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Everything posted by 40hz

  1. It does indeed, and supremely comfortable for it. Makes higher register playing even easier, too.
  2. They're USA standard pickups (from the era).
  3. Ask and ye shall receive!
  4. Just got back, with a new Bass in hand! So, I tried a fair few basses, and found the following ; G&L L2500 tribute. - Stunned by this, for the wrong reasons. QC was shocking, out of the box. Wobbly pickup selector switch, a set up that meant the B-string was almost resting on the polepieces, causing distortion and popping. The neck had a large, prominent white scuff under the lacquer, possibly from a poor sanding job. Even if it had been a good one, the string spacing was way too close for my tastes - I kept tripping over myself on quicker lines. Yamaha BB435/735 - both were nice playing and had a good tone (especially the rear pickups), but ultimately a bit uninspiring. Heavy as well. Sadowsky Metro-Express PJ5 - light, poorly set up, tone was quite flat sounding. Bass felt dead acoustically. Ibanez SR1405 - Light, superbly finished and set-up. Felt professional compared to the others and had a great, growly tone. Ultimately I didn't dig the finish that much. But that's a 'me' thing. Would have happily bought this in a sombre colour. Sterling SUB Ray 5 - Flat, lifeless tone. Had loose tuners and pots. Poor QC. Sterling Ray 35 - Great neck profile, tone was a bit thin for me on the upper strings, didn't really feel it was worth the asking price (£1100). Then went to Bass Direct. Musicman Bongo 5 - It was bloody loud. But, ultimately not for me. Suffered from neck dive. Nice neck profile, though. Sandberg TT5 - light, great tone, nicely finished, but was surpassed by something else. MTD KZ5. Yes. All the yes. B-String was much more defined and tighter than anything else I'd played (likely due to 35" scale), with much more articulation to each note. It weighed 8lbs 5oz, so, easy on the shoulder and back. The tone was deep and rich, with exemplary string balance. Beautifully finished and set-up, it was not even up for debate - this was the best bass I played all day by some margin (and exactly what I was looking for), so, I bought it!
  5. Still his best tone. The RHCP 'Off the Map' DVD I bought back in my first year of playing bass, hooked me onto the Modulus sound. I had never, ever, heard a bass guitar sound anything like it. Explosive, crystal clear, detailed, ridiculous amounts of growl with a unique, pokey sound. I had to have one. An absolute modern classic. He needs to go back to using them. The Jazz sounds so polite by comparison.
  6. He's my favourite Bass YouTuber. Affable, informative, funny, no ego, zero intent to desperately show you his chops - but still a very decent player. Mostly though, he's always having fun and really loves Bass.
  7. Not many things would ever stop me owning or buying a bass, full stop. Biggest offender would be a Bass being finished in Sunburst. Can't bloody stand it - awful, awful finish. Then I'd add anything pointy or 'metally'. They just look silly, IMO. Having to have an 'extreme' body shape to hammer the point home how 'metal' you are, just seems ridiculous to me. It'd be more metal playing Djent on a Hofner. And finally - any user 'upgraded' bass.
  8. Damn it MESA! That WD-800 is going to have to wait (a lot) longer. This wouldn't be so annoying if ; A - I hadn't just sold my M-Pulse 600 B - MESA amps weren't so awesome.
  9. I'm off on a jaunt Saturday to try out GuitarGuitar's stock and Bass Direct. Looking around at websites, I'll be hopefully getting to try at the very least; Ibanez SR Premium range MTD KZ5 Spector Pulse 5 G&L Tribute L2500 (I know this is likely to be an absolute anchor, but the tone is wild) Sadowsky MetroExpress I've been scouring the 2nd hand market on here and eBay/Gumtree FB marketplace, daily, but there really isn't a lot that takes my fancy at the moment. Sods law I guess! I know that this time in a fortnight, someone will list a beautiful Lakland under 6lbs, located in the same town as me and giving out free beer with every sale. 🤣 I'll keep you all posted. And thank you again for all suggestions and comments.
  10. Got one of these (L2500 Tribute) on the hit list this weekend in my quest for a great sounding, lightweight 5er. I know the likelihood of it being sub 9lbs is minimal to nil, Got to be worth a try at least, though. Looking around YouTube at videos, I happened upon a Rush Tribute band (that were amazing) in which the Bass Player was using a L2000. I couldn't believe how close to Geddy's Wal tone this thing got in his hands. They're remarkably flexible animals, tone wise. Colour me impressed!
  11. Sold Marc my Classic Series P-Bass. Great Comms and was accomodating in terms of meet up for the obligatory services car park handover. Mostly though, he is a thoroughly top chap, and a (needed) reminder of how good this community is. Deal with absolute confidence. Enjoy the bass my friend!
  12. My Modulus Flea is a cyborg tiger having its balls kicked in.
  13. For me, it's a similar thing to the Musicman Bongo - It's so mental and weird that I love it. That is a heck of a lot of bass for the money.
  14. The Pulse is a lovely looking thing - EMGs are my favourite type of pickup and the tonepump on my old Spector Euro was excellent. It's on the list (I think Bass Direct might have one in).
  15. Status Stealth. Great call. I'd imagine rare and probably out of budget, though?
  16. If I had enough for this, my plans for a 5er would be catapulted right out the window!
  17. Enjoy! It's a thunderous bass. Already experiencing some solid regret!
  18. It really surprised me too, as on paper it would sound like they would be similar, but it really was quite different. The Status necked Ray was just the Ray sound but 'cleaner' (in no way a bad thing, Stingrays are my fave production basses). The Modulus has that weird, ultra-distinctive, peaky, mid-growl - sounding almost like a synth bass. I don't know what to put it down to, but they really were chalk and cheese. I also agree regarding his best tones. For me, the Modulus, followed by the J/J Spector NS2 from Uplift Mofo Party Plan.
  19. Yeah I think this is it - Flea likes using his 62 Jazz in the studio, but doesn't like using them live, due to the fact it doesn't cut as much.
  20. 40hz


    -bla di, obla da
  21. The tone on a lot of these tracks sounds like the passive Jazz to me? Maybe it's a mix of both?
  22. Listened again, front to back. It's kinda of got a summery laid back vibe, which I didn't really pick up on to begin with, but is actually kinda cool on repeated listens, but it's still not overly memorable. Again, Flea's tone - It sounds like he's pushing a Jazz to the limit, trying to get that Ray/Modulus type sound, but getting a weak version of it (before anyone kills me, I love Jazz Basses). His Modulus tone was absolutely explosive and suited his playing style to a 'T' Maybe I'm getting old but it just don't sound right, I tell thee!
  23. Just listened to it all the way through. Meh. Not many wild ideas on the album. It's very, very, very safe. Edit - I also really wish Flea would go back to his Modulus or his Stingrays. His Jazz bass tone is pants, IMO.
  24. I had read on Talkbass that he was aware of the issues and had discussed this/these with Warwick with a view to improvements? Either rate, they are improved from the infamous first run. Sadly that didn't extend to the headstock!
  25. I'd be using a pick with a piece of sponge chucked under the strings near the bridge. I'm pretty sure Carol Kaye used to do something similar to this?
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