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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='dood' post='123635' date='Jan 20 2008, 03:49 AM']The mythical note, known as the 'Pink Note' is said to be approximately 32Hz. C1 appears to be the closest you'll get to that, first fret on a standard B string. .. ... .... I know too much... lol..[/quote] Thats strange,because the acoustics of the room at the time,given that...well...to be frank...F to G sharp went down the best... Vibes wise.
  2. Obscure Leeds pub,played it MANY times,singers voice was f***ed after the previous nights gig,he dosent take care of himself,and its annoying... Flipside is WE or rather I,have ,to cover..I dont get to do lead vox much,but last night...well I did! and whilst playing my 1st full gig on the 9. hands hurt,back hurts,Im tired,and the cars full..and Ive a lot of money to put in the bank....
  3. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    IN A BUZZ!!! Just finished an entire evenings gig using the 9 exclusively,no switchovers..changes..ALL 9 strings mofo! Its coming..the magic is definitely coming.
  4. ARGH


    Latter half of "New dawn fades" by Joy Division,Hooky jumps the descending riff half a bar to early. really throws the rest of the band out for a few seconds.
  5. ARGH


    [quote name='owen' post='121928' date='Jan 17 2008, 07:49 AM']Thanks, I have used that one (not being ungrateful here!), and on listening closely it sounds as if the whole rhythm section goes into the intro riff and it is Jimi that ploughs on regardless.[/quote] I have a Noel quote to say that its his fault...Mitch may have followed,but its his mistake.
  6. ARGH


    "We are the roadcrew" By Motorhead... The guitarfeedback is Eddie Clark flat on his back laughing at the lyrics
  7. ARGH


