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What has happened to BC bass guitar prices?


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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1394723407' post='2394440']
Again, that's totally cool. But you have to be aware that not everyone on here knows that. So if someone makes an attempt at a haggle, they are not necessarily being unfriendly.

As some others have already said on this thread (and other similar ones in the past), they add a bit onto their target price in the knowledge that sellers might try to beat them down. Some people clearly state "no offers" or "firm price" or similar. I wouldn't dream of making a low offer in those cases. That [b][i]would[/i][/b] be rude.

I see it as a bit of a game - but not with every interaction. If it is clear to me that someone does not want to enter into a discussion I will quickly either offer them what they want or walk away.

Either way, I don't think it is a big issue. :)

I agree. I have bought (and sold) loads of stuff on this site, and usually always for a bit less than it was advertised for. Some things I sold knowing I wanted pretty much the asking price, some other things I was just glad to get shot (eg. effects pedals that I didn't get on with) of so took a lot less than I'd put it up for. The hassle is doing the pictures, but once they are done it is usually quite satisfying to sell it and wave it goodbye :)

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1394741933' post='2394744']
I actually had one such offer reported to me where the items offered in exchange for a bass was a list of house contents, including beds, sofa, dining room table, assorted kitchen equipment and a washing machine... :huh:

Sounds like a desperate GAS attack by someone looking around their house for stuff to trade... now do I really need that bed....

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I can't comment any more due to having gone insane. I could have sworn there was a Custom Shop 55 RI up for sale last night. Could have sworn I commented on it.
Looks like I didn't. As you were, I'm off for assessment I think :scratch_one-s_head:

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I think the market has definitely slowed of late, some of it has to be down to hard financial times & the early stages of the year often being the tightest. But there does seem to have been a rise in the number of people asking WAY too much for their stuff! There's a few examples people all owning the same thing artificially inflating the prestige & value of their products - nothing particularly wrong with that but it's what I think is slowing the market.

I'm sure it'll settle down eventually, markets always do - I just hope it sorts itself out quickly as my new bass fund will be available next week!

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[quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1394758245' post='2395035']
I agree. I have bought (and sold) loads of stuff on this site, and [i][b]usually always[/b][/i] for a bit less than it was advertised for. Some things I sold knowing I wanted pretty much the asking price, some other things I was just glad to get shot (eg. effects pedals that I didn't get on with) of so took a lot less than I'd put it up for. The hassle is doing the pictures, but once they are done it is usually quite satisfying to sell it and wave it goodbye :)

Come on: Make your mind up!!

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[quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1394789832' post='2395192']
There's a few examples people all owning the same thing artificially inflating the prestige & value of their products -[/quote]

You mean sales-talk? :)

In a slow market, you have to try harder to sell your stuff. As long as there are no outright lies, I don't see a problem with people bigging up their for sale items! B)

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In this kind of informal marketplace I always think a small degree of haggling is perfectly acceptable and should almost be expected.

If you really don't want to haggle on price and are one of the people who gets upset if people try to then put the phrase "No offers, price is firm" in your ad. If you know you aren't going to shift on price then make that clear from the outset and save yourself the angst and irritation.

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394798234' post='2395334']
In this kind of informal marketplace I always think a small degree of haggling is perfectly acceptable and should almost be expected.

If you really don't want to haggle on price and are one of the people who gets upset if people try to then put the phrase "No offers, price is firm" in your ad. If you know you aren't going to shift on price then make that clear from the outset and save yourself the angst and irritation.

Some people don't read though.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1394797719' post='2395325']
You mean sales-talk? :)

In a slow market, you have to try harder to sell your stuff. As long as there are no outright lies, I don't see a problem with people bigging up their for sale items! B)

Yeah I'm fine with sales talk but sometimes it seems that a few people either have or have sold x-brand of bass all putting the usual guff about "being the best version", "just as good, if not better than x" etc... and they've all convinced themselves the basses are worth more than they actually are.

Fine though, I'll always try to negotiate though the nature of negotiation is hard for one-off private sales as it's very one dimensional (as opposed to negotiating with shops or employers etc...).

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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1394799565' post='2395347']
Some people don't read though.

Then for that small number of people take the massively inconvenient step of sending them a response that says "no, the price is firm thank you".

People get remarkably precious about this. Its bizarre.

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394806035' post='2395439']
Then for that small number of people take the massively inconvenient step of sending them a response that says "no, the price is firm thank you".

People get remarkably precious about this. Its bizarre.

It's got naff all to do with being precious. It's to do with perceiving people to be rude. This judgemental thing that's going on - it's a bit rude as well.

