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Everything posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. You can't get any cooler than this: http://youtu.be/m_84x4wFaoE
  2. All the aforementioned are great players and performers (just a mention to Richard Bona and Tony Levin that weren't refered) but the Coolest Bass Player Ever can only be Bootsy, he is the face of coolness with chops to go with it.
  3. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1485518752' post='3224536'] Press buttons 1+2 together to go down one bank, or 2+3 to go up a bank...simples! [/quote] Thanks for the tip! I have a B3 with me almost since they were released and didn't knew about this. cheers
  4. Brexit didn't raised the cost of pedals or other things, they cost as much (using Thomann as example) as they did before brexit (appart from the normal year to year inflation corrections). The problem is that the pound fell a bit over euro so you're paying more for the exchange rate. Viewing things from my side, pedals still cost the same, you were simply used to get them cheaper BTW, pound may have taken a plunge but i remember it being even lower as i've bought and sold lots of stuff from UK and i've had lower exchange rates in the past.
  5. Rotary step-by-step adjustment pot with momentary switch? Sure it exists, i've bought one not long time ago to replace the on/off/volume button on my car's radio. They just need to find one with the same value and number of steps. Edit: As for the box, yes it would be nice to have the pedal in a smaller size. Another thing i don't get around is why haven't they added the much needed "program down" footswitch? Is a must have for using the Deep Impact live,
  6. Sounds very nice, i guess through the 2x8" cab, and there's enough low end there to make me happy. Looking forward to see them in stores so i can have a go at it.
  7. How's your action?, if it's set too high the string will raise it's pitch as it's considerably streched to reach the fret. Depending on the bass/strings/etc the height of the action may be so high that you can't intonate it inside the saddle screw's reach. Knackered strings are also an explanation.
  8. Looks like the BB5000 might be the model you're looking for. Thanks for the catalogues, found this gem that i didn't knew of it's existence: '85 Yamaha BB-VIII, that pickup placement looks like it could pump out some interesting tones. Since we're in vintage Yammy porn land here's some pics of my '85 BB1000s: [attachment=236627:291187162.jpg] [attachment=236628:291187176.jpg] [attachment=236629:291187179.jpg] [attachment=236630:291187178.jpg]
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1485265595' post='3222596'] She got married to me. Anything I can do is small change compared to that. [/quote] ^^^^This! Marriage is made of compromises, it's the ticket to happiness If it's well played and the FOH has mixed well i can get myself to enjoy practicly anything even if it's just the bass lines or a good drummer and i filter out the rest of the noise. Having said that i would love to see SOAD, great band with excelent songs. Not that stereotype of metal noise with amps past 11, it's very musical and melodic. I would advise the OP to put up with it and try to apreciate a good band IMO.
  10. If people keep buying them they are certainly not overpriced... one does what he pleases with his own money.
  11. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1485179354' post='3221788'] The ONLY reason I wouldn't buy one is......... No maple boards and it would be the 1024x [/quote] All Yammies i've played seem to have enough brightness in the treble to not need a maple FB. I do love maple FB's but now i find myself not owning any bass with one and i don't feel the lack of highs in any of them.
  12. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1485169577' post='3221656'] Only acceptable reason not to is because you're putting that cash towards a 2025! [/quote] ^ this! I've had a 1025x and it was lovely. Bought it as my backup bass for the TRB and ended up being giged a lot. Great tone, light weight and super comfortable. I ended selling it over here when i needed the money to fund a Ken Smith purchase. I've sold the KS since and started to build the Yamaha collection again. One of the basses that eventually will feature there is the 2025x
  13. The BB1025X i've had wasn't heavy at all, i don't remember the exact weight but i also don't think that a 4.3kg is a heavy bass so it may not be lighter than your current bass, my TRB is heavier and i manage through a +3h gig just for the sake of tone. The MM SR5 i've had with 5.5kg was a nightmare to gig. Soundwise, the 1025 will be very similar to your 425 but with more of everything, same goes for the 2025 comparing with the 1025. Each model will have better electrics, better tone, comfort, etc... You could try to find a 80's 5 stringer from Yamaha, they come up not very expensive and sound very good. I have the BB1000S wich has a great tone, it's very light, passive but only 4 strings. Can0t remember the 5 string models right now, do some research
  14. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1484913259' post='3219608'] Personally I'm not slagging off the amp itself -- yes, it may well sound brilliant. It's the [i]concept[/i] I'm so disappointed in. Nobody's saying they sound crap. We haven't heard them. But yes it's what it looks like... insofar as one can see from a glance that none of the classic SMX features are there. Preshapes? Graphic? Eq balance? That superb 2 band compressor? FX loops? Nope. Just a 3-band shelve eq and an output jack. Not even so much as a speakon. Obviously it's unlikely theyd be able to fit [i]all[/i] that lot into a 5lb micro, but it doesn't have to be that small. Just look how much Peavey shoehorned into the 1000 watt 9lb MiniMega head. A similar sized SMX would clean up. [/quote] In my view this is the entry level amp, has the most basic needs for one to play with. Higher power models with more complex preamps will follow. The job's already done with the preamp pedal, now they just need to stick a power amp afterwards and pop it in to a box. I'm really suprised seeing TE going from the biggest, heaviest gear on the market straight in to the smallest, lightest. Think this may be some kind of marketing strategy to draw a lot of attention to them again. I'm sure the bigger guns will be revealed during this year
  15. Great tone, very Trace'esque but no info on how they recorded the audio for the review. Probably from the DI. There's no mention on the cabs used also.