    Noel redding goes into the intro riff during the fade out of "Fire" by mistake Chas Chandler reckoned no-one would notice it,so it stayed.
  8. OK heres the list:- 1st song in set,1st note broke my E string,get what note the song was in? Stepped on tuner during 'Bass only part of song' Yanked cables out of guitars,amps,FX etc Hit singer with headstock (It was an accident ..honest) Kept tuner on when going into song... Not switched on Amp Not connected speaker lead properly...hense panic searching for battery/cable/FX connection issues FORGOT STRAP! (Dont ever do this EVER...NO.... REALLY DONT!) Started in TOTALLY the wrong key Got drunk,and gone mental in the 1st set..then the alcohol lag kicks in,and nearly died doing the next 2 hours onstage. Walked off mid set,for a piss.... Played fretless (When I couldnt) Beaten the pub champ at the quiz Picked the double bingo Ball (thus doubling what the landlord had to pay the winning punter,compared to the week before...bad news for me was,this was the 4TH WEEK it was picked in succession...and the landlord had to shell out about £500) No cable bag.....("Wheres MY f***ing CABLE BAG"???) Listened to the singer Windmill'd and smacked my hand through the Snooker table lights,showering me in glass.
  9. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='6stringbassist' post='119473' date='Jan 13 2008, 12:42 PM']I'm not too sure yet, I've been in touch with RIM, Overwater and Bee in the US, I like the look of the Bee basses [url="http://www.beebasses.com/html/basses_24.html"]http://www.beebasses.com/html/basses_24.html[/url] I'm not in a rush though, so I'm probably going to chat to a few others. Have you sen the bass masterclasses, I'm about to book the Yves Carbonne one. [url="http://www.bassmasterclass.moonfruit.com/"]http://www.bassmasterclass.moonfruit.com/[/url][/quote] Im seriously considering it,as is Jim,if only to look at the Legend XII in the flesh.
  10. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='119444' date='Jan 13 2008, 11:28 AM']A question mark? So ... some worries that he may not be the best after all? [/quote] No..far from it,the question mark was in a state of shock..as a question for others to raise their bar,and try harder.
  11. [quote name='stewblack' post='119404' date='Jan 13 2008, 09:43 AM']I cannot let this pass! Twas none other than the mighty Bruce Thomas, novelist, biographer, dog walker and bass player extraordinaire. To some of us he is the greatest.[/quote] Bruce? Dont get me started,I could talk all night...
  12. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='6stringbassist' post='119153' date='Jan 12 2008, 03:20 PM']You're getting an 11, when and who's making it for you, Jim Fleeting again, come on lets have some details. I'm going to be ordering a 7 in the next couple of months. How did the bimm thing go by the way.[/quote] Yeah Jims doing it,like I would lower myself to anyone else,no-one is as good as him? Olivewood top and back,mahogany core..sycamore/walnut thru-neck,ebony fingerboard....2 p/u's,Fanned Novax'd fretboard,Hipshot key on the C sharp (so I can sub it down to Contra B ),samestyle body design as the 'Beast' with probably 28-30 frets.....Im making Jim make the Pickups,if only to irritate him. The scale will probably be 37" on the Csharp,to 32" on the high Dsharp. Overall this will be a nastier instrument visually,much more moody and dark...a nightcrawler. Whos gonna make the 7 Kev? Bimm,went really well,and got a very honest appraisal,and opinion,and answers. Im going in the right direction.
  13. There is no end.... I play 9,Ive designed an 11......will it end? I have to admit no!
  14. Made a choice about a 9 yet?
  15. Ok To settle the Duranie debate once and for all 1st Lp.....Simons on it (and hes chorused out to hell and back,coz hes out of tune)...Johns on it,and Nicks on there in parts. 2nd lp Everyones on there,but theres session drums,some geezer took a £50 hushbung to play a few tracks,same with a few guitar tracks,and Nicks not doing EVERYTHING keys wise. 3rd lp,They are all on it (and the coke too). Out of all of them Johns ALWAYS had the most musical talent,followed by Nick. The rest are debatable.
  16. [quote name='Davetbass' post='119349' date='Jan 12 2008, 11:42 PM']Naw mate.....your version is like the Argos catalogue! [/quote] LOL... I just spat Tea Dave,You Hibs loving git!
  17. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    I seriously need to flog some gear off anyway,because its just taking up space,I sold the cheap 5 string last night,and will start on the fretless's after the months end.
  18. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='119096' date='Jan 12 2008, 12:55 PM']Couple of wedding gigs should do it mate[/quote] With our f***ing singer? NO CHANCE... Most of our functions have dried up,and Im in the minority of knowing why... So we just pub it...alot.
  19. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='118829' date='Jan 11 2008, 08:14 PM']You'll need a brace .. Fretted and fretless[/quote] That reminds me... I just got the price for my 11.... (anyone need a kidney?)
  20. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='7string' post='118865' date='Jan 11 2008, 09:51 PM']It'll be guitarist-envy at not getting as much attention as they think they deserve [/quote] Its just a f***ing piece of wood with a few more strings,its not as if I was even playing it at the time (some guy came in with a 5 string stinger and I was diddleing about on it..) But he was just....up his arse.. (Maybe his Jackson V classic wasnt really that impressive in a 'Rock' pub after my Aircraft carrier deck???)
  21. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Just experienced my first pangs of 'attitude' towards my instrument. From a guitarist? Weird huh? putting it down to jealousy
  22. Ive just,in word only got a band together,gonna start writing at the end of the month,its been over 2 years since I did ANY original music,and this time I feel better to start again. Why do I play...why do I play a 9 string? I cant follow the herd,I just cant,it dosent feel right,I never wanted to be a guitarist...Ive sung for years,and one day a mate said "You should play Bass as well". And so I just got that into my head,that "Thats what Im gonna do". He got me started,Steve Harris inspired me,Jack Bruce got me using 3 fingers,Geezer got me using 4 and Lemmy made me rumble the windows with chords. Its been a very faithfull friend,esp when I have felt lonely and isolated from others through my youth(Last year I was finally diagnosed why I nearly always felt that detatched...feeling) and instruments are a lot easier to deal with than people,in a communicative sense. Bass is my spirit,I cant accept traditions esp when I see they are just predictive crap,I have to push onward,often as always AGAINST what is the perceived normal and everyday,because its always flawed. I just know when Im around the right musicians.....it works.
  23. Im seriously considering attending.... Ive an aunt that lives nearby (in Barry) so the weekend could be worth my while,in an educational sense for my ERB playing.
  24. ARGH

    custom bass?

    www.jimfleetingguitars.com the guys in Ripon,and hes the best in the UK. And thats not an opinion,its a fact.
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