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Everything posted by BassAdder60

  1. I tried the EVO V and I couldn’t hear a difference to my EVO IV I too changed my drive tube putting a JJ ECC83S in it
  2. Hopefully not less mids compared to the stock pups ?
  3. Having decided I must use the Keeley Bassist pedal as it’s an improvement I’ve now ordered the TC Polytune 3 Ive had Pedaltrain boards ( ok ) and now just have a cheap Boss BCB30X which has the foam removed and Velcro fitted to the bottom. Looking for ideas for small three pedal kind of boards
  4. That’s good to hear 👍 I love the Dimarzio sound although a bit too strong in the mids I was a little worried the CS62 would sound a little dark as they do indicate reduced mids Without knowing the mids comparison to the stock player series it’s tough to know if I will improve the sound. Im not lacking in mids just clarity especially finger style
  5. Hi any views of the Fender Custom Shop 62 Pbass pickup ? Is it an upgrade from a Player Series Pbass pickup ? Looking for better clarity playing finger style I’ve recently dropped the Dimarzio Pbass into one of my basses and change was dramatic ( loads more mids and hot output ) For my other Pbass I’m looking for something good as an all rounder
  6. At rehearsal tonight I discovered how hot sounding these pickups are I had to screw down the poles pieces to clean things up a bit and this seemed to do the trick nicely Definitely a rock sounding pickup with aggressive mids
  7. I did manage to try it in anger with the band and it’s great I was getting it as a Limiter but I think I prefer it as a mild compressor set as below. Very natural sounding and stopped the peaks nicely
  8. Update Keeley confirm it’s faulty Shop is taking it back and a new one supplied
  9. Ok Keeley have heard the video and noise. It’s gone to engineering for review but definitely looks incorrect They said they would respond in 24hrs I’m pleased as it will mean a new correct replacement from the store
  10. I think Tidepool is a difficult colour to photo, looks green but it’s more blue. A very nice colour
  11. Thanks Dave Ive reported it to Keeley and my local store so I think a replacement will be called for
  12. I’ve messaged Keeley in the USA and they are checking see video of issue ?? I’ve alerted the store too Have a listen, do you guys hear it ? Listen when it goes Red to Green IMG_3927.MOV
  13. Going to try it at rehearsal this week as it’s so minor if only just detectable it may be something else ? At volume with the band will be the full test .. I do like it a lot as it’s neutral sounding and the threshold Red led is a great feature to enable setting
  14. I doubt a phone would pick it up as it’s low in sound and approx 1 sec of noise
  15. Just tried it bass, cable into Pedal then headphones so I could tell it wasn’t amp related Same noise present so yep either mine is a noisy model or it’s faulty Back it goes
  16. Yes only the Keeley in use I think it’s faulty perhaps
  17. I found the Ampeg Opto Comp was better but it sucked treble out slightly which wasn’t a bad thing swopping from fingers to pick ( it’s cheap as well )
  18. Same question as Led goes from Red to Green it’s totally silent as the note dwells away ?
  19. So if you see the Led go from Red to green you hear no “ noise” ?? Its very subtle but on mine it’s there for sure and I’m guessing it’s faulty
  20. It’s silent in operation as long as Red led is lit ( threshold met ) it’s when it flips from Red to Green there is a tiny bit of static noise present. I think at loud volumes it would be noticeable ie sustaining a long note as it dwells etc Can someone try theirs to see if they hear the same ?
  21. Ok further update mines going back Ive noticed a faint noise when the compressor @ releases the signal IE Led goes red to green Very minor but it’s present and I’ve eliminated the power supply and tried batteries Such a shame as I liked it fine up to then !! For a £200 compressor I expected better
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