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Everything posted by BassAdder60

  1. Hi fellow basschatters This was posted on Facebook in the Ashdown forum
  2. I think a Pre Amp be it on an active bass or floor pedal adds another possibility of EQ which can make some amps sound even better My CTM100 all valve head is a bass heavy amp but running a pedal into the front I can dial back bass add mids etc and push the valve front end even more. As I run my master volume fully open on the amp with the gain turned lower it gives so much flexibility going from valve clean to valve dirty by standing on a pedal
  3. I’ve just ordered the Spark Boost to put in front of my CTM100 Ive got the Mojo Mojo as well Gives the amp a little kick and allows for EQ tweaks etc
  4. This week I put my CTM100 up for sale, it was a very regrettable decision Over the weekend I’ve made the decision to keep it as it really is one of the best amps I’ve ever owned and for rock you just cannot improve on it I also purchased the ABM750 EVO V which is very nice, yet it still sounds mostly like the ABM600 to me maybe a tiny improvement but hard to tell. Ideally I would keep them all !! But that would be two amps sitting around not being played So CTM100 you are going nowhere
  5. It is a great amp and I’m still not sure I will find a better amp ! It’s a bargain for anyone looking as new they are £1400 approx ands it’s the very latest look !
  6. The SVT are great cabs and you can add one more 112 if you need more power etc Nice rig
  7. yes it’s quite common One of my ABM210H cabs is rated as 500w and my newer model is 300w !
  8. Decided to move this excellent all valve amp on to fund a new purchase Very reluctant sale but needs must ! This is virtually as new purchased Oct 2022 and is the new design as you can see in the picture , mint condition with only a few hours use from new. Supplied to me direct from Ashdown Price includes U.K. shipping in original box and includes a Roqsolid head cover Withdrawn from sale
  9. Wouldn’t the EQ points all be way wrong for bass ?
  10. Exactly my findings.. it’s an all out rock beast !!
  11. Question for past and present owners of the Ashdown CTM100 head I have discovered for some reason this amp really excels and sounds best when you play with a pick Finger tone is great of course but the EQ and natural sound of this amp just comes alive when pick playing Anyone else found this the case ?? My ABM600 head is equally matched fingers or pick but the all valve CTM100 just sounds gorgeous with a pick especially as a rock amp
  12. I agree I don’t think a JB is the way to go. Tried an experiment last night with my PBass and CTM100 amp using fingers then pick ( with EQ adjustment in both methods ) Result was finger style sounds ok although very full and deep. Definition was acceptable Pick playing was the winner, clarity was far better with additional harmonics and tone and with the PBass tone backed off it sounded near to finger warmth tone Happy to leave it at that although finger style playing is my preferred at times, with the CTM100 and rock you just cannot beat pick tone, it’s in a different league of tone. No pedals needed as it has a natural compression going on and gorgeous tube drive from pre and power tubes Sorted me thinks and JB off the shopping list 👍
  13. +1 to this And how it stays put in your grip etc for a gig ! I have mostly decided on the Ultex 0.88 triangle but also like the Flex triangle and about to try .88 which is a bit warmer sounding
  14. Yep good sounding amps but very loud fans and decent price Mine was returned quickly because of the horrendous fan noise !! Shame as it spoilt a decent sounding amp
  15. My solution as a simple one is play with a pick and turn the mids back down Using a pick brings out an abundance of mids and especially on some basses such as a PBass I find that my finger tone is too polite, dull and woolly sounding in the context of the band ( rock with guitarist playing 50w valve heads through 4x12 cab) Play with a pick ( the right pick ) and turn down your bass tone to mellow it a tad and there you have it clear decent sounding bass. If I could achieve that with fingers I would ( more connection ) but it’s not possible for me and my digits so a pick is my tone solution in the band As a guide I’m playing with a 100w tube head and we are a loud band without PA support for most gigs You may find you can get better EQ control and lose the growl using a pick ( try a 1mm Tortex or Nylon pick )
  16. Guys the point of the posting was really to discover if a JB played finger style would sound less boomy than say a PBass played finger style ? My PBass finger style is ok but I don’t quite get the clarity and punch hence using a pick in the band. I do miss the physical connection that fingers give you and thought perhaps a JB played with fingers has a different tone to the PBass ?
  17. That’s interesting On a PBass for me playing fingers it’s full and ok but lacks the clarity and attack a pick gives Would a JB played fingers sit between the two do you think ? If a Jazz has better definition and mids then using fingers on a Jazz may be for me a solution ?
  18. PBass with a pick for rock is well proven and a match What about a Jazz bass but finger style playing for rock ? Do they naturally sound brighter and less boomy ? If I could get close to my picked PBass tone using fingers I would use fingers for the “ connected” sensation Never tried in anger a Jazz bass but played finger style do you get a naturally mid focused tone ?
  19. I tried a Rumble 115 cab and it was ok and reasonably priced but not the quality of the ABM series cabs Second hand there are many ABM cabs so I would look at that Although you say it’s for home I would always consider the option to use it or two of them if you start jamming with other musicians etc If you have room at home get a half decent single 15” or 12” cab or 210 cab and you can add a matching cab if things progress SVT 212AV cabs are also higher priced in the U.K. compared to Ashdown but that single 4ohm cab ( remember one 4 ohm cab or two 8 ohm cabs is your guide ) is a fantastic sounding cab and great to gig with. I have to use both my ABM210H cabs stacked to better the result but it’s a close thing and raises the rig level when gigging
  20. For home the ABM cab is perfect The SVT212AV is a heavier cab and a single use cab ( 4ohms ) and great for gigging but more expensive too The SVT112 cab is 8 ohms and would work well and possible to add a second cab if you need it
  21. For smaller gigs I use my Ampeg SVT212AV cab which is a glorious cab
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