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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. It's a bit unfair to call them anything other than a quality instrument, over priced maybe but I have tried almost everything and there is not wrong in the quality dept
  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1344015039' post='1758826'] Sorry, didn't understand that. Are you saying the Max 9.2 does have the same FET, or that one must change FETs in it? best, bert [/quote] The 3.0 is all FET and sounds really good, very tight and clean but only 300 watts, the max heads have a FET channel and a valve channel running into separate power amps 600 or 900 watts, so basically you can run 900 watts into a 4 ohm load off one channel and 900 off the other, 4 4x10's off a head the size of a shoe box!
  3. Chad is totally in the zone these days, he appears to really enjoy it too
  4. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1344012610' post='1758777'] [size=4]The amp is a [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0-12T [u]Combo[/u], plus a [/font][/size][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Genz Benz 210T Cab, so if I do decide to go for a Barefaced cab, I would have to replace the amp as it would be difficult to sell the 112T cab on its own, as the cable comes directly out of the cab for connecting to the head.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]That's why I am interested to know what heads work well with the [u]Super 12[/u] or [u]Super 15[/u], as I will need to get a new one.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cheers for the input so far.[/font] [/quote] No it wont, I bought exactly that on here! I had the head and my NEOX 2x12T first then added the 1x12T after for smaller gigs, its great Obviously it will be of more interest for a genz 6.0 owner but there are plenty of them. FWIW I would get a Genz 2x12T like mine and keep everything you already have giving you a 1x12, 2x10 or 2x12 all with adjustable tweeters to choose from for each gig, the all work well with the head you already have and like
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1344006714' post='1758642'] Use the right head and bass and attitude and a Compact will 'out-punch' an STL210. A Super Twelve will absolutely slaughter it and dance on its grave. Fact. (Edited for better metaphor). [/quote] He actually says he uses a 6.0-12T and a 2x10T 6.0 being the head and the 12T being its cab so Im not so sure, although is a 1x12 plus a 2x10 a good mix anyway?
  6. Im just going to sit back and watch the value of my pre EB go up and up I will still buy a Classic 5 when I can afford one and maybe after a Genz 9.2 if I can sort out a decent regular gig to pay for it (your fault Gareth!) I just will so blame me if you like if they are still selling basses, EBS_freak will vouch for the makes of basses I have had close contact with over the years yet still I love my Rays? I could sell all three and my Jazz bass to buy both a Sadowsky 5 and that Genz 9.2 Max head which would do everything you could ever need from a setup but I just like them, crazy I know but what can I say
  7. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1343976899' post='1757977'] I think the GK sound has always been quite a bit part of Flea's sound and a big factor in GK's sound is their power amp. You're probably right, it's probably a mix of DI from the head and the mic. [/quote] But if its from the power amp how does he get it into our ears?
  8. Im not so sure about the Streamliners now, I had gas for one and I'm certain it will do big valve type sound much much better but you can always add some of that with a sansamp or whatever to a Shuttle but you cant seem to get a Streamliner as clean as a Shuttle so if you like clean but want the ability to rock out I'd go with a new Shuttle of some sort. All the talk about the valve EQ of the streamliner is great but the FET on the 3.0 is the best Genz noise I have heard so put that into the 900 watt amp (ie the Max 9.2) and you have everything all in one amp and like TNIT says you can get some decent fuzz out of the preamp valve if you need to, I have done a [i]fairly[/i] convincing Blur Song 2 with just the valve on full, the punters liked it thats the main thing
  9. I'm not sure you understand how the heads inherent tone can get into the front of house sound though? That little mic is the only thing capturing the amp unless you take either a line out or DI from the head after the heads EQ, both unlikely in this case, what you are hearing is Fleas bass and fx setup with a tiny tiny bit of the 10" speaker no more no less
  10. I have a Shuttle 3.0 and a Shuttle 6.0, the shuttle 6.0 has covered every type of gig you could throw at it no problem but I prefer the FET channel of the 3.0. Money no object I would take a 9.2 max as thats 2 channels, one FET one valve, both 900watts each and blendable. You can run four 8 ohm 4x10's off that for example! As for cabs I have the NEOX 2x12T its used by loads of basschatters including ones with other make amp heads, it's a great cab. I also have a NEOX 1x12T which does your pub gigs no problem with either of my heads, if I know the pa is huge and it's a long walk with the gear I use that anyway, it has a foot built in to angle it up at you too Über cabs are meant to be epic but I have not tried them. Have you watched any Ed Friedland clips yet?
  11. Ha no worries dude All I'm saying is that hearing one rig at one gig and his GK at another is almost not worth worrying about as the variables are massive, the GK amps might sound even better with the acoustic heads for all we know and visa versa. Except for that one off time of hearing the tech playing through his rig once it's coming from the pa chances are any rig he might use would make no difference out front, it's most likely that the bass is fed into the desk before the amps EQ via a DI of some sort after his fx pedals and what not (another huge variable from one gig to the next just by moving a few knobs) then its just that tiny mic which tbf I'm assured are better than you might think but even still it's not exactly capturing all that huge rig!