  16. ^^^^ It's how i do it also. I set my amp flat, play a few notes and listen to the sound. Normally i just add a bit of bass if the stage is too dry but it's pretty much set flat. Same goes for my EQ in the mixer. Then i use the pan of the bass to change the tone colour through the gig, i rarely change EQ on the bass unless i'm asked to play a reggae song, then i boost bass quite a bit
  17. Found a video: [media]http://youtu.be/Ha1TfmHHyrI[/media] So the cabs are: - 2x8" with a more hi-fi tone, 8ohms - 1x10" with a more vintage tone (i suspect also 8ohms, reminds me of the Mi10 from Ashdown) Amp does seem to have a jack socket for speaker connection.
  18. [quote name='Alec' timestamp='1484844965' post='3219045'] And rubbish that it has no Speakon out. [/quote] How do you know? Any back pannel pics?
  19. Just noticed that there was a second picture with what looks like a 1x10 or 1x8. I really want to know more about these cabs! [attachment=236256:TE1.png] [attachment=236257:TE2.png]
  20. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1484839825' post='3218987'] 4-6 hours' practice 6 days a week plus classes 3 times a week (playing there too), plus rehearsals, plus gigs every week. It all adds up I guess. I still loved that bass. A first generation Sandberg California 5 string Jazz. i don't think anything was wrong with it, it was just being played very often. When you have a bass that responds how you like and sounds great on every song without fiddling with the amp etc., it's a keeper. [/quote] Ah, good for you. Nice to be that busy playing Now i clearly see where you're comming from in your opinion. Well, i must say it's really normal to go through batteries like you did. The cool thing with that bass you had is that you allways had the choice to flip it to passive when needed and Glock preamps are excelent at reproducing the same sound and volume flat as they are active with knobs at centre position. In adition it offers passive tone control in passive mode, really great preamps and my choice of preference for a natural non-colouring tone. If i was in your position i would probably use it in passive for classes and most rehearsalls leaving the tonal goodness for gigs thus saving battery life... hell! no i wouldn't! i would end up buying half dozen batteries a year and have great tone allways! Cheers
  21. When i had my SR5 i used it through a TE stack 12 band 300W head in to 2x10+H + 1x15. It had a sound capable to move mountains but it also could be a bit muddy in the lows if i boosted them just a bit. In the end i let go of this setup and moved to other kit that had my sound straight out of the box. It was one of the prettiest and better built basses i've owned and it pains me to have let it go but in the end of the day i know it would just sit pretty on the wall hanger most of the times. Here's the rig:
  22. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1484415727' post='3215350'] That's what I'm nervous about the action is perfect at the moment thanks to Jon Shuker . & I've buggered it up before lol . [/quote] In this case forget about the new strings and get the ones you really want. The 40-100 will work fine but you'll have to mess with the action that you currently love and will be left with a different feel on the bass du to lower tension. You may end up not likeng it and reversing to the 45-105s but then you'll need to mess with the action again and it may not get as good as it was before. Clean the old strings to make them get through the gig if they're dead (i don't boil my strings, i don't trust bringing steel to such a high temperature, i use a oven cleaning product that removes all the grease then rinse them with water and dry very well with a cloth) and see if you can get the seller to replace your order. Last case just make a new order and put those 40-100 on the marketplace. Edit: Just read this: [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1484785960' post='3218520'] The good news is they just fit a 36" scale & very little difference in the action , I had to increase the mid eq a bit more to get the same sound , they feel like & probably are Roto sound swing bass ..very good for £6 a set . [/quote] I'm glad you got them to work without touching the truss. That'll teach me to finish reading a thread before posting...
  23. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1484820313' post='3218676'] dont get the 'tone is all in the fingers' comment, what a load of tosh, some of it is yes but not all of it. i cant add bass or treble just by moving position or plucking harder. (...) [/quote] Sure you can! Moving the right hand closer to the neck will produce a bassier sound and close to the bridge the mids/highs will be more predominant. I do it all the time. Combine this with the way you attack the strings and you get a pretty decent tonal variety without touching the controls. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1484810925' post='3218568'] In my experience of using a bass equipped with a Glock preamp, the battery would last 6-9 weeks. That's practise plus rehearsals plus gigs as it was my only bass at the time. I was obviously doing something wrong... Too much practice? Too many gigs? Please advise. In all seriousness though, I think I made my point much earlier in the thread- I prefer the sound of passive instruments right now. That's the main reason for me. [/quote] If you were going through a battery evry 6-9 weeks then either you played really a lot for long periods and good job for that or something was wrong with your setup - the preamp might been faulty or something that most people might not know is that to completely disconnect the battery when not using the bass they need to remove the jack, flipping the preamp to passive doesn't take the battery out of the circuit.
  24. Nobody's talking about that cab? It looks lovely, i would like to know more about it. Looks like a very compact 210 or 208, if they managed to pack the TE punch in that little thing i would be very interested in one.
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