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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1441314420' post='2857934'] Fact, Rumors is a great album but it's not historical while Sgt Pepper is. Blue [/quote] Being one of the best selling albums of all time is historical is most people's terms of reference. A guy trying to browbeat people into seeing a band from his ancient past as being good/historical/best or whatever is very "meh". I find the vast majority of Beatles music boring, such a thought is irrelevant and totally detached from their place in history. Having a personal opinion or musical taste is nothing whatsoever to do with "getting it".
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1441313474' post='2857913'] The Pepper album will go down in history as "ground breaking" regardless of who enjoys it and who doesn't. Blue [/quote] Yup - it must be frackin' essential! geddit?
  3. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441296003' post='2857709'] Hmmm... I think something can be enjoyable but not as important as something else. A fair sized proportion of today's serious music is not enjoyable. But in the long run it may be more important. An album being enjoyable is down to the subjective experience of the listener. Whether an album is important may be more to do with what the album motivates it's listeners (note plural) to do. [/quote] That's a whole lotta important-ing going on! Maybe the importance isn't important to some compared to the actual enjoyment purpose, or simply lost over the decades since.
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441286540' post='2857559']The important bit is not who was 'bigger', but who was more innovative and influential. Which was the more important album, Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' or the lesser selling 'Sgt Pepper's'?[/quote] For me - it's "Rumours", entirely because in music's primary role of enjoyable entertainment I do enjoy "Rumours", though I'm not a fan of FM, whereas Sgt Pepper bores me to the point that though I own a few Beatles recordings I've never listened to Sgt Pepper all the way through. That may be heresy to some ............. or maybe I just don't "[i]get it[/i]".
  5. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1441281207' post='2857478'] Or it could also mean i was being silly... But hey, its ok, your epiphanies are more epipany-ey than anyone else's, you win. Is there anything on telly? [/quote] Not necessarily - maybe his epiphany was just the only epiphany he's ever had in the fifty years since? That's a hell of a long time to be able to "get it" *taps nose knowingly* - while anyone else would recognise it as just a golden teen-aged memory, which we all have.
  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1441198511' post='2856845'] I think one of the main issues is that Motörhead is literally Lemmy's life. If he can't do what he loves so dearly (playing live), then that's a big and hard hit to take. If he hangs up his stage boots it could also be the start of a rapid decline in his last stretch. All very sad news IMO. Born To Lose, Live To Win. You'll always be a winner in my eyes Lemmy. Long Live Kilmister. [/quote] Very much this! He's lived his whole career on his own terms. What's cultivated image to most artists is just the way he rocks to him. If it was all image he wouldn't have allowed his fans see him walking on stage with a stick like he just did. It's a shame to see an icon such as him fade out rather than go out with a bang - but as always it's him - doing it his way. The only thing that possibly concerns me, is that Motorhead has in recent years become more of a corporate machine than it ever was. It's largely been a good thing, profitable merchandising, monies coming in went where they should, royalties are more controlled - I just hope he's not being manipulated into keeping that going in his weakened state.
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1440967868' post='2855044'] Have a look at their live history up to that point. More than [i]most[/i] manage in a lifetime.[/quote] "most" being the operative word there. Elvis's for just one was incredibly busy even before then & The Stones and The Animals did likewise. Even well in to the 70's bands were often doing two shows in one day & going out for weeks.
  8. In the gospel according to Paul Gambacini (on Radio 2 just now) today is the anniversary of The Beatles last ever live show in 1966, not counting the Apple roof. This means that the "known" line-up gigged for a little over 4 years. If any other of their peers had done likewise I doubt the Beatles would have been alone in being experts in studio-work and effects only. The Beach Boys would have nailed it. Brian Jones, might not have died, no Mick Taylor Stones era, no Ronnie era.
  9. Did you ever see a woman, coming out of New York City, with a frog in her hand? Well I did, don'tcha know?
  10. Was in Denmark St yesterday. A very nice guild semi in Wunjos with two Darkstars on it, more 60s Japanese almost-copies than I've ever seen, squillions of Hofners in Hanks but for a non-Fender lover such as myself nothing of major interest.
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1439206537' post='2840769']Don't use a matchstick.[/quote] Correct [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1439206537' post='2840769']The wood of the matchstick is much softer than a cocktail stick.[/quote] Also correct [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1439206537' post='2840769']normal DIY-type PVA glue.[/quote] For the hat-trick! Depending on the size of the hole to fill if you can get three cocktail sticks in, the middle is your automatic centre pilot hole. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1439590361' post='2844305']Matter of interest, I blocked the nozzle in a bottle of PVA with a woodscrew and the screw went rusty in about a week. Anybody ever used glue and then had a problem with the screw going rusty and breaking, or not being able to get the screw out ?[/quote] Try the cap off an old felt tip pen, you even get the "click" shut seal if you find the right sized pen.
