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Everything posted by 40hz

  1. Thank you all for the input. It's been tremendously useful! I heard someone playing a Streamer LX5 on YouTube this morning and the sound absolutely blew me away - so much so I put a wanted advert out. I've had P/J Streamers, but the J/J's just have that 'burp'. Finding one under 9lbs could be a mission, but my previous Streamers were all super lightweight, so could be possible! I'm also going to try the Sadowsky Metro Express as previously suggested, even though the headstock looks absolutely awful. They seem to be lightweight for 5ers - a couple I saw online in my travels, seem pegged at around 8.5lbs. I also understand Roger has overseen a raft of improvements across the board, from the very first ones that earned a bad rep, with improved QC and preamp components.
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  3. Good lord. I absolutely love the Dolphin. What a stunner!
  4. £1500 tops. The issue is I'm fairly open to most things, and it's hard to pin it down to a particular bass, so my thinking was playing a bunch of random 5ers and seeing if something speaks to me more than others - hence looking for a shop that is likely to have quite a few to try.
  5. Morning all! Again, tried the search function but couldn't seem to hone in on this particular question. In my quest for the perfect 5er, I thought about maybe visiting some stores across the UK. It would be good if I could find a shop that had a very wide range of basses (although I know this is rare). Anyone suggest the best place to do this? Bass Direct is on my door step, however it does deal primarily in very high end gear, slightly out of my price range, so would just result in un-scratchable GAS. Thank you!
  6. This sounds promising (pun intended).
  7. I'm really liking the KZ5 at Bass Direct. Weight looks to be 8lbs 7oz of the fretted one left in stock. One of the sold ones was even lighter than that. Great B-strings as well.
  8. I did think about the Nanyos. Crazy that they still go for so little! Good call!
  9. Thank you for the offer! Not my cup of tea visually I'm afraid (as much as I like Spector).
  10. P-Basses. In my younger days, I'd always shunned them totally for being so boring (as I saw it) and common, preferring flashier basses with more bells and whistles. I then bought a Classic Series 50's and realised what all the endless clichés are about, with regards to 'sitting in the mix perfectly' and 'sounding great with no tweaking required'. They're ubiquitous for a reason and it took me near 20 years to show them some respect.
  11. Just sold my Mesa Boogie to Jon. As always, a pleasure to deal with. The Essex boy in our Jon is strong! Turns up in this beautiful Porsche! Paid promptly, no fuss and a great bloke to boot. You can have first dibs on the S.U.B if it ever gets moved on mate!
  12. Thanks again for the further suggestions and offers (nothing taking my fancy though). In theory a Steinberger would probably be the ticket. Especially as I'm a graphite hound, but I just can't get past the looks. I like basses with Stingray-esque tones, so a humbucker with active electronics is a preference. .
  13. 40hz

    Chapman MLB1

    Never tried one, so my opinion is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, but their spec is *excellent* Shame the looks don't follow suit. They look like they were drawn by me, aged 15, then magicked into reality.
  14. Don't eat at all as I don't get hungry, likely due to adrenalin, before and immediately after. So for me it's a hearty bowl of Weetabix when I get home! Or Ready Brek (I know! I know! It DOES taste different though) if I can be arsed to make it in the microwave.
  15. Tragic news. Can't imagine how Grohl must be feeling, a second band member and friend, he was incredibly close to, dying. I saw them back in 2002 on the One by One tour. He was gigantic behind the kit. In sound and personality.
  16. They're my favourite band of all time and have one hell of a back catalogue and still do the business live, but it almost hurts me to say these released songs have all been so 'meh'. They all sound like Stadium Arcadium (imo, one of their worst albums) B-sides. I'm not expecting them to be playing methamphetamine fuelled punk funk anymore (as much as I'd love it), but they've shown they can do 180° shifts (Blood Sugar, One Hot Minute, By The Way) and really make them work. I just wished they'd taken a risk, I mean, they might of and these tracks might not be indicative of the album, but my hype for this album is dust in the wind (dude).
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Lots of great info and stuff to have a look at tonight (post band practice!)
  18. The seafoam/blue coloured one looks great. Thanks for the heads up! Never really considered Maruszczyk.
  19. That Bongo weight sounds incredible for a 5er! Are your Stingray 5's earlier models or later?
  20. I normally wouldn't be an Ibanez fan, but that looks bloody lovely! Great weight too!
  21. Agree 100%. I'm in good shape physically (I'm 36 and work out) but I get back ache with any bass over 9.5lbs (weirdly specific but valid!). It's also about taking care of my body going forward, so I don't end up like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I know a Stingray Special is probably the ticket, but even used (likely in a colour I won't like, as I'm fussy) that's gonna run the best part of 2k. Not to mention I've seen some reports that some specials, recently, aren't actually *that* light and come in over 9lbs.
  22. Hi all, I know this has been discussed before somewhat, but in the interests of being up to date, anyone have any experience of lightweight 5-string basses? (Budget around £1500). I've been looking at Stingray 5's but the weight on them seems to hover around the 10lbs+ mark, which is going to be too much with 2 hour gigs, twice a week. I know the specials are lighter (in theory) but I don't have £2700 to drop on a bass. Sandberg Superlights look great, but I'm not overly keen on the aesthetics of most Sandberg basses, as brilliant as they are. Lakland 55-02 was top of my wish list but again, weights seem to be 10lbs+ on most. Opinions and experiences anyone?
  23. I've never heard of 80% of Bass players people talk about on this forum.
  24. Thank you chaps! Appreciated! It is a bit galling, but needs must, I'm just contenting myself knowing that I'll get back on the Mesa train later this year all being well. They simply make the best amps. To me, the M-pulse is as near damnit to a tube sound as you're ever going to get from a hybrid amp. It's 'that' close. When I get the 5 string, I'll be sure to clobber the singer around the head with it for making me do this.
  25. Hi all! I have up for sale my Mesa Boogie M-Pulse 600. One of the earlier ones given the serial number, so likely dates from 2001-2002. Had a full service last year with new input jacks. Selling (as like the P-Bass I have up, I need to quickly raise some £ for a 5 string and have my eye on ordering a WD-800 when available again). Here's the blurb from Mesa ; Handcrafted in Petaluma, California 600 Watts @ 4 Ohms (320 @ 8), Simul-State™ Power / 8 Tube Driven Power MOSFET, 2x12AX7 Active/Passive Inputs 4 Stage Vacuum Tube Preamplifier with Gain, Active Bass & Treble, Passive Mid and Footswitchable 5-Band Semi Parametric EQ that provides 15db of cut or boost from 30Hz to 12KHz Footswitchable Compressor with Independent Threshold and Ratio Controls Main Output Level Control Footswitchable Solo Level Control Footswitchable Parallel FX Loop with Mix Control Balanced Line Out with Pre/Post Switch Bass Tuner Output w/Footswitchable Mute 2 - 1/4” Speaker Output Jacks Slave Out w/Level Control Fan Cooled 5 Button Footswitch (Parametric EQ, Compressor, Solo, FX Loop & Mute) It has the typical Mesa tone - thick, strong and muscular tone with complete clarity. The BEST amp I have ever used. Pickup or meet up from Moreton in Marsh. On the Gloucestershire/Warwickshire/Oxfordshire border. Happy to travel a large radius to facilitate pickup. No trades. No offers. Priced keenly to begin with. Thank you for looking.
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