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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1394809134' post='2395484']
It's to do with perceiving people to be rude. This judgemental thing that's going on - it's a bit rude as well.

The problem is that we all "perceive" things differently. You seem to have a very low threshold for rudeness, and maybe think that someone is being rude when that was not their intention.

Also, to be fair, some of [i]your[/i] retorts come across as a bit rude. :( Or maybe my threshold is low too...

Aren't we all taking this a bit too seriously? :D

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394806035' post='2395439']
Then for that small number of people take the massively inconvenient step of sending them a response that says "no, the price is firm thank you".

People get remarkably precious about this. Its bizarre.

Absolutely right.

If you are in the business of selling things in whatever circumstances, you have to be prepared to field whatever offers people make and enter into some negotiation, even if that negotiation is issuing a firm "no". It comes with the territory, and it's nothing to get upset about. You can even learn to enjoy it and thrive on it, :) .

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[quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1394800454' post='2395360']
Yeah I'm fine with sales talk but sometimes it seems that a few people either have or have sold x-brand of bass all putting the usual guff about "being the best version", "just as good, if not better than x" etc... and they've all convinced themselves the basses are worth more than they actually are.

Fine though, I'll always try to negotiate though the nature of negotiation is hard for one-off private sales as it's very one dimensional (as opposed to negotiating with shops or employers etc...).

I suppose all the sellers are doing in this circumstance is what the manufacturers themselves do, which is try and convince you that this particular piece of equipment is[u] [i]the[/i] [/u]one, and not just another one. Commercial values of goods are usually quite arbitrary so sellers have the perfect right to use every means available to present their goods as being of significant value. It's up to the seller to use their discernment . Put plainly, if you don't think the deal is right for you , don't buy it. No one will force you, and there is always([u] always)[/u] another deal that comes along afterwards.

Edited by Dingus
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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1394799565' post='2395347']
Some people don't read though.
[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1394809134' post='2395484']
It's got naff all to do with being precious. It's to do with perceiving people to be rude. This judgemental thing that's going on - it's a bit rude as well.

My unsolicited advice would be that when you are selling something and, as inevitably happens sometimes ( hopefully rarely) that you encounter rude or obnoxious prospective buyers, your first recourse should always be to treat them with patience and courtesy, or what an American friend of mine euphemistically calls "enhanced customer service" . How other people behave is beyond your control, so don't take it personally if some people are rude and unpleasant. It's not your job to change them or impress upon them them the error of their ways. All you want is their custom , not their friendship. Give them every opportunity to buy, regardless of their manner, and then politely show them the door.

Edited by Dingus
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[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1394806208' post='2395441']
How did that happen!?

I don't know personally, but from what has been written about it previously, I get the impression that this happens most to people who post from tablets and mobile phones. Did you?
Also, I have no idea about how and why it happens. Software bug maybe? Slight problem with compatibility?

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[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394814086' post='2395563']
It's not your job to change them or impress upon them them the error of their ways. All you want is their custom , not their friendship. Give them every opportunity to buy, regardless of their manner, and then politely show them the door.

I think I'd largely agree with this, but still: in my mind your job is not only to sell something but also to do it in a fashion that allows you to "keep up your self esteem" so to speak (I lack other ways of describing this better).
In some extreme cases, where obnoxious customers try to remove your dignity, I think it's a good idea to withdraw from the dealings, and probably to confront them - not in the way of "you must change your ways" but more like "I'm outta here".

To put some numbers to this: where I come from it's regarded as a given that 5% of customers are complete arses. I'd reduce that to half that number, and have personally allowed myself to confront 3 customers out of roughly 1,700.

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[quote]Put plainly, if you don't think the deal is right for you , don't buy it. No one will force you, and there is always( always) another deal that comes along afterwards. [/quote]

Very true, what one person would pay a grand for would be another persons firewood - perceived worth is so subjective, especially for items that are not off the shelf and in current production, be it a TV, bass or piece of furniture.


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Guest bassman7755

Ebay is also awash with bargains (one of which I just bagged myself... look out for an "NBD" post soon B) ) at the moment too so I think its just a sign of the times, despite what you might see in the media we are in recession in terms of real living standards and its not going to change any time soon. If your selling to buy more gear then all round price drops are neutral.

With regard to market place etiquette I've no problem with people offering whatever they like with one proviso - if your not going to be offering the asking price or anything close to it then make that known before asking a lot of questions / demanding extra pics etc so I can decide if were wasting each others time.

Having said that I price my stuff to sell quickly so its quite likely that if you start haggling with me you will lose out to someone who just offered the full price from the off.

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