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Everything posted by Pow_22

  1. Anth bought a BBOT bridge from me for his P Bass build. Pleasure to deal with, hope the build all comes together mate
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  5. apicked up one of these from my local aldi along with a back-up soldering iron. I love their Saint Ettienne lager, 2.99 for a 4 pack and its bloody lovely!
  6. Need a bit more help on this due to being an absolute doofus. I wanted to swap out the wires for cloth covered ones (just to match my harness). But being a amateur of epic propertions i forgot to not which hook up wire does what. However, i do know that when i got them they were NOT wired as above. Putting the pups down with the bottoms up from left to right they seemed to be wired : wire to other pup Earth wire to other pup Hot. Pics on the web seem to differ:- [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=std_pbass"]http://www.seymourdu...matic=std_pbass[/url] for example. Is there anyway of looking at the coils or anything to see which eyelet should connect to which hook up wire?
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  10. yeah, roto flats on mine too at the mo while i try and track my usuals (picato have stopped making my particular gauge). Agree with the top end, i actually thought the treble side of the pup had gone microphonic at one point. Will report back once the 76's are in
  11. Thanks Howard. Pics will be forthcoming once the mrs gets the camera back from whence she left it. The bottoms are indeed grey and the internal coil wire is a burgundy as most sites suggest should be the case. The stamped numbers are in black and just the four digits on each pup
  12. Got a set of what i believe to be 1976 P bass pups but cant find any reference sites to check the codes. Seem to me they could be 60's? The codes are 6466 & 6456 (second isnt as clear). Any help of our resident Fender experts?
  13. [quote name='untune' timestamp='1351082993' post='1847062'] I've got the PB70US/ASH and I love it - lovely grain on the body. Recently had a bit of an accident - broke off one of the bridge screws in the body but managed to drill it out with absolutely no damage whatsoever. I rewired everything with vintage cloth wire etc, shielded to solve some buzz issues and put a new PIO cap in there, sounds great. It has a very 'sharp' sound, it apparently has a 'US vintage' pickup in there which isn't ACTUALLY a US vintage as it turns out... but a Japanese version. The bobbins are rounded and the wires are plastic coated as opposed to cloth on the proper US ones. I'm pondering whether it's worth upgrading the pots and the pikcup or if I'm just wasting my time? The neck is lovely though! [/quote] Another PB70 in Bolton, who'da thunk it. I had the same revelation with pups, hought i had USA's but looking under the bonnet and think they are japs. Want it to be as 70's-ish as poss hence the upgrades (inc chrome covers, F neckplate, thumbrest etc)
  14. Yup, absolutely love mine. Got some genuine '76 pups winging their way to me so i can drop them in along with a NOS 76 harness. The build quality and playability is absolutely immense. BTW, i have an exact fit BBOT bridge if you need for replacing that badass?
  15. Couple more things gone, dropped the price on a few of the things left. Open to offers and will drop price also for mutliple buys (the ampeg gas is biting hard and my Ashdown head is not shifting!)
  16. So just ONE wire from pup to the connection on the pot and the rest is all earth? if i just solder that black wire from the plate to the back of a pot im good go to? The harness already has a wire to go to the bridge for earthing too. Never knew that, everyday is a school day on BC Cheers guys
  17. Im trying to authenticate my 70's cij with some real '75 pups and harness. However, wiring wise im at a loss as to how this diagram would work (i want to include the copper/brass shielding plate in my harness). The pic shows only one wire coming from the pups to the pots with the other coming from the brass plate. Surely there should be a lead coming from each pup to the pots, a lead connecting each pup to each other and finally a lead from one pup to the plate? [url="http://griffin738.smugmug.com/Other/P-Bass-Pickups/i-GMCB2Lh/0/M/pbass-pickups-labeled-M.jpg"]http://griffin738.smugmug.com/Other/P-Bass-Pickups/i-GMCB2Lh/0/M/pbass-pickups-labeled-M.jpg[/url]
  18. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230866185171?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230866185171?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649[/url] now on the bay -
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  21. Your local to me! The best guy near-ish to us is Jack Ellis, the mans a magician as well as his new employee Kieron (he just set up my Fender P). He has just moved workshops to Cheetham Hill, not too far from Victoria Station. Highly recommended
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