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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. The most obvious example I can think of is how great it can sound when the bass is thundering away fast and heavy but the drummer drops into half time or even starts with some awkwardly timed cymbal hits/rolls etc, so no not [u]always[/u]
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1343411533' post='1750448'] The ground lift only isolates the DI socket from the common earth. The mains earth is still present and connected to the rest of the amp. [/quote] Thats a nicer way of saying nonsense
  3. Does it not only lift it from the DI socket anyway? The chassis of the amp is earthed in a fixed manner near the cable entry so Im 99.99% certain andydye's very good and informative post is mostly nonsense When everything is connected including your DI out you can create an earth loop between everything in the room I guess this creates a basic magnetic pickup?
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1343335603' post='1749278'] Loads of my favourites play with a pick, DD Verni, Duff etc. I can't be dealing with a pick. [/quote] Id say most of my favourite players are pick users too, I do use one but I'm 80% finger style.
  5. But what about the ones perhaps you can connect with yet did not pay as much attention to?
  6. Im not really on about the people who watch the same youtube clip a 1000 times to nail every little nuance just the general what you had on your walkman (gramaphone, Discman, iPod, minidisc, 8 track etc) most of the time, I have turned out nothing like any of them, Newstead, Novoselic, Duff etc were all my heros yet Im not sure I can hear any of them in there?
  7. I love Larry Graham, one of the best shows I have seen
  8. I think a lot of it is rose tinted specs though and more about the value of them than how much you liked them? The other problem is the people who think those basses are still there at those prices! I have often seen people comment on pre EB threads about the price and remarks about how little they cost in the USA, they think the same basses are $750 in the States the same as they were when they went on holiday in 1992
  9. Over the last few years I have realised that most of the players I have loved when growing up and learning to play have not really influenced my own playing, influenced me [i]to[/i] play maybe but not actually added to my own way of playing. These are my main favourites, I love John Deacon always have yet I play nothing like him (slight bit of Ray influence from there maybe), I love Flea but never really went down that route as such (Ray influence for sure though), Duff from Guns n Roses I love his style and his sound yet again never really played in that fashion either and only really had a fling with a P bass (martthebass now owns it) never mind an aerodyne or special. On the flipside I enjoy the odd bit of Jamiroquai but not a massive fan or anything yet I can nail a Stuart Zender line quite quickly by ear no problem, Its not that I am a great player as I'm really not nor do I have any super slap skills either but his slap or funky style is more like my own and it just slots in. His sound is totally removed from my own too in fact Im not sure where that comes from So question is who do you love and have always listened to but sound nothing like and visa versa who do you quickly relate too when working out any covers or riffs etc particularly a band or artist you never really admired as such?
  10. I find the ceramic maybe a bit more 'bitey' but if I was recording a happy pop record I would use the ceramic over the Alnico. I have the mint 4 bolt neck light weight pre EB now
  11. I went round the houses to get an Alnico one by buying new then traded my old SR4 on here for another 5 as a backup which is one of the very last of the ceramic and now I prefer that one! Typical. The Alnico is much darker sounding in comparison. I have just been looking at a Classic 5 in retro burst but the funds are a bit low, like about £1950 too low
  12. I more or less sound the same on my '07 Ray5 (ceramic) in series mode as I do on my '10 Ray5 (Alnico) when its in parallel
  13. Is this just a windup to get us to pay top whack for his Bongo as he is gassing for something else?
  14. Stop talking him out of it I have my eye on that Bongo 5 HH
  15. I have been playing for 25 years and know a fraction of what's out there! Which reminds me where's Doddy? I'm due a top up
  16. Most of my proper bought books have both.
  17. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1343153626' post='1746255'] Listened to the tracks on YouTube. Won't bother again, little uninspiring and a bit lacking tbh. [/quote] TBF its not really an anything its just a collection of rubbish put together for charity rather than him trying to create an actual pop record, the tunes do grow on you and you hear something new each time but other than that I dont think its his greatest work
  18. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1343119692' post='1745368'] The Stingray is the only Bass that gives me serious Gas !!! I think it's not only the most fantastic sounding Bass it's probably the prettiest, I know a lad who has a flame dark Orange Stingray and I'm sure I would sell one of my happy sacks to buy it off him ! As I'm not a serious enough player to own a Ray .....it is one i will always admire from afar ! [/quote] And again I have 3 and I am also rubbish!
  19. Still giving it a whirl, its very odd but what else would you expect!
  20. Thats where its from, If you download it you get a sort of EP sleeve which tells the tale of his love of that book
  21. [quote name='aldude' timestamp='1343071000' post='1744834'] They definitely have their own sound. I like both of them to be honest. The tube channel is nice and warm but the FET channel is clean, so wonderfully clean, and seems a bit more pronounced in the upper mids. The amp itself is largeish, bigger than my old RH450 but certainly much smaller than the Trace head I got rid of ages ago (mostly due to its size and weight!) The Genz is very light. Looking through the fan vents, there seems to be a lot of room in there, so I guess it could have been smaller, though that would make fitting all the controls on the front a bit of a squeeze. There is [b]c[b]onstant fan noise[/b],[/b] about the same as an idling Xbox, so noticeable in the quiet if you're up close but totally absent even at fairly quiet practise volumes. So far, I'm loving this head! [/quote] Everyone goes on about Streamliners as if trying to be a valve amp is the only point of having an amp at all yet the shuttle type preamp is a great sound anyway plus the FET channel stolen from the lowly 3.0 is great too, A new version 18.2 with all 3 pre amps (streamliner,shuttle and FET) into 2 900watt outputs would be super cool! It was because of the fan noise I decided to get the 3.0 for home practice and as a backup head for weddings etc
  22. TBF Gust0o the topic is called getting rid of TAB
  23. Tipped off by a friend I have just downloaded it for $1 you can have it for free or any amount you like right now, just google it. Only just listening now, its odd but so was the lady that said I should get it Chili's fans will recognise Jack Irons as a name from the past!
  24. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1343068390' post='1744758'] Whats the deal here? if you don't like tab just ignore it. I like tab, so use I use it. Different horses for different courses I guess. [/quote] Its hard to not let your eyes drift down to it sometimes though when you really want to get it right from the score, reading in key also means that even if you know where a F is on the staff unless you can read it would be flat if you were in the key of G Major for example. This thread is going to become about tab and reading not just the fact that someone trying to read from the staff does not want the tab below (the title is a little cheeky I guess) Its a bit like taking an exam you really want to pass fair and square but someone has put the answers below each question! Put them on the back or on a seperate sheet, I have no issue with that.
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