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Everything posted by the_skezz

  1. Just had a right old time trying to learn 'Tramp' by the Stranglers. The timing in the verses really threw me off for some reason...
  2. I'd say get rid of him, or find another band. There are decent guitarists out there...they're a rarity, but persevere! I put up with a similar bloke in my old band...I'm sure I've mentioned this many times here on the forum before, but he really was a git. Rarely bothered to learn anyone else's songs, constantly widdling away over everyone else, his tone gave me a headache after about twenty minutes...I put up being in a band with him (or bands, as every time we had a name change/got a new member it was entirely different thing, apparently ) for about a year and a half. Now though, I'm happily in a band where I sometimes actually have to encourage the guitarist to come out a bit more - he has respect for the other members and is happy to listen to our input. The moral of the story; things will eventually balance out and you'll get a decent guitar player. Either that, or chin the sod and hope that sets him right
  3. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1089255' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:59 PM']The trouble is that you can enter any old 8-digit number and it'll interpret the numbers according to the Gibson rules. For example, I just gave it 12345678...[/quote] Is it sad that I've spent the last ten minutes seeing how far into the future I can go with that?
  4. Paul Simonon - Interesting, catchy basslines that always work well with the song. JJ. Burnel - Powerful playing, great tone, great ability. Geddy Lee - Amazing ability, fantastic lines, brill tone. Jack Bruce - Love his tone and plays some really intricate stuff. Greg Lake - Loved his work with King Crimson, great lines
  5. Really depends on the day I do it - sometimes I'll play really cleanly, very little unwanted extraneous noise, other times I'll be ridiculously messy. Doesn't tend to matter so much when with the band, of course - they help cover it up, plus in punk a bit of sloppiness helps
  6. The Stranglers' 'Down in the Sewer'. And perfecting the bassline for one of the band's originals, ended up being slightly out of time on the recordings and I want to get it right for the live shows.
  7. Bassist...I dunno why. Bass player to me always seems a bit distant; as if I was just a hired hand ordered to play the parts, rather than having an input in the creative process. I'm a pedantic sod though
  8. Me and my band laid down nine tracks at Base Studios in Stourbridge earlier, was just wondering if anyone fancied giving feedback on the three songs on our facebook? They were recorded live within a two-hour slot, so they're far from perfect, but I'd appreciate anyone's honest opinion on them Should warn you though - 'Special Relationship' contains swearing, so might pay to wear headphones if anyone around you is easily offended Facebook is here: [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Deficits/118917578136285?v=box_3&ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Deficits...ox_3&ref=ts[/url] Cheers
  9. Used to use one a fair bit in my old band, mainly got it for the 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' intro...now I don't bother, as I don't need it for the punk group.
  10. Following the riff, though never played it properly - just when messing around/warming up with the others at practises.
  11. A lot like early JJ Burnel, though sometimes I'll meddle around and try to get it to sound a little less harsh.
  12. I do it all the time...not so much to improve, but just because playing Metallica's 'The Thing That Should Not Be' feels loads more fun in the dark
  13. I do it sometimes, but it doesn't really help me - it's more just a side effect of when I'm really into it and do it without thinking about it. Though the same goes for kicking over chairs, so you might be better off not listening to my playing advice...
  14. Is it bad that I don't recognise any of the bassists or bands mentioned so far?
  15. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='1021665' date='Nov 12 2010, 04:48 PM']I always avoided the bass solo in My Generation but when I had to learn it for a covers band I found that it wasnt [b]that[/b] hard - still took me a week to learn though [/quote] True...initially a bit tricky to get completely on the spot, but a bit of practise and Bob's your Mom's brother.
  16. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1021390' date='Nov 12 2010, 01:36 PM']When I was a baby I was dropped on my head.[/quote] Yet you're not a drummer?
  17. Agree with you on Baggy Trousers... Also Straighten Out by the Stranglers (after the keyboard solo...took me a while to get the hang of it, but not particularly difficult to play).
  18. I love it, heard it before I even heard the Ozzy original...this, along with Bruce Dickinson's 'Accidents of Birth', was largely responsible for getting me anywhere near heavy metal.
  19. Mostly JJ Burnel for attitude and aggressive approach. Though also a bit of infulence from John Entwhistle and Duff McKagan.
  20. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1016900' date='Nov 8 2010, 08:44 PM']Conor, your avatar...would I, wouldn't I?[/quote] You know you would
  21. [quote name='chaypup' post='1016846' date='Nov 8 2010, 08:04 PM']Those sexy avatars really confuse me - in my mind peteacademy is a sexy redhead. [/quote] Here is a plea to peteacademy to never tell us otherwise. I prefer it this way.
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1015314' date='Nov 7 2010, 02:50 PM']I never meant this as a wind up thread. I meant it to be an interesting intelligent discussion. If I meant it as a wind up, it would have been easier to call it "JTUK is a Twat. Discuss.". I don't think you're a twat of course.[/quote] Though that does sound like an interesting thread...
  23. Never cocked up to the point that everything's messed up, but when I do make mistakes I shrug them off and maybe apologise to the others later. No point in getting upset about what's already done.
  24. That was brilliant. Excellent work and great result
  25. Agreed with others that playing new ones live can really help them develop - so long as they're past the 'God-awful' stage, I'd recommend giving them a try.
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