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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1342283212' post='1732817'] ...and don't forget the appropriate way of training your guitarist into the 'getting things right' methodology... ...get the timing right and you can leave the chord that he missed ringing whilst you explain, clearly and concisely, that 'getting things right' is a really good idea... [/quote] Bloody hell Ian he can't even hold it the right way round, must be hard work?
  2. I have a fiddle with mine most days! It's an Ozark, solid top, mahogany back and sides, built in microphone, cost me £250 second hand from a local shop. It's great
  3. I like the slant, its cool, modern, retro and forward thinking all at the same time!
  4. I can't sing for toffee Mart so thats not a problem for me! Nice bass line though, plays nice across a five string too, I like the fill after the guitar solo even if I normally screw it up!
  5. I have been playing stealers wheel stuck in the middle with a dep gig I have for a few months, never played it before but it's a good one that goes down well.
  6. It's only new once! If I had bought something and never opened it then sold it on here only to find it was faulty I would concider sending it back if I had the receipt and it was still under guarantee providing I was happy the buyer was not a penis or broke it somehow, if it was out of warranty I would of tested it fully before selling it anyway.
  7. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1342442615' post='1734936'] Come on thebassman, we're all waiting to hear the outcome of your group shoot out [/quote] +1
  8. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1342467233' post='1735737'] That's what i get for jumping straight in to talk about what *I* do Well in that case, I would recommend finding a used Markbass head (usually found for £300 - £400) and chuck it in the gig bag... might end up preferring it to your main one! [/quote] No one noticed after I posted the same thing on page one so you win a fiver! TBF the OP did say what do you guys do, use the PA it appears, maybe "what would you guys do?" would of been clearer. And 1+ on the amp thing, I actually prefer my backup shuttle to my bigger shuttle tone wise so there is something to be said about that
  9. It appears everyone else uses the pa as backup but as I said before that does not really help the OP as he stated he does not have that option! Oh well I have a DI on my amp but unlike the others I have a DI on my [i]spare amp [/i]too Get a nice little class D mate it solves all your problems and weighs nothing, you can still use it as an amp for practice etc too
  10. If Im sat at traffic lights on a dual carriageway and the person next to me is texting I move forward a little bit and as they see you out the corner of their eye they just start to drive off, its great fun! My engine and frame protectors arrived this morning that I ordered ages ago from China! bollox
  11. I have said it many times before but get a set of metric and imperial allen keys £7 from Maplin for box with every size you will encounter, do some reading, ask on here etc and you will soon get the hang of it. A mate does my fine tuning of the intonation as he has an awesome tuner but I get it all how I want and the intonation as close as I can, its much easier If you can fiddle about all night until you get it how you like. You can always keep a note of what setting you found best too.
  12. I have got more gigs from being punctual, prepared and making sure I have the right gear for the job than from my actual playing skills, which is lucky Nice one
  13. There is quite a big gap from regular wizard to great wizard for some reason, 1 second or under for great wizard.
  14. If you can type I think you can use the keys, I can't so have struggle with the mouse.
  15. I prefer the 2 EQ anyway, anyone know if it's the trusty old circuit or a new Chinese version nothing like it? Repro ones are cheap enough and might make them sound just right, also has anyone whipped a pup out to see if they are parallel wired?
  16. I swap from fingered to pick, does that count?
  17. That all sounds so simple yet Im sure we have all seen big name bands with awful bass sounds especially once they start to use fx? Im not saying I have a fix for it, Im just saying it happens to the best so what chance have we got.
  18. No I think it went sold as seen needing a lot of work to put right for about £950 ish Bass Doc might know more? It had a 3 band preamp and all sorts of issues, I think my plan was to buy it and have the body put right then wait to find the correct bits over the years, but how long would it take to locate a '76 preamp? I can see a mint all original '76 with a period case going for £3500 at a dealer, the only reason thats not a common occurance is that they dont really come up do they? A rough '76 has got to be £2k really so its hard to put a value on, this is exactly how expensive collectable stuff starts, like Noel says its expensive so he looks around to find another, looks at one for £1500 and realises its not a '76 but by then has his heart set on a '76 so starts looking some more, by then the only one is a mint one from a collecatble bass dealer with all the receipts and as much proof as possible that its the real deal just in case he wants to sell it on at alater date, by then it £2.5 - 3K. Lots of people see them going for that price which drags the bottom of the market up and the really rough ones get made in to fake '76s which entice people in only to realise they are fake, but by then they have their heart set on a '76 and so it continues! .......look at Fenders.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1342367152' post='1733812'] That's what rehearsals are for. If you're too dumb to be able to sort out a little thing like level matching them you're probably too dumb to be in a band. [/quote] Even if you were lucky enough to play a full run through at a massive venue which unless you are the headline act at a big paying gig rather than a pub band once it was full of people it would sound totally different, I think calling someone dumb for that is harsh. Its nothing to do with level matching, I used to use FX and get all my levels spot on, but the different types of venue made them all to cock, if it was as simple as just watching the little red lights and make sure they are all peaking to the same level we would all be sound engineers.
  20. See I dont like Muse for all the tinkering around, it fine in the studio and sure Im not saying you have to have one sound and no fx but just as you think man that bass sounds great the next song starts and its too quiet or too loud or does not cut through etc
  21. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1342366516' post='1733795'] Great tone served up in a nice clean signal. Players who constantly tinker with the sound throughout a gig are a nuisance tho. [/quote] This is why for me unless the player does something really important with his actual amp sounds (very rare and still no matter how nerdy the bass player its still coming from the PA) then a clean DI is always for the win, even then an active bass can make some fairly big adjustments to the sound if they meddle alot.
  22. Sounds complicated Even after all that its still coming out of the PA and if the sound engineer mixes you a sh*t sound you have, well, a sh*t sound
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