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Everything posted by gjones

  1. Hmmmm? I have a 57 MIJ re-issue Precision from 96-97 with a maple fretboard neck. It's very slim front to back (no baseball bat) and in good condition. Is that the kind of neck you're looking for?
  2. I have a 2011 Classic 60s Jazz Bass neck, with a rosewood fingerboard, to trade for your Geddy neck if you want it. Although made in Mexico they are very high quality with access to the trussrod at the body end of the neck. The same necks are also used on the excellent Road Worn series of Jazz Basses Fender make and my neck is marked RW on the heel where it is screwed to the body. This is the Classic 60s Jazz Bass http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=08103117215838
  3. I had DR hi-beams on my P and now I have elderly rotosound roundwounds for a flatwound-ish sound but with a bit more presence. Flatwounds can sound good if you are playing through your own amp on stage but if you ever go through a PA be aware the sound engineer will more than likely EQ them like roundwounds and make them sound woolly and indistinct.
  4. Is this the one you had? This is the one I have which is very sturdy. Tribal Planet are now out of business so this will be old stock. Can't argue with £21 though for a good bag. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIBAL-PLANET-PADDED-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-GIG-BAG-SALE-/230687553818?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35b60cb91a#ht_1487wt_698"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIBAL-PLANET-PADDED-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-GIG-BAG-SALE-/230687553818?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35b60cb91a#ht_1487wt_698[/url]
  5. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1333796885' post='1606564'] Should have got the cover from Roqsolid (unless you did of course). All my covers from them, even a bespoke one, arrived within a week. And a Stringbusters order was delivered the next day [/quote] Both purchases were significantly cheaper than other online shops..............maybe that's the price I have to pay for being a cheapskate.
  6. Has anybody else experienced delays in receiving bass gear that you've bought inline? Recently I've bought a cover for my Ashdown head and a set of custom shop pickups and there's been long delays in receiving both. The Ashdown took over a month to arrive and I still haven't received the pickups after almost a month. Both shops blame their suppliers. By the way neither website said the items weren't in stock when I bought them.
  7. [quote name='dumelow' timestamp='1333787687' post='1606359'] bestbassgear.com offer free uk delivery and the prices arent bad once you convert the dollars to pounds. Looking at the shipping faq on their site it says I could possibly be charged import tax/fees/shipping handling etc etc. I found a thread on here from 2008 i think, were somebody discusses the charges but Im not sure if this is the same now. Has anybody ordered from bestbassgear.com or anywhere in the US recently and can tell me a little bit about what hidden charges I may end up paying? I have no previous experience of ordering anything from the states =P [/quote] I've imported stuff from the states and when I'm estimating the import tax I factor in an extra 30% on top of the cost of the item and the postage just so I don't get any nasty surprises when I go to pick it up.
  8. Turn amp up louder and play softer. Also keep wrists straight to avoid wrist problems in future.
  9. there's one on ebay as I type if you want to save a bit of cash [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251032053080?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_573wt_932"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251032053080?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_573wt_932[/url] I have one and it really brought my old MIJ Squier to life.
  10. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1333562490' post='1603668'] Well the head weighs 52lbs, and I can't even find a weight for the cab, so my lower back says...I'm out [/quote] It's a big cab but, because the speaker is neodynium, it's actually pretty light. The reason I'm selling mine is bacause of the space it takes up (it's too big to get in my boot).
  11. You can have mine, which is in perfect condition, with padded cover for £200 (which is what I paid for it) if you can come and collect it. I've never had the chance to use it yet as I've never played a gig where I needed the extra cab since I bought it 6 months ago. I'm getting a barefaced compact in the next week or two which will make it redundant.
  12. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1333540455' post='1603149'] This is why it's great to get out to places that already do the music you are aiming for, do some actual networking (not just liking random dudes on facebook) and get connected with the right people. Looking doesn't mean just sitting at home and searching here or bandmates.com or whatever(I don't know if thats an actual site). Go to gigs that have ska/soul/funk bands on talk to a few people(they'll be people there who arn't just regular audience but musicians aswell) Get to local rehearsal spaces and put quality ads up (not just scribble on A4), keep your ear to the ground. Personally, I would stick to my gun's. Find a drummer who wants to do the same and the rest usually fall in place. Remember there is a lot of crap out there before you find a gem. [/quote] +1 Find some quality jams with good musicians. In Edinburgh there's a few jams where there's a house band with pro musicians (who get paid) who host the jam night and play a 30 min set (usually with a guest singer) then then get other singers and musicians up to play and after a couple of hours of jamming the house band close the night. You get a good mix of styles and ability and it's a really good opportunity to network and play with like minded people. I've met some excellent musicians and got lots of offers of work since I've been attending. If there isn't something similiar in your area set something up.