  12. There's always a next time - they say they're coming back next year, it'll give me time to rehearse the jokes in case I do need them
  13. All worked out well in the end. I'd been told about this joke-telling in a phone call from the guitarist - using the drummers phone - mobile to mobile - internationally It was just the guitarist winding up the drummer, saying he wanted to tell me jokes while all the time the drummer was in the background wishing to hell he'd just finish the call instead of racking up his bill.
  14. If we had one of the "ba-ba-dum-tish" emoticons on here it'd be like that sponsored drumathon.
  15. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1440013271' post='2847640']How do you know when there's a drummer at the door? The knocking speeds up.[/quote] That was going to be my first reserve in case the bassist jokes start; but the version I heard was; "How do you know there's a drummer at your door? The knocking speeds up, then slows down, then they come in when you don't expect them to"
  16. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1440012572' post='2847623'] I know where you're coming from. When I chat to people, some think I know loads of jokes because of my dry sense of humour.( and slapstick). I do know a few, but I forget when put on the spot . My humour seems to win most people over . I'm sure you'll be fine . [/quote] Yeah, that's normally how I am but then I got told "wait, the drummer wants to tell you jokes". I'm more of funny but true anecdotes rather than "jokes". There's 11 in the band so hopefully it won't be my turn very often.
  17. Going with the Mrs to a show tomorrow, their guitarist gave us plenty of notice and we're making a bit of a day of it it would appear. It seems their drummer likes to have "joke exchanges", problem is I'm cr@p at telling jokes - or remembering them & most of the drummer gags I know can't be repeated with a lady present (I could always keep sending her to the bar I suppose). Anyone got any good (reasonably clean) jokes that I can "borrow"?
  18. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1439931722' post='2846935']Where's Me Jumper?[/quote] [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1439975918' post='2847134']donald where's me troosers?[/quote] [size=3] Ken Dodd and The Diddymen - Where's Me Shirt?[/size]
  19. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1439757417' post='2845577']I'll tell you what does p*ss me off good and proper though: as a man of very modest talent on the bass I had to invest some time and effort into learning Rhythm Stick, but our keyboard player couldn't be bothered. He had a few half-arsed stabs at it in gigs and then decided it wasn't a crowd-pleaser. So my one and only chance to shine has been dropped from the set[/quote] What a waste! ..............................................................................................................
  20. My son's band were given a pair of the Marshall ones about 15 years ago. Each one contained a pair of Celestion 25w 12" Greenbacks and a pair of 10"s. Sadly the speakers were worth more than the full cabinets.
  21. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1439372252' post='2842174']Would it be feasible to make a paste out of wood glue and sawdust to tidy up an irregular hole? Would it be strong enough to hold the pickup in place? There will be some force applied as the foam is compressed to keep the pickup from moving. [/quote] Very much so, I was told by a luthier that such a thing is a referred method, especially if you have sawdust off the exact same wood area you're filling. I think it was EvoStik wood glue in the green bottle that claims to be harder than the wood it sticks. The trick is to make it as thick a mix as you can & the bits as fine as possible. In the past I've achieved this by using a hacksaw and/or a file to make the dust. Alternatively you could plug most of the hole with an epoxy glue, that woudl take the new screw and put a veneer of the wood-glue filler on top of it.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1439073244' post='2839843'] I'm sorry if there's any confusion over this. I was simply trying to help some folks get their pics shown. I use Imgur, so I know well enough how to do that, and I'll stick to that as an example. You'll have to work out for yourselves if you wish to use any of the plethora of other hosts out there, and check out their individual security issues, if they have any. I'll remove the offending example from future 'helpful' posts, if I choose to post at all, although I'm pretty sure that many folks use Photobucket (and others...) with success. I don't know all about all on the web, I'm far too small for that. [/quote] Horses for courses. I went off PB for a while but they seem to have sorted their act out now. Last I heard was using the other way of linking the only way to protect your privacy was to set a password but that could then also block the pic you wanted to use. Far too much dicking about so I just use the "direct" link after it was pointed out to me.
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1439066185' post='2839787'] I'm not a PB User, but I rather think that the 'IMG' code and the 'Direct' code are the same; the BBCode (IMG...) simply has the appropriate html code already in place, ready to be recognised by a cooperative forum. I could be wrong; it has been known (1956 was the last time, as I recall... ). [/quote] Have you checked that link is recent? My window doesn't look like that. I just tried both ways of linking. Assuming there isn't a different way than clicking on the "image" icon and pasting in the link all I got on preview was two lines of code, whereas using the direct link gives a nice preview of the intended pic. I'm not about to post that line of code as it then gives a link to my PB which some users may not want to happen.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1439039511' post='2839562'] I'd leave it Dad. Yours is more logical and we don't want to confuse anyone, do we..? Just because I've been doing it the same way for years doesn't mean its necessarily the best way. [/quote] I was told that using the "direct" link stops people from being able to access the rest of you PB account if you want to keep the rest private.
  25. In the good old days fridges and tube lighting were notorious for causing such problems. Try unplugging your fridge briefly & see if it changes. If it does get your sparks mate back to put a new designated clean line in for you, separate to the mains loop - (hint) it's a start on having a designated man-cave, as I believe the young uns call them.
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