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Like how my Ashdown ABM sounds...


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OK - after an extremely uncomfortable walk from the train station into work this morning with bass on back, normal little work bag in one hand and what felt like a very large bag of builders sand in the other (actually an Ashdown ABM400RC in one of those generic silver tool boxes) I've decided it might be about time I investigated the possibility of a lightweight head. The real kicker is that I'm as pleased as punch with the sound said 'bag of sand' produces. Can anyone suggest a suitable replacement that would sound similar? I run the ashdown with the preamp all the way to valve, gain pretty well up, preshape on, eq off, volume to taste - plug P-bass in and we're away (through my Tech 4x12 which lives in practice room)!

I'd thought perhaps the Orange Terror Bass (although I'd prefer something that's fit in my big gig-bag pocket) or the new Genz Streamliner (but I'd prefer something cheaper!), but what else is out there? Suggestions?

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I`ve been very happy with my TC Electronic Classic 450. Very versatile, can do clean/compressed hi-fi, to downright tubey gain. I previously had an Orange Terror, with Sansamp BDDI, and the TC can do all the Terror and Sansamp could, but on its own. I don`t know how the TC would compare to an Ashdown, but I`d certainly recommend a look at TC products.

Edited by Lozz196
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[quote name='Bigwan' post='1197836' date='Apr 13 2011, 09:42 AM']OK - after an extremely uncomfortable walk from the train station into work this morning with bass on back, normal little work bag in one hand and what felt like a very large bag of builders sand in the other (actually an Ashdown ABM400RC in one of those generic silver tool boxes) I've decided it might be about time I investigated the possibility of a lightweight head. The real kicker is that I'm as pleased as punch with the sound said 'bag of sand' produces. Can anyone suggest a suitable replacement that would sound similar? I run the ashdown with the preamp all the way to valve, gain pretty well up, preshape on, eq off, volume to taste - plug P-bass in and we're away (through my Tech 4x12 which lives in practice room)!

I'd thought perhaps the Orange Terror Bass (although I'd prefer something that's fit in my big gig-bag pocket) or the new Genz Streamliner (but I'd prefer something cheaper!), but what else is out there? Suggestions?[/quote]

From what everyone is saying why don't you have a crack with there new Ashdown MI thingy. lightweight head, supposed to be quality, have the power and dynamic of a mosfet system i.e your abm. But very light. It has the LG type preamp on it which is very good, if you like valvy warmess try an art valve pre amp they are amazing.

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[quote name='dan670844' post='1197929' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:12 AM']From what everyone is saying why don't you have a crack with there new Ashdown MI thingy. lightweight head, supposed to be quality, have the power and dynamic of a mosfet system i.e your abm. But very light. It has the LG type preamp on it which is very good, if you like valvy warmess try an art valve pre amp they are amazing.[/quote]

Or perhaps hold fire a little longer if your back will hold out.
You'll see in the thread I posted earlier, there's a chance Ashdown might come out with a micro head with the 427 Smallblock front end at some point.
I'm very excited about the prospect...


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Dunno how the new Ashdown thingy will sound compared to your existing amp though, their previous micro heads don't really retain brand identity in that respect.

Have you considered taking it out of the casing and mounting it in a rack bag? Will make it much more manageable than carrying it in a bulky case, even just as a temporary measure till you find a micro head you like.

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[quote name='Lozz196' post='1197845' date='Apr 13 2011, 09:59 AM']I`ve been very happy with my TC Electronic Classic 450. Very versatile, can do clean/compressed hi-fi, to downright tubey gain. I previously had an Orange Terror, with Sansamp BDDI, and the TC can do all the Terror and Sansamp could, but on its own. I don`t know how the TC would compare to an Ashdown, but I`d certainly recommend a look at TC products.[/quote]

The TC Classic is a possibility, although with the RH750 due soon I could stretch to the RH450 since the price is apparently going to drop.

[quote name='eude' post='1197885' date='Apr 13 2011, 10:33 AM']This might be of interest matey >> [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=129721"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=129721[/url]


[quote name='dan670844' post='1197929' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:12 AM']From what everyone is saying why don't you have a crack with there new Ashdown MI thingy. lightweight head, supposed to be quality, have the power and dynamic of a mosfet system i.e your abm. But very light. It has the LG type preamp on it which is very good, if you like valvy warmess try an art valve pre amp they are amazing.[/quote]

Don't know if the MiBass would have the slight valve edge I like about the ABM would be my only problem with it... and their history with such designs - although the B&O module in the power amp is a big plus for me over their older designs. I'll be looking to purchase sooner than August though!