  13. Tom Waits is holding out.............I think? Somebodys going to post that he's sold out and has been featured in an advert for napalm in a minute...........I know they will.
  14. I really fancy this but am gigging that night. Maybe next time.
  15. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1333449746' post='1601746'] Can't believe in 23yrs of gigging I did this; arrived at the venue to soundcheck and started unpacking. I took the cab out of it's flight case and put my Orange Terror head on top. It then dawned on me I'd forgotten my leads bag! The head takes Speakon too so I was stuffed. The soundman didn't have one & the guys in my band hadn't even heard of Speakon. The support was an acoustic solo act. Of course I didn't even have a jack to jack or kettle lead either. D'oh! We're done so many kit shares and acoustic sets recently I don't think I'd taken my own rig since last November. I wound up going through the PA via a borrowed lead and fashioned a passable sound but genuinely can't believe it didn't occur. Has anyone bettered that? Forgotten your bass? [/quote] I forgot my bass for an open air gig in the centre of Edinburgh in front of hundreds of people. Ran back to the rehearsal room picked up the bass just got back in time for us to start then realised I'd forgotten my lead! Ended up having to use one of the keyboard players patch leads which was about 6 inches long. Did I feel like a plonker? Possibly
  16. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1333026349' post='1596356'] You've already mentioned Squire and i got one for £75 off of the bay on a total whim. Its an early 80s model - very ugly and weighs a ton. When i plugged it in i was expecting to chuckle at is inferiority compared to my "expensive" basses. And chuckle i did as it sounds stunning! I'd bought a load of hardware to customise it but ended up having to use the hardware on another project as everything on the 30 year old Squire worked perfectly. [/quote] A 30 year old Squier would be an early Japanese one which are sought after basses with a very good reputation. No wonder it sounded good. p.s. £75? you lucky b********r!
  17. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1333316438' post='1600083'] I hadn't noticed this on the Sei when I bought it, but today at rehearsal it was rather evident. The bridge pickup is making some rather odd noises (other than my playing, that is). Not humming, not major crackling, but irregular thudding and crackling. I've either got a social club secretary sat in the bass tapping a microphone, as social club secretaries are wont to do, or some issue. When the blend control is fully to the bridge pickup, there is no extraneous noise. Moving it even slightly to the neck pickup brings the noise in. I've made a recording at [media]http://tauzero.co.uk/MP3s/sei_noise.mp3[/media] - this is initially on bridge pickup only (no noise), then I strum a couple of strings, then move to the neck pickup and strum again. The noise is pretty clearly audible. Not sure what the pickups are. Preamp is a Bartolini. This happens both in my lounge (where the recording was made) and in the rehearsal studio, and using three different leads, three different amps, a bass trainer, and no effects. Does anyone have any suggestions as to cause and remedy? [/quote] To start with resolder the neck pickup. If that doesn't work you may have dirty/dodgy pots which may need to be replaced. I have a similiar problem with the selector switch on my P/J bass. It's around 30 years old and needs a service pretty desperately.
  18. You do wonder? Are the people who put these basses up on ebay scammers or just effin idiots? There's a mex Jazz Bass standard up on ebay at the moment going for almost £800. I offered him 99p. He turned me down.
  19. I did a quick google and I came up with the Crest CA9 which is a stereo power amp with 600w per channel which can be used for bass. Only one small down side though...................it weighs 52lbs. I think I'll stick with my ABM. Edit : And you do need a outboard preamp too
  20. This question has occurred to me too as I have a j-retro fitted to my Jazz. But I also have passive basses so I need the pre on my ABM. I'm assuming in theory if all you ever use is your jazz with a preamp you could use a power amp. Not sure what the benefit would be though if you already have a Genz Benz?
  21. What about this [url="http://www.guitardecals.co.uk/fitting.htm"]http://www.guitardecals.co.uk/fitting.htm[/url]
  22. search on ebay. There's a guy on there who'll make up anything you want as a transfer for your bass. edit : here you are [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-SIDE-WATERSLIDE-GUITAR-HEAD-DECAL-YOUR-TEXT-/370594828765?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item56492c51dd#ht_753wt_698"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-SIDE-WATERSLIDE-GUITAR-HEAD-DECAL-YOUR-TEXT-/370594828765?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item56492c51dd#ht_753wt_698[/url]
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