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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1444413373' post='2883157'] 70's Alternative Rockers Flo and Eddie have joined forces with 80's Soul Duo Charles and Eddie to form a new revivalist Trio. [/quote] weren't Trio that Breakway group that Hobnob'd with a Viscount?
  2. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1444342731' post='2882514'] Grindy bass tone on this track - love it!!! Hot Chocolate - "Every One's A Winner"[/quote] Another John Birch - assuming it was also used on the recording.
  3. Jimmy Lea's live tone was awesome (to my ears). An active bass, huge output pickups with onboard overdrive through a massive Hiwatt based rig [media]http://youtu.be/2UUVQEUs4o0[/media] Starts on the riff at 14 seconds in but is repeated throughout in parts. Also love Lemmy's live tone and anything by Duck Dunn, so as BRX says - (I paraphrase, I hope) - context is everything.
  4. Have you asked JayDee? I'd doubt it's one of his but he may be aware of makers doing similar to his around that time, though the bridge & saddles are slightly similar to his.
  5. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1443730880' post='2877326'] Edit: Whatevs! [/quote] Good point! - though sadly in this techie age, your original response was quoted in the notification email I received. To which, I would only endorse the OP's comment... [quote name='roceci' timestamp='1443647658' post='2876669']& if anyone's got the time & inclination to get all Columbo & put the pieces together...well I wish I had as much spare time on my hands.......[/quote] .... because - despite accidentally leaving my "Columbo coat" on a bus 30+ years ago, I have neither the time nor inclination to either hunt out the relevant "sale item advert" nor spend any time trying to work out who the respondent was. FWIW though, I would also agree that it was probably flipped at a price that gave the seller room to be happily knocked down in price. FWIW MkII. Almost two years ago I sold a valve amp to a mate for £1200, the next day it was on Ebay for a BIN of £4k - which he got!! ................. However! He knew that I'd bought it at a charity auction - and the mate then donated the profits from the sale to the same charity. Now THAT [i][b]IS[/b][/i] "Community spirit". Maybe this seller will do likewise
  6. Only time I've done it was on a neighbours precision copy. I used 1200 (or poss. 1000) Wet n' Dry paper wrapped around the string next to it as a file. So for the E slot I used the wet n dry looped around the A string and filed with that. The thickness of the string + the paper was just right for the new width for the E and so on. iirc I used a guitar string + the paper for the G slot. Maplins also do an excellent set of "rats tail" Swiss files quite cheap. No set widths, so it would be a bit trial and error.
  7. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1443646531' post='2876652'] All a bit passive aggressive isn't it? You've put enough detail in so anyone reading your post can work out who you're on about but decided to moan here rather than have a word with the basschatter directly or leave feedback - poor show! [/quote] Now THIS is the [b]real[/b] Basschat and has been for a couple of years! Keep the pot stirring - none of that "Community Spirit" pseudo-"Three Musketeers" BS
  8. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1443462270' post='2874957'] [color=#000000]Searching back through the archives, it appears that he decided to pick a fight with at least one mod and the Admins. One of his PMs to the mod included the line "[i]Feel free to delete my acount [/i]{sic} [i]dickhead[/i]", and in his series of emails to the Admins he made a series of empty quasi-legal threats but then went predictably silent when asked to back his accusations up with anything remotely resembling evidence. Having read some of the stuff, I personally wouldn't go within a nautical mile of him or anything he might be peddling, but obviously it's your choice. [/color] [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just so as we're clear; when you're no longer a BCer, is the "P" in "PM" no longer valid and with hindsight just an "M" without the "P", even when the OP asks for a PM? [/font][/color]
  9. Weedy song that they've tried to bolster with Bond style big orchestra - and failed. Maybe the theme's crash and burn is a Bond analogy?
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1443045010' post='2871877'] The Solid Silver 60's Show is playing to packed houses every gig. People want to see the guys who made their favourite music, from when they were young. We, of all people, shouldn't be wishing musicians out of work. I think any musician who is fit and able to gig should be, especially when there is a keen audience ready to buy tickets. [/quote] There are many fans who don't want Slade(2) using the name, at one time that allegedly included Jimmy Lea. The current show is very much lowest common denominator and not a patch on the original line-up's act, but the guys do need to eat - and it's all they've ever done. I go to see them as much to catch up on old mates these days, including the band. The Xmas "home" gig will be "special" I read last year that Brian Johnson had gone back to being a car mechanic after Geordie split up. When the AC/DC rep came calling he didn't believe him & demanded that Malcolm come to ask him personally - which he did. A really good story, but many bandmembers don't even have a prior job to go back to, especially for a guy nearing 70 years old.
  11. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1443042432' post='2871836'] Yeah, good luck to them. Bands that reform at their age aint really trying to make it big againare they ? They have some fun, earn a few quids - sometimes quite a few, and the fan base, being in their 50s or 60s now, go and see them either out of curiosity, or with teenybopper girls bands probably for the memories and for a laugh with their old mates. [/quote] The current line up of Slade - or Slade2 as the remaining fans still call them (sans Noddy or Jim Lea) play to a few hundred in the UK at their few gigs which often are part of a 70s package. In Europe they'll pull crowds of 50k+. same with Andy Scott's Sweet. I would guess the reformed BCR are looking to do the same.
  12. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1443026125' post='2871618']So does that mean that Dumfries is English, or is it that Alnwick is Scottish?[/quote] All of Scotland is in England, ask any average American.
