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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. i often take an acoustic to work, and sit outside or in my car away from everyone and play/noodle to pass the lunch hour usually interupted by some colleague asking what i'm up to, as if its not obvious enough
  2. there may be a touch too much reverb now i listen again, but i wouldnt say they sound like they are in another room
  3. i get months out of my ernies, but i generally prefer a less bright sound. i find cleaning them every month or so helps, boiling or water or wd40 normally does it for me
  4. i havent received mine yet, but i cant remember when my subscription runs to, not sure theres even a way for me to find out.... or resubscribe... or what...
  5. my first instinct is that the snare needs to come down a touch, and the bass needs some of ultra low end cutting out and maybe the whole level brought down a touch the guitars sound good, just sound like they are getting a bit drowned out by the bass and drums
  6. im more than happy to go down there and help set up etc when the time comes if needed
  7. well considering the venue is 5 minutes from my house, it would be rude of me not to attend, count me in rick
  8. i like it, i did something similar to mine, only mine was a red tort. the gold ones look naff i think
  9. so basically my band has been going, on and off for 3 years and we have had various different recording sessions. so last month i decided i would pull the best takes together and make them into an ep to release you can listen to it here [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/papersoldiersuk"]http://www.reverbnation.com/papersoldiersuk[/url] or if you are feeling nice its available on itunes etc all the recording, mixing and mastering is done by myself. let me know what you think and leave me some feedback about the mix quality, cos im looking to make it more regular and help out other bands if i can cheers guys
  10. i have a couple of double length sport bands i use, james hetfield style you can pick them up pretty cheap in jd sports etc
  11. a good digital modeller can sound as good as the original, a cheap one can sound just awful i think it also depends especially live what speaker arrangement it is being used through
  12. when i mix, i take regular breaks, as you can get too set into listening to what one part of it sounds like, taking a break freshens the ears and lets you revaluate. i also tend to play it back through other speakers, or just step back and listen to it without trying to mix it. i think the big tip is if you make a change, keep it small, for example, if you add reverb to a guitar, keep it minimal, as once you get too heavy handed it impacts on the rest of the mix, and youll be going round in circles trying to mix it all over again. generally i find the first mix is usually a good indicator, and tweaking should be kept minor after that. above all, don't let it stress you, if you think too much on it you'll change things, when you change things it affects everything in the mix
  13. hi guys, i wonder if you could help me out here i am currently running an ampeg svt pro 3 amp and i am suffering terrible screaming/feedback when i kick the distortion in (i am told by a venue i played recently its not coming out of the amps di, only the speaker) my current line includes a sansamp di to give me some of my tone and an ibanez pd7 phat hed distortion. my initial guess was that the combined gain from the 2 pedals was causing it, but i currently have both the pedals gains/levels, and the amp gains set at a about 30% and i am still getting the issue. my question is, has anyone else ever had this issue, or know any easy way of cutting this out. i have considered getting an additional volume pedal to cut the output before it gets into the amp but not sure where to start. cheers in advance
  14. ive stuck the mute button on my amp before going on stage then forgotton to turn it off when i play.. schoolboy
  15. my thought is, if you have to ask the question whether you should downgrade, it means you have doubts about doing it, and if you are doubting it, don't sell
  16. my band is in pretty much the same situation, just stuck a release on itunes etc we have signed up to bbc introducing which hopefully will get our tracks some airplay at some point we are at the moment calling in favours etc im looking for more places for online radio play, as well as maybe online mags/blogs that might review the songs. signing up to unsigned guide is helpful, gives a list of promoters contacts as well as venues, management, radio etc
  17. Thanks man, put a lot of work into this project, proud of the outcome
  18. hi guys, this may be the wrong area for this so apologies for that my band paper soldiers has recently released its first EP, recorded and produced by myself and i thought i would share it with the lovely people of bass chat. it will be going live on itunes, spotify and amazon soon, but you can stream it for free at [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/papersoldiersuk"]http://www.reverbnation.com/papersoldiersuk[/url] if you like what you hear give us a facebook like at www.facebook.com/papersoldiersuk or follow us on twitter @papersoldiersuk cheers guys
  19. mine wasn't last night, but was friday. went down well, had a good crowd. still trying to grow into being a front man as well as the bass player but getting there. good night in all
  20. it seems simple, you are not enjoying it and see at a as chore, and have admitted yourself have no real ambition to do it seriously. if they wan't to push it forward, and following them will not make you happy, you are just being unfair to yourself and them. best to end it now and play bass because you enjoy it rather than just to make a band happy.
  21. ive been through several different rigs but my current set up of an ampeg svt pro 3 and an ampeg 4x10 with it is definatly a keeper for the next few years
  22. i do it, and it just take lots and lots of practice the key to me unlocking it was developing the confidence to by able to do it, once you crack that it becomes easier
  23. i dont practice anywhere near as much as i should, but i do practice and gig with my band a bit
  24. i have a group of friends who play to a click track live and have it hooked up to a macbook which plays additional tracks and backing vox as well it works if you are willing to spend the time to work it out
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