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Everything posted by the_skezz

  1. Actually listening to the whole of the Raven album, for the fifth time since I got it yesterday...that might seem a bit sad in all fairness
  2. Aces High - Iron Maiden Battery - Metallica Electric Eye - Judas Priest Dazed and Confused - Led Zeppelin Speak - Queensryche Nightrain - Guns n Roses La Folie - Stranglers Still I'm Sad - Yardbirds BYOB - System of a Down The Local Cop's a **** - Kevin Bloody Wilson
  3. God, I'd hate to be completely in control of a band...I'm sure we'd end up as an Iron Maiden ripoff... Current band, we're pretty democratic in terms of songwriting - we each generally write our own parts, we might vaguely suggest something for another instrument to play but we're all pretty respectful towards each other. Otherwise, the singer and guitarist unofficially take charge of a lot of areas - they book most of the gigs, came up with the name, etc. They'll ask me and the drummer for our opinions, or we might take it upon ourslves to book the odd gig, but for me it's fine not to have too much power there - so long as I can express myself in the songwriting, I'm happy.
  4. All my mates were picking up instruments (ie. guitars). One of my mates was on about getting a bass (to this day he still hasn't got one) and it sounded like an interesting idea, so I started messing around with my Dad's bass when I was over his house the one time. He taught me a simplified version of 'Master of the Universe' and offered to put some cash/lend me the rest towards my own bass. He then got assassinated by a guitarist who burned his house to the ground. I rose from the ashes, brand new Ibanez in hand, bloodthirsty and screaming for revenge.
  5. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='1011943' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:33 PM']Bin him. Guitarists? £1 a bowl mate.[/quote] Exactly...therefore no-one will miss him should he go missing...or maybe meet an unfortunate accident...
  6. Mine tend to catch by accident sometimes. So I bite them off. Never had time for those namby-pamby nail scissors
  7. I beat it when I come home and it doesn't have the tea ready and waiting on the table for me Damn Squier needs to learn some respect.
  8. Welcome to Basschat - feels odd saying that, given that you've been a member longer than I have
  9. I'm open to most things...so long as the headstock doesn't have three tuning pegs on one side and one on the other. That really gets on my tits.
  10. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1007769' date='Oct 31 2010, 08:06 PM']Our band insists on doing 2 Sham 69 numbers in the classic punk tribute section of the gig. I bloody hate those songs - "kids r united" and "We're all going down the pub." They seem to be real drunk lads anthems.[/quote] I'd love to be able to play those two songs in our set...I know they're more drinking anthems than anything, but they're a bit of fun.
  11. Can't really add anything, but I do love playing that bassline. Same goes for most of their songs to be fair.
  12. Old band: From between four weeks to never to get it to gigging standard. The guitarist, chooser of all songs, would pick complicated stuff like to cover and it'd take a while for us all to get out parts nailed. Didn't help that no-one could ever seem to remember how the songs progressed (admittedly, I'd only listen to them once or twice, learn how to play them, then stay away from them till the next band practice - some of the choices were **** awful). Current band: Usually have the songs to gigging standard by the next practise, maybe two if one of us has been having trouble with it.
  13. Seventeen by the Sex Pistols - good song, but we could never get it sounding quite right, and it started to get annoying. Thankfully, we've stopped playing Sex Pistols songs in order to show our disgust at the fact they're realeasing a Sex Pistols perfume/scent.
  14. I prefer it with one guitar, lets the bass have a bit more presence and gives me more room to maneuver under it. I'm a showoff though
  15. Got my Squier VM Jazz back in June...since then, I've barely touched the Fender P in comparison. Used it at every gig and band pracise, using it on our upcoming recording - love the tone, the feel, everything, excellent value for money.
  16. Excellent, glad to see things going well for you there mate
  17. [quote name='beardybass' post='1000881' date='Oct 26 2010, 10:14 AM']I tried that when I was about 16 or 17, no joy. Me: Y'know Mum, Jaco Pastorius never used to do the washing up because it softens the skin on you fingers. Both parents in Unison: Well you're not Jaco Pastorius are you? The. End.[/quote] Gosh darn it What if I say it'll be detrimental to my self-esteem if I can't play bass properly? Reckon I'm in with a chance then?
  18. So...based on the information in this thread, is it reasonable for me to ask my Mother to let me off doing the washing up in future because it makes me worse at bass playing?
  19. Depends on my mood, generally varies from one hour to about eight (when I'm really in the mood).
  20. I did it by sitting in a chair for half a day trying to play along to Metallica's 'Trapped Under Ice' with two fingers. It did the trick, I'll tell you that...bloomin painful though As others have said, work up to it gradully, it'll probably be much better than my method...
  21. [quote name='misrule' post='997042' date='Oct 22 2010, 01:51 PM']I heard an actor on Radio 4 a few months ago who said this: "All stage fright is vanity. The minute you don't care what the audience thinks, it disappears." It's an internal thing -- we worry about how the listener will judge us. We think people out there will laugh or despise us for playing worse than they can. Or we fear we'll cock up and look stupid. So the answer is to not give a sh*t what they think We were all beginners once, we all make mistakes sometimes and there will always be a better player than us and somebody less able. In the end, you're already a better bassist than 99 per cent of the population. There aren't many people around with the skills to judge you. Cheers Mark[/quote] This. Best thing is to throw yourself into the music, I find. I both play better and have better stage presence when I just do whatever feels right to me and stop worrying about the audience. It might always be nerve wracking (I'll barely eat before a gig for fear of throwing up due to nerves) but your confidence should improve with time.
  22. Wayne's probably suggested the fairest option there, IMO
  23. Just finished listening to Operation LiveCrime for the seventh time in two days before wondering if I was becoming obsessed. Attempted to vary things slightly by giving Fates Warning's 'No Exit' album a listen. Superb IMO, some of the riffs sound a bit out of sorts when placed together within songs but overall seems to be a pretty great album (some lovely bass as well).
  24. @ 3V17C Excellent selection, it's good to see you're playing some of the less well known hits by some of the artists (Problem Child, Never Say Die, Shot in the Dark) - stuff that is known by the fans and some casual listeners, but not overplayed. Kudos.
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