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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. I'm thinking I might want one once the funds have built up a bit, shame no one wants to sell them secondhand! I guess I would be better off with one of the 900 watt versions just because I already have the 3 and 6 in single channel variants?
  2. I wondered how long it would be before this thread was taken out of context!
  3. Can you blend them into one output of 600watts 4 ohm or does it have to come from each side?
  4. Im loving that! What do you think of the FET channel on its own? I have a 3.0 and a 6.0 and I think I prefer the sound of the FET only 3.0 over the valve 6.0, I would have a 600watt FET if they did one but what you have (or the older 12 max) would basically give me just that. Hhmmm....
  5. FWIW I am a novice reader and the tab just pees me off so Im with the OP, some books have the whole song in tab then the whole song in score, it's much better IMO
  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1342945714' post='1742917'] Yeah. To be really really honest- the one thing that's always put me off is the way EB sells them. I dunno but I don't like that company. [/quote] I have never really thought too much about that side of things, if it's hanging in a shop and I like it I will buy it, I'm not on the EBMM forum either (registered never been back). What do they do that Fender don't and visa versa?
  7. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1342945486' post='1742914'] Stingrays are one of the basses I've never really tried. Want to though, I had a project where a made a fretless mess of a bass with a no name MM pup in the right spot. that was nice. Prob I will build my own bass in a stingray style. To me it, it's not the same, but the way that it can sit in the mix and fill it out makes me think of it as the update of a p bass [/quote] I presume this was Leo's plan?, It worked
  8. Always find the kitchen sockets! If anyone asks you tell them its just for the lights for on stage elf n safety Although I know what BRX is saying the trouble with these things is that they are crap! One gentle tap of a rattly snare drum and they are off sometimes, we have had others where as long as we kept it at a normal level it never peaked past the amber all night?
  9. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1342911500' post='1742771'] My 600 & Super12T is a great combination. I decided the 900 would be complete & utter overkill for 90% of my gigs, particularly with the BF S12T efficiency. C[b]an't keep the damn thing quiet enough for my lot most of the time [/b] [/quote] This is why I bought a shuttle 3.0 to go with my 6.0, sometimes the 6.0 (same power amp as the streamliner 600) just cant get to a low enough volume especially with my 2x12 cab, I have concidered a 9.0 or a streamliner 900 but Im worried it might be too much in the same way?
  10. From the list I would take a gb 9 max, there is so much talk about everything trying to sound like a big valve amp yet the GB FET channel is brilliant! Couple it with the valve channel, make it blendable and fire it out of their 900 watt output stage, what's not to like?
  11. Don't Hartke do some fairly cheap priced cabs? I'm sure I was looking at a brand new 1x12 on eBay before buying my Genz one.
  12. We got a good frontman/guitarist for our last band from band mix but I've never found anything for myself on there.
  13. [quote name='GetYourFunkOut93' timestamp='1342734219' post='1740335'] What about instead of 2x 112 OR 2x 210? [/quote] General concensus is that a 2x12 is on par with a 4x10 and 2 stacked vertical is equal to 2 4x10's like a conventional big rig. It's worth noting that the Neox is 4 ohm which suits me better than a single 8 ohm 4x10 anyway as I'm never going to need more than one 2x12 as it stands so I get the full power from most amps with only one cab
  14. [quote name='GetYourFunkOut93' timestamp='1342732697' post='1740295'] Will it be loud enough for a rock gig with a guitarist rock a 4x12 and 2x10 cabs? :/ [/quote] Hell yeah!
  15. The Genz neox 2x12T is already vertically stacked, weighs nothing, has inset one piece handles (no rattles) ,rubber rollers instead of rear feet (again no rattles) and adjustable tweeter. I actually have a Genz 1x12T too (I know, greedy) it's great but it's less than half the big one if you know what I mean. The Neox once trounced a pair of 1x12 purple chili cabs, it's put me off a pair of 12's ever since unless you don't feel like you want that extra bit of something that I'm sure exists.
  16. I have said it before but I really don't think 2 1x12s are as good as 1 2x12, more versatile but something changes when they are not in one box. Try a Genz Neox 2x12T with any of the heads you are interested in and see what you think for yourself although that won't really be a gig volume. Mark is doing good deals on full Genz rigs if you go for a 2x12T too, good choice of Genz heads that will all sound awesome
  17. I was told by my mom many years ago "if you've got nothing nice to say".............
  18. I have a bit of gas building for one of these too, put me behind TNIT please
  19. Can someone just put one of the transvestite slapper clips up please?
  20. If you bought a pickup from a shop new (not 'as new') I would not want it to of been used in any way, I can see both sides and the term as new should be reserved for items that are as new, ie still in the cellophane with a receipt from maybe a few weeks ago, in that instance if I was the seller I would just say send it me back and I will take it back myself. Should as new be banned from the fs section?
  21. I have been playing guitar for 25 years and bass for 20 yet this is my biggest weakness, I'd be interested in an idiots guide to the common controls (me being the idiot ) I just fiddle about until I like what I hear but there must be a more methodical way of doing it?
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