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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='alexharvay' post='522478' date='Jun 24 2009, 11:59 AM']Stay in school Don't take drugs[/quote] Huh! Ow! [/jamesbrown]
  2. Mmmm, I like that Dodge Copperhead colour. If you could get that paint to work, it'd be a cracker. It'd need about a million coats of lacquer. EDIT: Apparently it's called "Copper Fire Orange"
  3. Of course, there's a whole new Fender 6-string bass now. And what a fugly munterfunster it is too.
  4. Rather than ordinary purple, how about that colour-changing flip flop type purple stuff? Actually no, that's a really awful idea too. You'd have to be several bricks short to even consider putting such stuff on a bass [s]called Sally[/s]. [quote name='yorick' post='520468' date='Jun 22 2009, 06:52 AM']Metallic British racing green.[/quote] Vvvvvery nice. Although metalflake colours can be an absolute bastid to get right. They are often best left to a pro paint shop. I'm liking the idea of bright yellow. What sort of paint do you have in mind? Car colours?
  5. Purple? Actually no, that's a bad idea. A terrible one even. Nobody in their right mind would have a purple bass. In fact, you'd have to be an utterly barking hatstand johnny-no-mates to even contemplate a purple [s]7-string[/s] errm, [s]headless 6-string[/s] bass.
  6. My regrets, all going back to the late '80s: 1.Not going up to London with my mate Keith after our band folded. He went to Drumtech and kept phoning me up begging me to come with him and go to Basstech. I didn't. Stayed at home. I got a job in a boring humdrum office. He got a job touring the world with JTQ. 2.Not buying the pre-EB Stingray I saw advertised for 250 quid. 3.Not buying the Dodge Challenger I saw advertised for 850 quid.
  7. £2k+ for that pig?? [i]*falls about in uncontrollable mirth*[/i] Well they've got a sense of humour, I'll give 'em that much. I never thought I'd ever see an uglier bass than the Bongo. Shocking. Still, it's horses for course I guess.
  8. Pretty much everything Bernard Edwards ever played. Playing the notes is easy, it's getting that irresistable groove thang going that's so difficult. Good Times is a perfect case in point... it's what he[i] doesn't [/i]play that makes the line such a classic. [size=1]If you see what I mean.[/size]
  9. Our most popular floorfillers are: Let Me Entertain You Disco Inferno Hard To Handle (which we segue into Beyonce's Crazy In Love) Long Train Running I Want You Back (segued into ABC) Walking On Sunshine Play That Funky Music
  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='517159' date='Jun 18 2009, 09:10 AM']Keep the faith, mate. You can do the gig. If it's blues orginals you can sort the starts and ends and wing the rest. No one will know if you are doing it right or wrong. Never sell your gear when depressed. Wait 'til you are happy and sorted and fullfilled.[/quote] Wise words from the Very Old One there. Never eBay when drunk, or sell kit when fed up. Sooner or later you sober up/cheer up and then regret doing it. Stick with it, big man, it'll all come good. If not this one, then the next one. Don't hang up those boots for good.
  11. [quote name='OldGit' post='508346' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:14 PM']The only (PX) trade I'm looking for is a '62 re-issue MIJ P bass rosewood board / strap peg on headstock. Preferably a mojo'd up older one.[/quote] Or alternatively, get a minter and drive over it in your car
  12. Wow. Sounds like I did the right thing by giving it a miss. Roll on the next Manson's show in Exeter (assuming there will be another one? hope so).
  13. We get the occasional nice little earner -- New Year's Eves and so on -- but generally I do it for laughs and the love of playing, and enough cash to cover my diesel. Any more than that is a bonus. There's 13 of us, so it's never going to be a living!
  14. Pennie Smith's shot of Bruce Foxton is the one that does it for me. Although I must admit the Steve Harris one does have a certain something. Here's one of me that I'm particularly fond of. Mainly because it doesn't show my gurning face.
  15. [quote name='Earbrass' post='508899' date='Jun 9 2009, 11:28 AM']From "Wiki Answers": [i]Are horse chestnuts safe food for squirrels? In: Chipmunks and Squirrels [Edit categories] [Edit] Yes they are. [/i][/quote] Ah yes, well they might be [i]safe[/i] for squirrels, but do the squirrels actually [u]like[/u] them? I mean, tomatoes and hard boiled eggs are perfectly [i]safe[/i] food for me, but I'd rather eat my own entrails on a Ryvita than take a single small bite out of either of those. Eww *shudder* And who would win in a fight between a magpie and a fully-laden African swallow? [quote name='spongebob' post='508975' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:59 PM']Can't we all just be friends????? :wub: :wub: :wub:[/quote] Yeah yeah, whatever. Will somebody [i]please[/i] think of the squirrels?
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='506941' date='Jun 6 2009, 01:15 PM']It is a bit of an old chestnut, this.[/quote] No, it can't be. Squirrels don't like chestnuts. Nor do badgers or magpies.
  17. The main three:[list=1] [*]Sheffield [*]Essex [*]High Wycombe [/list] Others:[list] [*]Taiwan [*]Korea [*]Carlisle [*]Germany [/list]
  18. Hi and welcome I'm not a Reading bassist as such, but I lived there for the first 23 years of my life (well I lived in Shinfield actually, just the other side of the M4) and my dad still lives in Sonning, so does that count?
  19. Ooh look, there's a squirrel.
  20. Rich


    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='486099' date='May 12 2009, 04:42 PM']I'm getting together some stuff to make a few custom PCB's for people on the UK Guitar Buiders forum. Generally we're talking about small etched and drilled PCB's to put together a stompbox pedal - tubescreamer, micro-amp, compressor, treble booster, that sort of thing (-the simpler circuits!). If there's anyone frequenting this forum that's into making their own pedal or interested in having a go, and needs a pcb etching, let me know, and for a nominal fee to my Paypal account to cover consumables I will knock one out for you. Alternatively if you're interested in having a go yourself, I posted up a How-To guide somewhere, pm me and I'll sned you the link. I realise this is a particularly niche and geeky area so am not expecting floods of requests, otherwise I may have to go out and commandeer more lolly sticks and Chinese take-away containers for my production line.[/quote] Would you be able to do double-sided boards?
  21. Bought by mistake, the title says it all. A fiver posted. [attachment=26598:DSC03594.JPG]
  22. The problem with the meaningless word in reviews thing is... well, just [i]how[/i] do you describe a sound or tone? What actual adjectives can you use to describe the sound a Jazz makes, or a P bass or a Stingray? It's got to be difficult. It's easy on a CD, you just play the damn thing... but in print? I like to think I'm reasonably good with words, but I wouldn't have a clue where to start. For me, the main problem with reviews isn't the descriptions per se; it's the occasional factual errors, and the lack of teeth (as others have mentioned). But again, I guess it must be difficult to do without alienating the manufacturers.
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='505002' date='Jun 3 2009, 08:02 PM']Ooh get her.[/quote] Yes, I spotted that too. I think there are some other subliminal messages in Dood's post... [quote name='dood' post='504963' date='Jun 3 2009, 07:30 PM']Brian May feel my Doodle[/quote] See what I mean?
  24. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50800"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50800[/url]
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