. Nice bass, straightforward sale, no dramas at all. Good stuff.
  15. Lovely strings these are. I’ve just swapped my Mustang back to these flats from roundwounds and they’ve given it a whole new tonal palette. GLWTS.
  16. That’s lovely that and a lot of bass for the money.
  17. It’s like choosing a curry - go with what you know and like, or risk buying one that’s not to your taste? If you already like your bass sound/curry there’s a lot to be said for sticking with it. One man’s korma is another man’s East Indian garlic chilli chicken.
  18. Not much really for me. I was first into metal, and then broadened in all directions towards both heavier grunge, lighter pop and a detour via EDM and the rave scene. I don’t regularly listen to any of that stuff anymore, but I wouldn’t say I’ve done a U-Turn on any of it. Just outgrown some of it along the way.
  19. This year it was me and the missus at home sharing a cheeseboard and watching Die Hard. Result.
  20. Also PM’d - exactly what I’ve been looking for.
  21. My three current basses all cost under £700 (£200, £575 and £660) and that’s about right for me. I once spent over £2k on a bass and found that I preferred the sound of my cheaper ones anyway in a mix, so I sold it. I don’t have enough money to be a collector tho. Just working standard instruments will do me.
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