[quote name='eude' post='1197937' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:18 AM']Or perhaps hold fire a little longer if your back will hold out.
You'll see in the thread I posted earlier, there's a chance Ashdown might come out with a micro head with the 427 Smallblock front end at some point.
I'm very excited about the prospect...


That would definitely be right up my street!

[quote name='lemmywinks' post='1197944' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:22 AM']Dunno how the new Ashdown thingy will sound compared to your existing amp though, their previous micro heads don't really retain brand identity in that respect.

Have you considered taking it out of the casing and mounting it in a rack bag? Will make it much more manageable than carrying it in a bulky case, even just as a temporary measure till you find a micro head you like.[/quote]

I don't know if the rack bag would be enough... the thing weighs 14kg (in new money)... that's more than 2 stone! The case it's in is actually a really good fit for it and relatively lightweight.

Maybe something cleanish (MB F1 or something) with a valve pre (as Dan suggested) or a Sansamp VT in front would be an option, but even second hand you'd be into more than new Orange Terror Bass money, albeit more flexible sonically and better size-wise for the gig-bag. Tricky...

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I recently (last couple of weeks) 'traded up' from heavy Trace Elliot gear to a lightweight amp. Best decision I ever made - I was scared I wouldn't get a tone or sound that I liked but that was blasted away as soon as I went into the shop and started trying out.

I would say the very best thing you can do is allocate an afternoon, go somewhere like Bass Merchants (I did, they were soooo helpful) or wherever your nearest large bass gear stockist is and play everything. Genz Benz, various Mark Bass, various TC Electronics, Promethean, Orange, WHY. I started with the intention of buying the Orange Terror - thought I wanted a tube preamp and I liked the price. But in the end the tone didn't do it for me - and it was only by going somewhere and trying it all that I could actually make that decision.

For me in the end it was close call between the Genz Benz shuttle 6 and the TC Electronic Classic 450, which eventually won. Had I just read stuff on here I wouldn't even have tried a Genz Benz as on paper it didn't seem to fit the bill. I wish I could have afforded both as they both do slightly different things which are equally nice! It is only by listening that you get an idea.

BTW I expect everyone knows this already but the guy in Bass Merchants pointed out that one of those cheapo generic aluminium briefcases you can buy for next to nowt actually fits the Classic 450 (and so I guess most of the others) a treat. I had one kicking around unused, so recycled the packaging from the box and, hey presto, secure flight case.

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[quote name='Paul S' post='1198011' date='Apr 13 2011, 12:12 PM']I would say the very best thing you can do is allocate an afternoon, go somewhere like Bass Merchants (I did, they were soooo helpful) or wherever your nearest large bass gear stockist is and play everything.[/quote]

I would do that... if I weren't on the wrong side of the Irish sea! Local stockists of bass equipment are few and far between!

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[quote name='Bigwan' post='1198088' date='Apr 13 2011, 12:49 PM']I would do that... if I weren't on the wrong side of the Irish sea! Local stockists of bass equipment are few and far between![/quote]

You got that right! :)

I'm currently torn between a Genz Streamliner and Little Mark III for my next amp, hope to have it by the start of next month so you're more than welcome to come and try whichever one I end up with (if you haven't purchased yourself by then!)


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If you can’t bear to be parted from your Ashdown sound I’d get a trolley.

You won't replicate your Ashdown with a lightweight head but they will all make a great noise. You'll just have to move on and get a sound you like out of the next amp. I've only played TC and MB amps and I would recommend both.

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Yeah Chris, not trying to get it exact, just as close as I can and as light/small as possible. Agreed a trolley would be good in some instances but taking my typical work journey as an example - My journey to work involves 2 train journeys, both of which can be extremely busy, one leg of which is 50+ minutes. Can't store a trolley in the aisle and there are no luggage racks other than above head height (which is fine for my bass and a bag, but not great for the amp which weighs 35 lbs in the case - it's a wonder they're allowed in this day and age with the health and safety regulations the way they are. Anything above shoulder height is a no-no in the lab at work!) - cheers Northern Ireland Railways! I could stand at the exit door area with my gear, but I'd rather not stand for that length of time if I can get away with it (my back isn't great at the minute!). There's also the fun of one of those up and over walkways between platforms from one train to the next - lovely!

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