  12. And heads into the pa? Is that a technical term I doubt it especially with the amount of fx he uses
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1343858558' post='1756597'] yeah, his heads are rack mounted, in a rack. they sit behind the cabs. his amps are quite loud. i was sitting pretty far away from the cabs at croke park, and when the tech was testing, i could still hear his cabs (nott he PA, it had been muted at this point). so maybe the vibrations coming from his cabs is the reason why they keep them in a rack? i dontknow what you mean by a class D head, but i did question before if the cabs actually did anything or were just there for the look. but i have witnessed that they do actually do something. his cabs arent mic'd up, i assume the heads are plugged straight into the PA. i was able to tell the difference in the sound by going and finding videos of him using the acoustics, then comparing that to the videos of him using the GK's. i did make sure the watch a few of each, just to make sure it wasnt just bad sound quality on part of the person who uploaded it. i know that youtube sound quality is absolute dung, but it did work. anyway, i found your post a bit confusing, thats why i rambled on a bit :/ [/quote] Any sound on any clips are surely just taken from the pa mix and very little do do with his amps? Also you can't of been that close as you would of spotted the little clip on mic he always has over the top left speaker of the top left 4x10 (I can hear you looking at you tube clips already!)
  14. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1343853367' post='1756458'] yeah, i normally just adjust till they sound good [/quote] As an EBMM fan I prefer this method too, adjusting to factory height is ok for a starting point especially if it's been fannied with before after that it's ears rather than ruler for me
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1343853281' post='1756456'] Are you saying that's changed? [/quote] I was going to make a bonfire night joke but decided to resist due to the thread being quite tense as it was, your joke was better anyway.
  16. It's a bit tiresome reading lots of threads suggesting everything has a scientific solution, it doesn't . As humans we enjoy flaws in things, I prefer KT Tunstall's voice live before its been overly cleaned up for example. You can use the techy stuff to prove what is happening and why but not to give a water tight solution or definitive spec for a speaker that everyone will like.
  17. How could you tell what his amp(s) sounded like with acoustic or GK? One 10" out of a possible 19 speakers (3 4x10, 3 1x15 and another 4x10 on Josh's side) mic'd up for me doesn't alter much. He could be hiding any heads behind there too, makes me laugh when people say they would not gig a class D head just on looks yet Flea has 7 cabs and no heads at all!
  18. I dont get why they dont work with certain heads? I have more than one head and more than one cab, they are all interchangeable.
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1343836996' post='1756087'] The COMBINATION of your playing, your bass, the amp and the cab. And the strings come to that. That's why every time you email me asking if you can have a Compact for cheap, I email you back asking a whole bunch of questions like this: "What amp do you use? What cab(s) do you currently use? What do/don't you like about them? What music do you usually play? What kind of bass sounds are you into (links to youtube etc clips helpful)? What bass(es) do you play? What strings do you use and how new/old do you like them? What kind of gigs do you usually play?" It is all interactive! Last year someone persuaded me to sell them a Compact even though I said it was the wrong choice - and it came back. Nowadays people get the cab (or one of the cabs) that I say will suit or they don't get anything. There's no way I'd have suggested you gig with an SVT3 and a Compact doing the music you were doing back then, no way! [/quote] That post has put me off your cabs without even hearing one, I'm not being an arse but my choice of cab (s) is largely based on me playing a bit of rock one night with a wedding band dep gig the next and maybe a bit of reggae a few days later, I dont like 4x10's for the record or even 2 2x10's (personal taste nothing more) but I know a good 4x10 or 2x12 with an adjustable tweeter will cover all those gigs I have metioned,even my little Genz 3.0 can run a decent 4x10, the only thing I would expect to need a certain cab for is dubstep which I dont play (yet)
  20. Although my eyes are drawn towards the John Deacon alike one in the rack stand is that for sale?
  21. I said the same about the video we did, there are better songs on the old album. I enjoyed it all the same, I'm going to have another watch!
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1343756626' post='1754746'] It's just marketing isn't it? The use of [u][b]well-known people[/b][/u] to endorse a product in return for something is as old as the hills - even Michael Parkinson sells OAP insurance (or whatever). I can't really see a problem, either way, though like any contractural agreement it's not a good idea to break the terms. [/quote] But most of the people involved are not known at all, loads of brands have sold themselves out by giving deals which appear to be not a lot more than being able to add it in your sig on here and a free T-shirt to people no one else has any idea who they are. Giving Flea a bank of GK speaker cabs makes sense as people will recognise the brand being used by Flea so it must be good enough for them, giving me anything is a waste really as no one relates my ability to anyone elses gear and no one knows who I am anyway, It appears to me some brands are doing deals of some sort with people no more or less important than me?
  23. Your missing my point, so what if he was a bell end that could not even play, he has sold more Fender basses just by being him than all the endorsers of all the gear on basschat put together. If Fender could go back in time I'm sure they would be happy to send him a dozen.
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