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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. The pros and cons are largely to the individual 'you' to decide. If the instruments are intonated correctly,then E at the 7th fret of the A string,is the Same E on the same fret as on the other instruments. Weather its a bolt on or otherwise. if you like the Bass,and the sound,buy it.
  2. ARGH


    [quote name='bilbo230763' post='130055' date='Jan 29 2008, 03:10 PM']Lower the action, thinner the tone. Higher the action, better the tone. Also, lighter the strings, thinner the tone but the easier it is to play, heavier the strings better the tone but harder to play. Its a complex little formula which you will be fiddling with for the next decade or so!! I would recommend you try a few basses at a shop that does repairs and see what feels ok for you.[/quote] +1 High action and Heavy guage is weight training. I Like weight training.
  3. If you want stuff to change,or sound new or different,use something different. There IS only so much you can do with a standard 4 string Bass,and all thats been done before. Frankly its dull. GET SOME ERB in yer band laddo!
  4. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Anyone can simper about..f*** that. Im sick of traditional approaches,namby pamby be nice dont offend crap. There comes a line,and Ignorance is not to be ignored,I play what I want to play because I want to f***in play it. I have a Fender........Hell..Im twice as trad,I play an upright. (the TRUE Bass). Deal with the sh*t direct..or ignore it...one dumbass sticking it to my 9 is excusable.. a threadsworth...THATS WAR!
  5. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='6stringbassist' post='130352' date='Jan 29 2008, 11:03 PM']I don't think he comes across as anything but someone who's fed up with people making smug, and conceited remarks about HIS instrument. I recently bought a great CD by Yves Carbonne, [url="http://www.alternityrecords.com/yvescarbonne.htm"]http://www.alternityrecords.com/yvescarbonne.htm[/url] Essential listening for ERB lover and haters.[/quote] Yeah how good is the CD kev? Im probably gonna have some audio on this soon.Next month or so.
  6. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='130322' date='Jan 29 2008, 10:14 PM']Your reply makes you come across as the tosser to tell the truth, and very stuck up your own arse.[/quote] I am And I dont care...bear. Given that they base their judgment on sweet FA.....I hope it upsets them.
  7. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    I dont think Angels play Metal.
  8. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    I love this sort of Yankee ignorance [url="http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/extended-range-guitars/44470-first-9-string-bass-made-uk.html"]http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/extended-...ss-made-uk.html[/url] Tossers
  9. [quote name='simon1964' post='130183' date='Jan 29 2008, 05:57 PM']Agree for the Precision. Have to disagree on the Jazz. The S1 gives the jazz a slightly fatter, rounder sound which sits really well in the mix. It gives a passive jazz some balls. Personally, if I was buying a Jazz, the question of the S1 switch would not make much difference for me. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it.[/quote] Guess which I play.?
  10. The S-1 switch is the DUMBEST thing Fender have done in the last few years.
  11. [quote name='neptunehealer' post='129216' date='Jan 28 2008, 12:34 PM']I am just interested to hear what you all prefer, as i am actively seeking a new bass at the moment and i can't decide which i prefer. This older more experienced bassist told me in a shop to purchase a thru-neck as it prevents the neck moving which made me think he had a valid point. All my favourite Jazz basses seem to be bolt-ons so i am assuming that as long as you have a hard case and take good care of the bass the neck should always be fine.[/quote] ALL necks move,be it noticeable or not. I shouldnt dramatically cost more/less to make a boltneck vs thruneck...if it does,question this..the labour time is pretty much the same.
  12. What can I say..its simple Deal with it by doing something about it. I am.
  13. yeah and if you cant be in a band you make a record label or a distro
  14. Hey...If his hero uses a pick LET HIM USE A DAMNED PICK!... I had a few lessons on 12 bar etc..and that got me started,but ideal-ly playing with friends and records were my tutors,the 1st 3 Sabbath records being the the best tutors,that and watching live vids of musicians (Jack Bruce with Cream in the Albert hall made me start to use my ring finger on the fret board...Geezer got me on the little finger..) And I still stand by that as a better way,because its in a musical situation,of learning,yet if you f*** up,you can press rewind and retry until you get it right....
  15. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='127545' date='Jan 25 2008, 08:54 AM']Is just me or are there no bass heroes anymore? You know the guys who you saw on Top Of The Pops and thought “My God!...I want to look as cool at that guy” For me people like JJ Brunell, Paul Simenon, Simon Gallup, Peter Hook….all made the bass look like an offence weapon. I just don’t see anyone from contemporary bands inspiring an apathetic youth to play the bass. While I continue my rant……can anyone suggest any bands around at the moment who have inspiring bass lines as I’m struggling to find anything worth listening to in this current trend of ‘femmepop’ as my mate calls it. Emasculated rock[/quote] Come and watch me in 6 months time... SERIOUSLY. I WILL SLAUGHTER!!! \m/
  16. Email the f***tard a Bill Dickens Youtube..then if he still has the balls,tell him to come round my house.... He wont get near..the ground shakes too much.
  17. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='metalmaniac' post='125092' date='Jan 21 2008, 10:34 PM']Mehehehehehe [/quote] What you laughin and thinkin about Low note? I see you smiling.....
  18. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='dood' post='124885' date='Jan 21 2008, 06:21 PM']DBX, Trace Elliot SMX Dual Band.. um.. EBS Multicomp, but you may wanna just add a little EQ for the lower strings on the EBS.[/quote] Im looking to boost the high strings really...C string upwards The Sansamp REALLY thuds up the low notes..I just want as much in the highs.
  19. [quote name='Finbar' post='124904' date='Jan 21 2008, 06:37 PM']But the only problem I'm having is that this is going to contend heavily for time with my originals band. Both for learning material, and doing gigs. And with the best will in the world, the originals band is where my loyalty and time lies. I know if I take this up, it'll complicate things, and the other guys in the band will start splitting off into other groups too, which isn't good for us. Buh.[/quote] Sorry Fin thats somewhere between rubbish and fear.... You learn the songs once,and then mechanically replay them,it takes up NO brain power..and after being learnt....no time...and if you can read charts,then you dont even rehearse tunes sometimes,you simply play,and you can add little flushes to make a tune your own...its great for contacts,and money,and I still get a buzz when a couple have their first dance to my Bassline. You CAN make it work,and its going to be regular work that can fit around your originals band....If you nail a tune or two a day,you can have the full set by a fortnights end,in your case I reckon you'll be faster. sh*t...hang on..Ive just seen your gig list....hmmmmm...It might be a problem..are you depping or taking over? Your in Cinders fall aint you?
  20. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Can anyone give me info on a good compressor? I reckon I need one!
  21. Still do it.... I was like you.all Originals first,you cant learn what you dont know to begin with...Coverswork will teach you that,including what to do if sh*t goes down or blows up or the Keys player has a spazz out and someone HAS to do lead vox because the singers just croaked out over the smoke machine.....I hope theres some Chic in the set,Bernard Edwards IS the man,I play metal and I still think John Taylor is Infinately better than 90% of Bassists in any genre....plus you will get to learn how to play to charts. PLUS ITS CASH!.....AND HE ASKED YOU!!!!...This guy could have asked ANYONE! Better than flipping burgers on a saturday daytime! £40+ for one evenings work PLAYING Bass???? You'd be mental not to do it...playings good,being paid to plays even better. Alex Webster,Les Claypool,Steve Digiorgio,All have or still play in covers/functions bands.
  22. One shop in Leeds price up they're stuff so when you ask for the discount..its stock price.
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