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No Time Wasters please...


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I am in the midst of thinking about looking for another band, my current one has so many difficulties that many here will be familiar with- not learning songs prior to rehearsals, guitarists who are decent players but clueless on how to set up their gear or play together as a band, a singer who really doesn't cut the mustard. etc. etc.

On the plus side they are keen, reliable and a decent bunch of blokes which is why I've stuck it out for as long as I have.

Last week I made contact with a band looking for a bass player and had a discussion with them on the phone and arranged a day to audition (which was today). They then sent me a text with 5 songs that they wanted to audition saying that they would be back in touch to give me the time and postcode of the rehearsal studio. I then spent a week working on 5 pretty much note for note versions of the songs never to hear back from them. I don't really see why a courtesy text say thanks but no thanks wasn't forthcoming, and thanks to them I have wasted several hours of transcription, research and practice learning 5 songs.

Am absolutely fuming.

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Yes. This sounds only too familiar. Regardless of anything else, it never ceases to puzzle me why they dont have the
decency and "thought for others" attitude to at least send a text saying that my services are no longer required.

On the plus side, it is a bonus to find out about their unprofessional attitude before you got involved with them.

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[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1411628166' post='2561223']
Can you ring them back? Probably wouldn't achieve much other than getting a definite yes or no but it might make them squirm a bit!

Sent a text- polite and non arsey, it so far been ignored.

I was tempted to send a pic of my kit all packed up in the back of my car as if to suggest I'd been waiting to hear all night but decided against it.

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[quote name='CHW' timestamp='1411649893' post='2561529']
Sent a text- polite and non arsey, it so far been ignored.

I was tempted to send a pic of my kit all packed up in the back of my car as if to suggest I'd been waiting to hear all night but decided against it.

Well if you don't send it, how will they ever know they've done anything wrong? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1411638033' post='2561353']
Yes. This sounds only too familiar. Regardless of anything else, it never ceases to puzzle me why they dont have the
decency and "thought for others" attitude to at least send a text saying that my services are no longer required.

On the plus side, it is a bonus to find out about their unprofessional attitude before you got involved with them.

The ridiculous thing about it is that they seem to have a really pro level attitude about them. Looking at their website, etc all seems great.

I have a sneaky suspicion that they may have looked into my current band- which as I said earlier is not up to much and then decided that they didn't want to see me, even so- a courtesy thanks but no thanks text would have taken 30 seconds.

(I promised myself quite a few years ago that I'd never, ever learn Livin' on a Prayer- I now know the bloody song note for fecking note)

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[quote name='CHW' timestamp='1411649893' post='2561529']
Sent a text- polite and non arsey, it so far been ignored.

I was tempted to send a pic of my kit all packed up in the back of my car as if to suggest I'd been waiting to hear all night but decided against it.

I think it's best to put it behind you and put it down to experience (filed under "bad" ;)[size=4] ).[/size]

While it is unfair to tar everyone with the same brush, it has been my general experience that musicians seem to be the main culprits in not either acknowledging your reply or letting you know that you are no longer required.

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Once a dep has been booked and confirmed the band is commited to paying the dep fee come what may, ie, they might not be finally required. If you need to cancel then you are hoping the dep will waive it, and sometimes they do in good faith, so you'll go to them again
but to book someone, waste their time ect and then say nothing...well, as said above, thankfully, you found them out just in time.

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[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1411628166' post='2561223']
Can you ring them back? Probably wouldn't achieve much other than getting a definite yes or no but it might make them squirm a bit!

Or turn up at their next gig with your bass in hand and say "well I was never told I`d not got the position, so I obvioulsy concluded i`d been successful".

Squirm-City, methinks.

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[quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1411659054' post='2561660']
[size=4]Looks like a lucky escape to me.[/size]

f*** em. Just move on, they don't want you enough.

There's another band round the corner that does though.

Classic. Without knowing all the details we have now written them off completely.

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Whats embarrassing about it? You never had to use the phone to chase someone up?

Ever heard of someone loosing a phone number, getting taken to hospital unexpectedly etc. Im not suggesting this is the case, but why wade in with the insults until you know the full story.

Seems to be the norm around here these days.

They may well be time wasters, but you dont know that for sure, not yet.

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[quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1411659054' post='2561660']
[size=4]Looks like a lucky escape to me.[/size]

f*** em. Just move on, they don't want you enough.

There's another band round the corner that does though.


[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1411660488' post='2561679']
Classic. Without knowing all the details we have now written them off completely.

Going from the details below ( assuming you believe the OP) there are few other conclusions to come to, other than the whole band suddenly lost the ability to send a text. Even if there is/was a genuine excuse, the OP should have been notified.

[quote name='CHW' timestamp='1411586381' post='2560988']
Last week I made contact with a band looking for a bass player and had a discussion with them on the phone and arranged a day to audition (which was today). They then sent me a text with 5 songs that they wanted to audition saying that they would be back in touch to give me the time and postcode of the rehearsal studio. I then spent a week working on 5 pretty much note for note versions of the songs never to hear back from them.

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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1411663109' post='2561708']

Going from the details below ( assuming you believe the OP) there are few other conclusions to come to, other than the whole band suddenly lost the ability to send a text. Even if there is/was a genuine excuse, the OP should have been notified.

Ah sorry, i missed the bit about all the band members having his number. I assumed, from past experience, that it might have been just one band member being the contact and arranging the get together.

I dont disagree at all about how the OP has been treated, its not something i would like to happen to me, nor would I do it to others if i can help it, but there could be something more than just being pissed around because are very nasty people etc

My comments are aimed at the "shoot em first, ask questions later" comments.

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