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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='92195' date='Nov 21 2007, 04:02 PM']We've never cleared a floor before, we usually start off with a stand-off-ish crowd (que singers joke about the space on the floor in front of us) and by the end of the set we have folk all over us - that's just the way we work the set list I think. But at practice if I get bored and do a bit of Sunn O))) I usually get a few WTF looks and the offended have been know to leave the room. [/quote] Bu if you did it in front of me I would sit floorcenter and smile all evening!
  2. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='92207' date='Nov 21 2007, 04:17 PM']She comes to a few of our gigs.[/quote] yeah I met her in Farnham a few times.... She has a close cousin in Otley
  3. Do you know anyone in the UK making an .018 or higher in the UK?
  4. Dood,I think we just found a generation gap... This is kind of where 'Heavy Rock' went some years later... This guy use's an 8 string by Bee Basses [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jAi-JBkebiE"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jAi-JBkebiE[/url]
  5. I can get you any string made between .003 to .298
  6. Why tune up,why tune down,why bother at all? Its just childish noise innit? Its done because it needs to be done,its not intellectual,or really anything quanitifiably measured,some desicions are made conscientiously,but its a primal thing,just go faster,slower,sing higher,grunt lower... If you 'get' Venom..... who by their admission just took EVERYTHING they could think of and put it to a stupidly mental level (Thats a many sided word mental) and what they were, then it kind of writes itself why it happens. Why does it happen?,it just does.....
  7. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='92254' date='Nov 21 2007, 05:39 PM']I was into metal before you was born mate - only it was called heavy rock then.[/quote] OH yeah...well I was into metal in the Dark ages....
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='92235' date='Nov 21 2007, 05:22 PM']What is progressive about playing metal an octave down? I said as much about the Death Metal that ARGH posted - metal riffs just down an octave.[/quote] Metals metal mate..... You dont get it,or understand it.
  9. You kinda need to start changing your amplification at around the CSharp or contrasub B string area,then we are talking supersubsonics!! I checked my rig,and bought a 15" matching cab,because I knew I would need a bit more than a 4x10 to really 'feel' that low end,and it did the trick,I tested it out by dropping my 5s B down,it wasnt perfect but it was useable as a test...I found the sound ok,but If Tech21 made an 18" I would probably buy it,but Im quite happy. A low Fsharp gets a bit of use as its nice to drop under a guitars E(in fact with the Hipshot I can do that,but its a bit uneven,I guess that'll clear up with and when I get my sh*t together regarding technique) ok its been a week or 2 but its being used,and is useable,but I think I might go to the Power Sits .165 when I get confident (I broke my 1st string on the Bass the other day..the D)...Im not hunting for the .175 yet....yet...... I have a harder job finding the higher strings though.
  10. [quote name='ped' post='91718' date='Nov 20 2007, 07:23 PM'] Nellie sez calm it down or I will bust a cap in everyone's bottom ;0)[/quote] That is da urbanhoodiehound..... Respect that short mutha (Hoodies for cats...it has to be done!)
  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='91712' date='Nov 20 2007, 07:15 PM']Ohh FFS ARGH, it should have been pretty bloody obvious from my PM that you're nowhere even close to getting banned, so get a grip and don't be such a drama queen. We have made it clear in the past that there are specific ways in which we will entertain suggestions. I think its very telling that you chose NOT to involve either Ped, myself or one of the mods before deciding to post publically about it. Hardly a good example of working together is it? If you want to attract attention to yourself, how about doing it positively by posting some clips of you playing?[/quote] Sorry Steve,but no..there isnt any 'telling' in me posting publicly,or uninforming anyone,of anything,mods or otherwise...it was simply a thread,with a question....that was open......to the people...for they're opinion,with a poll added later,If there was a problem,it could have been shut that morning later,but it was not,and the 'mods' seemed to run with it..... regardless of yay or nay they didnt seem or the publicBasspersons either to have a beef. I felt,and still feel its a better more open way of discussing things,rather than a few saying 'What WE say goes' (I know its not like that,it isnt REALLY like that here,but I use that as an example) on such a fringe,left field subject..hey I can just ask,but I want to ask everyone... I never saw a protocol on this site,or anything.......,as long as no-ones posting kiddy porn,or whatever,posting something seems ok,I dont see the problem. Or attention seeking,by having and enjoying the support for what I would really love to see,that being a seperate subthreadetcetcetc. To unquote John,It seemed to be a reasonable question. The way it was presented was democratic and fair,and without any political subtext (why would I want to run something,that runs well,but needs tweaking?) No ones gonna hate my playing today,or tomorrow...they may by feb 08 when I use the ERB onstage,but jealousy is another sin,I left far behind. and at that last word,I say thankyou for your time,forgive my kneejerk reaction. I play Bass,I make good Stir fry,I sing in tune. (did I also tell you I was right alot too...... )
  12. ooo..... 29%.....might stay on for the evening.
  13. Look,Im getting Pm'd about this ...people. OK SORRY I didnt discuss it with you first Steve,Ped dosent seem to have a bee in his hat over this,so...SORRY again! I didnt add the poll,a moderator did. If people have a genuine issue with how I put my point of view across,then I cant help that...and I am NOT going to change (BECAUSE OLDGIT LOVES IT WHEN I SNAP...oooh yeah baby) I felt that it was a genuine subject that we,public..bassists regardless of string numbers,should be allowed to discuss,because those that it would,or might,benefit,would not be allowed a say.... Its not political (I have little wish to be in charge of anything except what goes on onstage). I cant help it if something was done in a slightly more democratic fashion than what appears to be the norm. I will be probably banned for this... Have a very happy christmas,I offer love in subsonic ways to you all xRx
  14. Do it,the more strings,and better you are..etc etc Also helps if your lead vox 'dissappears' due to food poisoning during a 20 min encore 5 seconds in....
  15. Dont end it,I really like these strange and wonderful creations. (Imagine what Leo would have said....)
  16. People,I have nothing to add,but..cant we calm down? a little....bit..maybe.....just.. (40% mark up is bloody criminal....Damn....shut up man)
  17. Generally ANYTHING suggested by Pissed tart thats had to much to drink.....(last seen screaming at our singer "Play sum Fuggin OWAYSIZ"...)
  18. I accept clear defeat.... But a fab loss all the same!
  19. Well lets face it....lets question why I created this thread. Ive let this run a few days,and either way,I dont mind how it goes. But it proves that there IS support for seperation,which I believe or at least hope comes from a genuine interest and need felt,AND upon the flipside, acceptance,saying YES they are Bassguitars,next generation musical technology,which we want to see more of,and learn from. Which is a good thing regardless of where anyone stands.
  20. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='90948' date='Nov 19 2007, 05:05 PM']Extended Range Bass. It means the fretboard is like one of those concertina-ing boxing gloves on a stick that they have in the Beano etc.[/quote] You mean the Novax.... We dont all use them,but they are very very useful!
  21. Ive always wanted to meet Ron Royce (nee Broder)
  22. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='90233' date='Nov 18 2007, 01:11 PM']Before I vote, I really must insist on another poll question: "What is the minimum number of strings for an ERB?" You could call a 5-string ERB if you wanted to - it has an extra string, after all... but for me, a 7 is quite normal... so where do we draw the line? I'm pretty much in favour of the forum, but not if we're going to be all vague about it...[/quote] 6+ and inclusive of 6ers (hopeing to whisk a few up 1 string y'know!!)
  23. That rather shocks me,that those that would directly benefit from such a subforum,would oppose it. I can understand mods concerns (more work...and who want the 'ARGH' in charge of anything....baby+hand grenade=fun). it would be a great step.
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