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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Swift painless dealings are the order of the day with this cat! Chuch!
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  3. The Lakland pick ups are really good too- but Wizard can always custom wind something to suit your spec.
  4. krispn


    JDI is gone to a new home. The Aguilar is still available and still sounding scrumptous
  5. krispn


    Outboard preamp built to withstand a nuclear holocaust that will instantly make your upright, vintage bass, cheap bass, active bass, electro acoustic hell even you toaster sound better if it survives said holocaust I 'created' a custom foam housing for the pre where it has lived since day one (cut out of a packaging foam block and made to look extra classy with gaffa tape) Some demo's of the 924 [url="http://www.basstasters.com/preamps/Aguilar_DB924.html"]http://www.basstasters.com/preamps/Aguilar_DB924.html[/url] The DB 924 is an 18v boost only preamp with vol, bass and treble controls. Similar to the Sadowsky unit, which incidentally was initially designed by the Aguilar guys before going into business under their own name. Having tried the Sadowsky I was left feeling a little disappointed with it. The Aguilar on the other hand seems to add a bit more clarity and presence. You know when its on but its not overpowering - just like the early Aguilar pre amps - the controls are voiced to enhance your tone without ever being overbearing. Aguilar £130 posted and insured Boxed, as new and totally mint. Cheers
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  7. Its the only reason I replied so swiftly - Imagine my surprise when the name that signed off the Pm wasn't female!!!!! Amp on hold!
  8. Not really useful for bass! Its a fantastic wee amp and it was part of our gigging back line - our singer plays guitar on the occasional song and this was a small, portable option to having another amp to cart around. During our set we have 3 electric guitars all going at once so normally have to provide a third amp as most bands we play with have the two guitarists so amp share is never enough quite enough. However we are now using an electro acoustic plus two electric guitars so that negates the need for a third amp as we can D.I. the acoustic. This thing cranked gave us all the volume and tone in a small package which didn't take up excessive room on stage or in the back of the corsa (there are 6 of us including stage piano and all the rest!) We recorded with it, gig'd it either with mic's or thru a 412 if there was one kicking about on the night and always got a killer sound. Clean headroom wasn't really a concern for us and this sounded better than a big amp and fancy dirt pedal - it's all tube and sounds like a cranked marshall. Whats not to like right! Any other questions PM and I'll be happy to answer. Cheers
  9. Bump for a great bit of kit from a top bloke. I've played thru this and its exactlyas described in terms of tone and smoothness. Great price!
  10. Hey thanks for the pm's folks I'll get some pic's up over the w/e - its essentially the same as the link but just to let you see how it looks plus the foot switch etc Got family visiting so it might be sunday before I get them posted. Cheers
  11. Pedal has now been sold. Thanks for looking
  12. Currently on hold pending sale......to an Ibanez wielding Satch fan!
  13. dave Bass 5 Can I just dive in here with a nod to the Aguilar DB924 - Aguilar designed the Sadowsky unit them started making their own. I use the 924 with a P bass and it adds a wonderful fullness to the tone. I had played a Sadowsky and was inpressed with the boost only controls it had built in. To describe what it does..... well it's not overpowering but you certainly know its there in a good way - I guess it enhances the tone! I've read people say that it sounds good at all settings but I guess that depends what you consider is too much treble. Bad points Its not footswitchable as an outboard unit, the Sadowsky is, but having tried the Sadowsky unit I was underwhelmed by it thought it was a gumtree sale and I have no way of knowing if the unit was faulty and personally I prefer the Aguilar. There is an on board version but that requires space for two 9v batteries- not thanks! It runs off two batteries (no psu) they do last for ages and its well worth the slight hassle of changing them for the tonal boost they give. You don't see them up for sale that often tho ebay is always a good starting point. I was gonna offer Dave a loan to try it out but sounds like you have been furnished with the SAadowsky. Hope your loving it fella.
  14. My bands drummer is SOLID. She can play in time, complex patterns and can ply piano like nobodys business too. She doesn't hit uber hard or over play just keeps it together and you know its funny she plays [i]intelligent fills[/i] which fits the music, not to demonstrate technique which she has. Oh yeah and she's a girl
  15. Bought a pedal. Prompt delivery and even came with a battery! Nice touch.
  16. Darren (tonyxtiger) kindly drove to my practice room t deliver the goods...literally! Nice guy and nice wheels! Deal with confidence!
  17. gumtree glasgow has the HB5 and cab for £80 - for the cost of a few caps, tubes and a bit of a re solder you could have a nice practice recording rig for very little money
  18. That's what I expected but thought it better to seek the collective knowledge. The amp will do 900w bridged at 2 ohms if the memory serves me correct. Thanks again guys. Possibly the greatest web resource ever Gavin
  19. Ok so I've been posted this question and am at a bit of a loss to answer it 100% confidently. I have an Eden power amp that can run in stereo - two inputs and two out puts - but a potential buyer has asked if he can run the channels independently so one channel running the bass signal clean to a 4 ohm cab and the second channel running effects to a 8 ohm cab. I've tried to find out as much info as I can but keep coming up short. In my mind I think it would be fine but you would naturally get diffent output volume due to the cabs being different ohm ratings. Can anyone point me in the right direction cause I don't wanna sell this only to have it meltdown on the guy. So to recap can I run two different impedance cabs off this Eden WT1000 power amp without creating a black hole? Cheers for any advice
  20. 5've PM'd you already but just to geive you a bump.... Can you confirm it's Olympic white and not arctic white? I've a lovely tort p/g needing a new home
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