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Everything posted by Merton

  1. [quote name='dood' post='124931' date='Jan 21 2008, 07:13 PM']*FANFARE* Just taken delivery of a Mark Bass F1 ;o) . I have a rack mount kit on its way, so will be putting it in a rack case with my TC Gforce. Nothing else! The amp, as you can see is sat upon an Epifani UL-610. Now, can I just take a few moments to dispell any myths. INCLUDING some preconceived views (yeh, mine too) on what this amp may sound like. I am the first to admit that MarkBass and I did not start off on the right foot. I tried a few MB rigs and just couldnt get on with the sound. I later found, much like Ampeg, all MB cabs have a 'tone' to them.. Sadly a tone I don't like. Now the Epifani does have it's own tone too.. infact, most cabs do in one way or another.. maybe the Epi is just less intrusive. So, anyway.. I thought there is NO WAY that such a small box can keep up with a LOUD band in a studio live room (yep.. a noisey environment). I can catagorically confirm this amp is tastefully LOUD LOUD LOUD.. and very HiFi clean too ;o) [edit] for info, it's 500W RMS into 4 Ohms I discovered the VLE andd VPF controls to be uber useful. I have renamed them to 'The Ampeg Control' - sounds a bit like a Sansamp when you go too far with them.. I suspect that was the idea! I may keep the 2k powersoft amp to use should I need to play the odd stadium with a set of 8x10's, but I am surprised and excited to say I may have finally arrived wih my gear. I shudder to think how much I have spent over the years, I really do. Oh.. and the F1 has a pair of purpley blue LEDs ;o) [attachment=5094:Gear020.JPG] I must just say a big thankx to ma man Deano at The Bass Centre for being bl**dy brilliant and sorting me out with new toys AGAIN. I'll write a decent review when I get round to it![/quote] Very nice Dan! My "new rig" pics are coming tomorrow hopefully
  2. Merton


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='125064' date='Jan 21 2008, 09:55 PM']Great news Ped! And I can make it too... so I'm proposing that any Basschatters down on the 'sarf coast' consider travelling up together and sharing a minibus, which I can hire relatively cheaply..Don't mind sharing the driving either? Geography wise, me and WalMan are in Littlehampton which is 20 miles west of Brighton.. Who's nearby and fancies a Bass Spods Day out to this then?? Nik[/quote] Do you reckon it could come up the M23 and pick me up on route? I'll let you play my Groove the whole way there...
  3. Merton