  13. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1443018441' post='2871502'] Yep, I'm with chris_b. I'm reminded of an occasion in Germany where I was standing and chatting with Dave Dee (young 'ns can Google him) whilst watching Brian Connolly's Sweet. BC could hardly stand, never mind sing - he was actually very ill! I rather naively said to Dave D, "Why the hell is he putting himself through it?" Dave D replied, "It's either that or the dole!" Too much perspective, perhaps![/quote] Quite a few of the guys on the nostalgia circuits are jobbing musicians; almost always they're the ones from their bands that didn't write the hits. Andy Scott wrote quite a few of the album tracks, B-sides and a handful of hits, so he was better off than the rest of the band. Very nice guy most of the time, but he likes things to be right on stage. I met Brian Connolly at an Edinburgh gig about two years before he died. Long story short; He never could handle the heavy drinking lifestyle that went with the role, but in '76 he was kicked in the throat outside a bar (latest theory is it was by a jealous boyfriend of a girl Brian had pulled). His voice never recovered, coinciding with the hits and market drying up. So he sought solace in the bottle he couldn't handle at the best of times. The final toll it took was him having over a dozen heart-attacks in one day while in hospital, which left him how you saw him. When I saw him he was helped onto a darkened stage by two roadies.
  14. [quote name='anDy LAKIN' timestamp='1443011278' post='2871408'] Money? [/quote] Don't you mean.......... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fJv5kUjddc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fJv5kUjddc[/url]
  15. Really? - Didn't know it had been on FM! I listen on a Pure "Marshall" DAB radio that my son bought me, when you first buy them their default setting is tuned to Planet Rock. I left in on Radio 2 for most of the time but "serious jockin" has forced me to rethink.
  16. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1442992788' post='2871127'] On digital? Since it went to Absolute Music, the phone-ins get in the way of the morning music and the music itself has got a bit blander. [/quote] Yeah, on DAB, tbh it's just background music but I can't say as I noticed any phone-ins. Yesterday aft. they did Quiet Riots "Cum On Feel The Noize" cover then Slade's "Mama Weer All Crazee Now" back to back, which was a bit of a nostalgia attack for me. Planet Rock used to have a fairly good forum attached to it's site but it disappeared for some reason, maybe the Absolute thing, I hadn't heard of that.
  17. It's a Godawful small affair, To the girl with the mousie hair.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1442930438' post='2870647'] The voices are louder though. Radio 4 in the car - used to switch over to Planet Rock.............[/quote] I've just started listening to Planet Rock again, between the hours of 2 'till 5pm. It's better than listening to Steve Wright on R2 desperately trying to sound still "with it*" (* fingers quote marks) with the "hands up" that wasn't even funny the sixth time he did it - though if I could fight the tedium it would be semi-interesting to count how many times he plugs "serious-jockin" (no "g") that should have been a one-off gag not still trying to trend it over a year later.
  19. It would work through a mixer; I made the master of my son's band's live CD with it, not long after I first bought it. I'd bunged the sound guy a few beers to tape it. Only downside was I hadn't accounted for the mics not picking up much audience noise. It was a blinding gig but you can hardly hear the crowd on the final disc. Thanks for the thought with a spare but as I say, it's very rarely used in recent years. I used it for the purpose of this thread for a few A/B tests but that's about it. Last time I used it was to CD some Slade tracks there were never released on digital.
  20. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1442847040' post='2869948']I wouldn't even use switch cleaner on something working as you could disturb a bit of dirt which would create a problem as a worse case.[/quote] It's also an excellent conductor so if it conducted somewhere it shouldn't it might not end well.
  21. This amp is direct through on all sources, no bass or no treble pots. The balance control is from dual concentric volume knobs. It also has an input for DAT (remember them! )
  22. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1442786656' post='2869538'] Random question, and slightly OT, but Is that a Pioneer cd recorder in your rack? [/quote] It is yeah, the PDR-609, really great at recording CDs but playback isn't as good as the Marantz. But it does mean I can copy to CD from vinyl, cassette & CDs to very high quality. Haven't done any in years but used to do some "rarities".
  23. The CD channel on the amp was the first one to give problems; I've just done the switch-cleaner job on it and it's now clear as a bell. Until now I'd just transferred the CD connection to the spare "line" input. it could be suggestion but I'm fairly sure the CD channel is better voiced that the line, though I'd have thought they were the same thing. I've tried all of the playback lines, given them a wobble on the plugs while they were playing and no crackles. I'll be using it more than normal to test it out, but fingers crossed I/we have found a cure - until next time! Thanks guys!
  24. I couldn't live without it. I work from home and have music in the background the whole time & if it's been a rough day I'll wind down by really focussing on something I've picked out, or if it's been a great day I'll celebrate in the same way.
  25. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1442703002' post='2868934'] Switch cleaner on the plugs, put them in and out and twist few times, best not to spray it in through the holes. When you change source, does it crackle, and does wobbling the source knob make a difference ? if it does, you might want to try spraying a little into the switch as well if its not a sealed type.. [/quote] Definitely - I'll be shaking any excess off the plugs too. I've just tried it with the record channel off the cassette deck (since I can't remember the last time I used that channel ) and it's worked, or at least the getting it back on easily has, I had the plugs wrapped in kitchen paper & shook them a bit before trying. The selector switch is really solid, a very hefty clunk between each source with no wobble or crackle.
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