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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. Im in a rock and a hard place on this one... Im being interviewed for Bristol Bimm on Tuesday,and I think Im going to cancel. Bar learning to read to a better standard,I think its a waste of money,you can learn just as much ,if not more ,real experience in a Covers/functions band... I did,that last 4 years have been a drag,but I did get paid.
  2. God that was boring....but that Morales was cool in both. Yet more proof that the traditional position of Bass guitar is gladly dying.
  3. Its happening again isnt it? Nitpicking over a bloody Youtube flick of someone that in a solo,on his own,is showing a few tricks. On a Bass guitar. Why? Isnt this becoming dull and obvious AND sad?
  4. around 40...ish,add 5 recording sessions for mates,and 5 Auditions or CVs with cds sent,overdubbing the prospectives with my Bass,got nowt..oh well. took loooong time out from spring/summer,because of illness,and I just needed change. Xmas was quiet was offered £250 for Xmas eve....Told the geezer to shove it,because he never gave us the 5 gigs at the same rate in the next year,last year. Drummer is allegedly going to book like crazy for the money this year. It'll be nice.
  5. In 07 my faith in singers finally left me. Its been a happy divorce
  6. God Josh...thats a Lancia Delta INTACT driving behind you!!! Rare shot indeed!
  7. Just one has been christened with a name in recent years,and its not one Ive chosen 'Beast' for the 9.
  8. yeah I know 'That' type of entertainment...
  9. VERY VERY good post 6SB
  10. [quote name='jay249' post='111119' date='Dec 30 2007, 08:17 PM']People tend to say stuff about EB's being all ''dull'' and ''wooly'' and then you see the amps theyre using, i call this ''cobweb overtones''.[/quote] Throw in that big ol'bucker at the neck.... and short scale.
  11. Quickest way to work out what a woods properties has an effect on an instrument (poor grammer) is simple PICK IT UP AND PLAY IT. Regardless of whoever says X has blah blah,luthiers or players,its not a hard and fast rule,Mahogany by traditional word is quite blurry and muddy in tone (Think those old Gibson EBs in the late 60s) But Ive played instruments that just dont have that tone,yet they are mahogany?.. Its like people saying x type neckwood affects tone,it dosent. Woods wood,it has too many variables to say outright that its HAS a sound. If you want a different tone,change the scale.
  12. [quote name='finnbass' post='110818' date='Dec 30 2007, 03:34 AM']Cockles have a brighter, more punchy sound...[/quote] Sorry I find Cockles have far too much top end. Oysters are a ,shall we say, more refined sound.... But then I like distortion.
  13. PUT this list on www.rockofthenorth.com LOTTA covers/functions musos go there..locals etc. Might be the best lookout spot around. Im in Cas..I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  14. Yeah Bilbo did that and we know how that ended
  15. [quote name='thumbo' post='109984' date='Dec 27 2007, 06:56 PM'][/quote] Ahh Jims got the Neckwood for the 11 I see!!!
  16. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='109925' date='Dec 27 2007, 04:35 PM']As the guy who built my bass said - "I can put some strings and pups on a table and get a noise out of it - but it would be a c*** to play". Some people are prepared to do that with ironing boards and call them ERB's. You pay your money.....[/quote] Is this a direct quote from Bernie Goodfellow...In relation to this subject.....or a lie to suit a purpose? Y'see John we are back on the old debate again of you vs me on the ERB question? Which has or had ,as a debate or question, no place on this thread? If you take the price of parts,and whats actually being made,and the ACTUAL time to build it,finish it etc etc. The price is unjustafiable...In fact ANYTHING 4 string bar that Ritter with all the diamonds and leaf on it,over 2k for ANY boltneck 4 string,standard wood + active system seems silly to pay. Its not a dig at ANYONES guitar in perticular (Unlike what has just been said about mine...its alright I have a thick skin,I just know Im right) or maker,but the time and labour involved,inclusive of the parts..... Seems pointless,making a lookalike,for that amount of cash,but hey engineers are strange suspicious fellows. I suppose its the price of safety in the familier?
  17. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='108822' date='Dec 24 2007, 10:17 AM']Well my GB's are not copies of Fenders, rather inspired by Fender. Like you say its down to personal taste but I have never played another fretless that comes close to singing the way mine does. Its also a matter of personal choice. I think my GB's will be loads better than your Geddy but thats my opinion but also why I chose to spend my money on having them made. Other people may chose to spend their money on a 9 string monstrosity - thats their choice.[/quote] But what is the quantifiable price of Labour,You've paid good money for essentially,a boltneck lookalike of a massproduced instrument. Ok,the supa P's,and J's,2 octave necks,active systems,eqs whatever...but 2-3k for Ebony/Maple/Alder/Rosewood with a gloss finish and a boltneck,and few bits of wire and batteries,it just feels to me that some makers are just taking this piss,for essentially not really doing much in regard to design or any REAL work,besides construction. This of course depends on price,and then what do you believe is that value. Ive played Rays....like some ,not so much others
  18. [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='109491' date='Dec 26 2007, 02:47 PM']But its the overly-sensitive "others" that I've pretty much given up on. If you find it offensive, thats fine. But I won't be hypocritical and retract anything I've said, because the truth is I really don't care. Life is too short to try and please people who will never get your sense of humour. This forum is not a popularity contest.[/quote] +1 Yep.
  19. [quote name='finnbass' post='108631' date='Dec 23 2007, 05:27 PM']EGO eram quoque bardus studio Latin[/quote] Simple English yes would have sufficed Finn.....
  20. [quote name='finnbass' post='108626' date='Dec 23 2007, 05:13 PM']I think you'll find that's: 'Why let [b]incorrect[/b] grammar get in the way of a good statement?' [/quote] Have you studied Latin? I wish I had.
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='108615' date='Dec 23 2007, 04:49 PM']But first I will learn to use punctuation correctly.[/quote] Dammit..you saw through it first Why let correct grammer get in the way of a good statement?
  22. I have little to regret,and many more wars to enjoy. I WILL continue to haunt and undermine,the proud ignorant.the charlatan,and the plastic authoritarian. The closed mind shall be prised open by vitriol,scathing comment...or by the sheer absurdity. I am right...deal with it! And f*** you if you dont agree!
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