    Bring the BFC Dave? Of course! I should be able to make it too at the mo. I'll bring my Grooves and Retroactive plus my Trace valve combos. Oh yes, the unveiling of the second one of those will be later this week in the relvant thread....
  4. Cracking amp, I have one driving some form of Mission flor standers in my living room Bedroom hifi amp is a Musical Fidelity A1 tho, and that is even better
  5. [quote name='Sibob' post='124570' date='Jan 21 2008, 01:23 PM']I voted Sunday because I won't be able to travel to Northampton on a saturday when i have a gig in the evening. I'm guessing there'll be less of a chance of people gigging on the sun night than the sat night Si[/quote] +1 from me too
  6. It' not happened for a few years, but my "main" band is a wedding/function band and my "other" band is an originals band. If there is a clash then I try to do the first one offered, but if it really comes down to neither band wanting to budge I get a dep in the function band Thesedays the originals band is quite good at avoiding gigs on dates I already have, my old originals band never saw it in the same light.
  7. [quote name='jono b' post='122441' date='Jan 17 2008, 09:12 PM']It went on ebay, and in a prickish feat of prickness decided not to mention it on here, and now it is mine. I know, I'm a prick.[/quote] Not at all. Glad you got it in the end after all the fun in the sale!
  8. Might well pop in for my first (gasp!) trip there, am playing at the Water Rats tomorrow so I'm in the right sort of place. London, that is.
  9. [quote name='Linus27' post='122369' date='Jan 17 2008, 06:46 PM']You could do Lotus colours. [/quote] I was gonna suggest this one. How about the Marlboro McLarens from the 80s?
  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='122308' date='Jan 17 2008, 05:06 PM']Dude, it says Peavey on the front. Peavey is gearspeak means "goes for ever and cheap to fix when it breaks"[/quote] +1 A good first rig to have methinks
  11. Less than two hours to go. The reserve is probably too high so if it gets to £200 i'll let it go and someone is going to get a bloody bargain!
  12. [quote name='ste_m3' post='121789' date='Jan 16 2008, 10:14 PM']Grab the eden Nemesis thats on ebay atm! Great tone and wont let you down![/quote] MY Eden Nemesis!!! Yeah, get that, only 5 hours left...
  13. [quote name='ped' post='121130' date='Jan 15 2008, 09:27 PM']That sounds like fun![/quote] Oh it will be [quote name='mr pablo' post='121131' date='Jan 15 2008, 09:29 PM']V6 by anychance . . . . . . . .[/quote] If I could afford it, yes! Wait and see Stephen, sorry for the thread hijack!
  14. [quote name='mr pablo' post='121113' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:50 PM']I am indeed my good man [/quote] Excellent Now I just need the damn Nemesis to sell on fleabay and my plans for world domination are in place.... Ahem, world domination with Trace Elliot valvey amps. Wait and see
  15. [quote name='mr pablo' post='121084' date='Jan 15 2008, 07:54 PM']LOL Its me who gets the DHA, someome gets my trace and ste gets someone elses cabs In all the deal is covering Scotland, England and Wales quite an effort methinks [/quote] Blimey you kept that Trace head for the same length of time I appear to be keeping her replacement!! Are you still requiring the 2x10?
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='120598' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:59 AM']they've done that to me. they give you a load of cobblers about how it contravenes their listing policy, but there's actually nothing in their listing policy to that effect. I wrote to them and told them and they just fob you off until you put together a strong argument and then they ignore you. I was then sent a "how did we handle your communication" survey, which i filled in and ticked the last box that said, do you need to be contacted - of course nobody actually got back to me. I think i was just up for a bit of a row. They do credit your listing fee though. Sorry, back on topic. Good luck with the next auction[/quote] Cheers John, nice to know I get a credited listing fee if nothing else. Pain is that it was about to start taking off and I had 19 people watching it!! Ah well, we live and learn...
  17. Indeed it was. No idea if they'll make me pay but I've told them I'm not going to! I've seen countless other auctions with almost identical wording to mine so I was surprised mine got taken down. Ho hum. How's tricks?
  18. [quote name='TheRinser' post='119299' date='Jan 12 2008, 09:02 PM']i've got a semi...[/quote] Only a semi? Robbie, that looks amazing. I want one!
  19. [quote name='Toasted' post='119166' date='Jan 12 2008, 03:57 PM']It's just a case of being in the right place at the right time mert. There's some amazing bargains to be had by looking in the right places: Deep Impact £60, Unibass x 2 £50/each, Bass Whammy: £100, Mutron w/lindenberg mods £120, Animato Distortion: £80, I've bought about 5 Fulltone bassdrives for not more than £75.[/quote] Can I hang out with you for a while?
  20. [quote name='Toasted' post='118936' date='Jan 12 2008, 12:31 AM']I got mine for £60. I win at buying pedals.[/quote] Bloody hell, so you got a Unibass and a Deep Impact for less than half what some people pay for the Deep Impact alone? Kudos to you Joe!!
  21. Well the first ebay auction got pulled for no bloody good reason and less than a day to go, a**holes. It's up there again now.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eden-Nemesis-NA-320-Bass-Amplifier_W0QQitemZ290197715888QQihZ019QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eden-Nemesis-NA-320-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  22. [quote name='jay249' post='117853' date='Jan 10 2008, 02:14 PM']I still don't want to post it Thanks Jay[/quote] Is this not the amp which you are offering plus postage on on ebay? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdown-ABM-300-Bass-Amp-Head-Trace-SWR-EBS-Eden_W0QQitemZ120208909160QQihZ002QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdown-ABM-300-Bass...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  23. [quote name='3V17C' post='118363' date='Jan 11 2008, 09:52 AM']couple of nice easy ones for me to learn for rehearsal on sunday Ac/Dc- let there be rock Def Leppard - Rock Rock til you drop should take about 5 mins! sorted! peace c[/quote] I wish my band(s) would do some Leppard!
  24. Tiime of My Life and some Scissor Sisters song for the cheesy band, fun fun! Keep meaning to sit down and do some Maiden for a laugh but never get round to it.
  25. [quote name='Moo' post='118186' date='Jan 10 2008, 09:44 PM']They are popular for Top End HiFi kit and are used in the classic Musical Fidelity A1 amp. This is low powered, sounds lovely, and you could fry eggs on top of it if you wanted to![/quote] I have that amp, it is gorgeous.
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