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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. Aye, following. 👍🏼 Mark
  2. You might wanna ask your question in the dedicated Sandberg thread we have going here … Mark
  3. My last set of Rotosound I needed to trim the silk back a bit because I had the same issue this dude did on the first bass where the silk stopped the string going through the bridge hole. In my case it was a 130 B string that caused the issue. Mark
  4. So the one I linked to above sold for £370. I got mine at the beginning of Dec., 2021 for £141, and mine's better looking. Just an indication of how prices are going up across the board. @tom1946 did you get anywhere with your search yet? Mark
  5. Came here to say this hahaha. Mark
  6. A 3d printed piano might be pushing things I suspect. Mark
  7. I've found through experience (very early in my life) that it's good to be wary of electricity, for exactly the reason you state. Good luck with the build. Mark
  8. There's a Washburn AB-35 going on eBay at the moment. I have one of these (I have no affiliation to this seller) and I love it. If my house was on fire and I could only save one of my basses, this would be the one. It doesn't appear to have met reserve yet, so I've no idea if it'll fall within whatever budget you may have, but it's absolutely worth a punt I'd say. These don't come up that often, and AFAIC, there's good reason for this. Mark
  9. I did not know this was on Netflix, so thanks for that, added to my list now. Mark
  10. You don't need code, just the image URL, that'll automatically embed the image in your post. Mark
  11. I'm really liking this new tune from Bruce Dickinson … Rain on the Graves. It's interesting I like this because for the most part I'm not an Iron Maiden fan, but I do like the Tattooed Millionaire album (excluding that All the Young Dudes cover, which I thought was awful) that Bruce did in the '90s. Mark
  12. Came here to say this. Recently bought some custom humbuckers for a self-build from Gemini and Mike was an absolute star in his information and general customer service and support. Absolute top service and I'll be using again. Mark
  13. A Status T-Bass 5-string. Preferably wood neck, but the graphite would do. I don't need or want another jazz bass, but if one of these came up for sale tomorrow in the right price bracket, well I have the money in my account for one so it'd be a very quick deal. Mark
  14. iTunes for Windows can do random Shuffle > Album. I've never used it, I've never used iTunes on Windows for playback at all, but the option is there. You add the artwork to the files/album in iTunes, so I'm not sure that fits with your folder naming - again, I don't use iTunes on Windows aside from backing up various family devices, so YMMV, it certainly plays all the file options you mention, and does playlists. Mark
  15. Dude, make the bass your own. If it's aesthetically pleasing to you, that's all that matters. Given your brief and the available necks, I'd personally do a Thunderbird-style shape body (this may mess with your wanting to have bottom part of the bass be even) and the left-hand neck, that way it'll be reverse headstock. But this is not my build, it's yours. Mark
  16. I think that golden yellow scratchplate looks amazing. Mark
  17. My wife does a lot of work with clay, she's got proper potters wheels and a kiln and everything, so this is a possibility.* The Hosco nut files are a little outside my financial means at the moment, so I got a brass bar and I'll see what I can do with the files I have available - or buy a cheap set to see how I get on with them. Mark *not really
  18. I just saw this on Fb, and … some interesting choices. It looks like a nice finish at least? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/286600234402443/ Mark
  19. This came across my Fb page and I thought of this thread … Mark
  20. And there I was, thinking the 'Site Issues' board was for reporting issues with the site. 😂 How foolish of me. Mark
  21. Just letting you know I have this evening started seeing the 'Support your local Basschat' banner on some, but not all, pages. Clicking the banner brings up a window with the following text … × By ped 21/03/21 Hi there. I know subscriptions and bills are everywhere these days, but I wanted to ask a favour. Even if you don't use Basschat for selling, we'd really appreciate your support. Please consider purchasing a subscription (£20) and renewing this yearly (£18 - you'll get a reminder email when the time comes). You will then be promoted to ⭐ Supporting Member ⭐ Your support will reduce the need for third party advertising (which I hope to remove entirely) and help keep the site up to date and secure. Think of it like a TV licence, except cheaper and better content. And if you don't pay we have detector vans that will replace all your basses with Rickenbackers. Thanks! This would all be well and good if I hadn't already become a supporting member a little under 24hrs ago, so I suspect it's not actually aimed at me. I'm guessing if I'm seeing this, other already Supporting Members will also be seeing it too. You may wanna tweak the code so only non-supporting members see it? Mark
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