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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. Not particularly worried about batteries flat lining, not had that happen since mid 80’s with my first active bass (Thunder 3a) having left the jack plugged in all day for a week when I first bought it. 🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s just weird (to me). I’ll be considering a compressor next. 🫣
  2. I have active gas. Just thought you’d like to know. But on another note, I don’t know why but I’m gassing for an active bass, don’t even have a type/model in mind. Haven’t had an active bass for at least 10 years and I think that was a status 6’er that was for noodling. I’m a “stick in the mud” P man, but I’m being attacked by thoughts of an unnatural nature telling me that “active” is where it’s at. Please tell me this will pass and fizzle out like a 9volt preamp at the end of a nights’ set. 🫣 Anyone else had the same recently? Is it a new pan demic?
  3. You can see the thought and care gone into its design and manufacturing. That is a thing of beauty (unlike my bank balance sadly)
  4. Always, young flea. 😊 Weighing up need v want….🫣
  5. Don’t usually like anything that’s not P or J shape, but that’s gert pretty. Wonder how that would be defretted…mmm.
  6. Beats me how they got away with it. Yes…I know… but I’m not going to apologise
  7. I had the same bass with maple board. Played good and sounded like a P.
  8. Sorry, the photos have gone, I didn’t save them on my iCloud account and we’re on an old phone. Deleted here to make room for sales.
  9. I don’t think that’s an issue. As you said loads of people do it, some people are millionaires from making YouTube videos, 99% of which I have no interest in. My disappointment was the title of the video. It led me to believe that he would talk about his spat with some other bassist who I’ve never heard of and have more details over his relationship with the butterfly branded bass manufacturer. But if he’d titled it “please like and subscribe so I can buy a Wal” then I would imagine there would be less views? Am I imagining the parting statement which indicated the L, S & C would help him buy the bass of his dreams? Good luck to the fella though. I have to generally save up to buy stuff I need. If I could get others to pay for a STROMAB PS600 I’d be all over it 😎 The online world is one I’m not familiar with, so maybe this is how things are done. Hope he gets his Wal, they look very nice. I remember watching Alan Spenner play his with Kokomo down at Dingwalls back in the early 80’s. Great sound.
  10. That’s great @Richard R I used to find stuff outside of the normal Sunday meetings much more fun, like joint events and the like. 😎🙏 Who was the keys player btw?
  11. I have 3 “bands/projects” that I am involved with. All have a band leader that makes decisions but is open to band input. All 3 BL’s I respect as musicians and people that I trust and respect. I also feel trusted and respected. Definitely my preference. I’ve just started a new project, inviting 3 other musicians to join. I’ve set out expectations from the start when asking if they’d like to join, they all said yes. I like clarity, it tends to give me more freedom to be creative. Absolute democracy in bands (in my experience) has lead to paralysis and frustration.
  12. Gibsons’ QC budget? Ric’s PR budget? Fenders RD budget? My budget? My budgie? My budgie smugglers’ Oh Lord that last coffee was strooong sorry.
  13. Give the P to me Chris. That way you’ll truly know if you made a mistake or not. All the effort you’ll put in to ask for it back, to no avail, will serve as a useful life lesson. I’m your true friend here. You know my address, I’ll print the label. You’re welcome mate. St John
  14. Well that was underwhelming. Thought he set it up for some juicy goss… Basically he wants crowd funding for a Wal.
  15. Never Ever take your double bass into the shower with you! I’ll not make that mistake again.
  16. The north east has produced some canny rock singers.
  17. Thanks for the heads up on that @peteb I’ve not heard it. That’ll be tonight’s Apple Music listen 👍🏻😎
  18. I see them a little differently now. Rodger’s is a little subtler, definitely my favourite blues singer, whereas DC is my favourite “belter”. Wish I could sing like either. Agree about the early whitesnake, proper rawk
  19. Burn. My introduction to DP. Up till then I though Paul Rogers was the best rock singer I’d heard. Coverdale blew me away on that track. Hughes’ contribution was an eye opener too. Paice is a bundle of energy. As an aside, Come Taste The Band is my favourite DP album.
  20. Excellent condition little micro fretless bass. Does a great upright impression as well as it’s own range of tones. Bought it for a recording project, now no longer needed. Great for practice, gigging or pretending you’re a giant. Here’s Nathan to explain some things Can courier for a £10, just need to source packing materials. can meet up around Bath, Bristol or occasionally down in Poole or en route.
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