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Everything posted by BigAlonBass

  1. [quote name='nipplebass' post='1246487' date='May 26 2011, 11:56 PM']cheers man! are you the big al who plays with black rose?[/quote] Guilty as charged, mate.
  2. Hiya, Neil. There are quite a few lads from round the North-East on here, so you'll fit in well, mate. Welcome to the Forum. (Edit to say "Sorry, Lee". Why on earth did I type 'Neil'?)
  3. [quote name='bass24' post='1240091' date='May 22 2011, 10:21 AM']Just a thought along this thread. Does it make any difference to string tone/sound when you can fix the ball end of the string directly in the bridge or through the anchor point on the back of the bass for those bass's that have that option?[/quote] Not on the Wilkinson Bridge I've fitted to my Precision Lyte, but apparently some different types get a bit more sustain when strung through the anchor points. (More string contact, perhaps?)
  4. [quote name='wizbat' post='1239310' date='May 21 2011, 01:48 PM']to label boutique basses as middy and honky is silly as they're just as diverse in sounds as any other bass, just as saying all precisions just sound thump thump thump!,and there are passive boutique basses as well as active.[/quote] Well.....I don't get out much, and I can only form an opinion from the sound bites and youtube offerings I see regularly on here. Even the Wife has begun saying "Another posh Bass? It sounds the same as the last one. Get another Fender, Pet" if I am playing the clips through the big speakers, so I must be listening to lots of people who prefer 'that' sound.
  5. [quote name='Machines' post='1239977' date='May 22 2011, 08:39 AM']I've had odd things happen with strings when the ball end was at a dodgy angle (compared to other strings), might be worth loosening it and giving it a slight turn.[/quote] +1 on this. With two of my Basses, I have to have the hole in the ball-end lying from side-to-side for it to make 'contact' with the bridge. If one of the holes is pointing upwards or even at a slight angle, that string sounds dead. It took me a while to figure it out as well.
  6. It's a bit of work, but strip the active set-up out of it, and throw it away. I found the active configuration on these Basses a bit TOO active and sensitive, if you know what I mean? I shoved 'real' passive Precision and Jazz pickups in mine, and it's a hell of a lot closer to the real thing.
  7. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1238804' date='May 20 2011, 10:46 PM']Oh but I do P.S. why not?[/quote] Because 'fashion' dictates that, at this moment in time, there are more Fender-haters around than normal. What you really 'need' is a boutique Bass, that costs more than my mortgage, looks like a broken Curly-Wurly chocolate bar, and sounds middy, honky and toneless, like most other boutique Basses out there. That gives you an excuse for never-ending G.A.S., in the quest for ANY kind of amplification that will make it sound decent. OR.....you could try a Fender, and see if you actually like them. I did, I do, and I've used them almost exclusively for 53 years, apart from the odd excursion into silliness, from which I subsequently recovered. (and don't get me started on the 4, 5, 6 string argument)
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1233893' date='May 17 2011, 07:14 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Shine-RK2000NT-Bass-guitar-/290566573838?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43a71e0f0e"]Shine.[/url][/quote] Mr Hall seems to be really digging his heels in now. Removed for "breach of eBay Policy".
  9. [b]/Rant mode on/[/b] I (the Band as well) have flatly refused to work anywhere that has one of these installed. In more than one Venue, we have proved the point to the Management, by one guitar strumming along quietly, which puts it in the yellow, then the Drummer hits his snare loudly ONCE, and it goes off. Why should we put up with the damage to our equipment that can happen when these things cut the power to it mid-gig? There is absolutely NO way that I am spending any more money on repair costs after being subject to this kind of stupidity. Let the Venue demand that the Local Council come back and get it PROPERLY calibrated, which they hardly ever are*, or tell them to employ a disco. * In conversations with a few chaps who actually fit and calibrate these for a living, they are told to leave it on the 'default' setting by most of the Venues, who are too money-hungry to pay the extra cost of calibration, or too thick to realise that a Live Band plays at slightly more than a conversational level. As you can probably tell, I am not a happy chappy when it comes to the subject of Sound Limiters. [b]/Rant mode off/[/b]
  10. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1231440' date='May 14 2011, 10:09 PM']IBTD??[/quote] Delete, not Lock.
  11. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='1228444' date='May 12 2011, 09:15 AM']janek is the man one question though he never slaps the bass?[/quote] That's because it hasn't been naughty.....
  12. [quote name='fryer' post='1223789' date='May 7 2011, 11:58 PM']Can I jump in here about monitors too ? Our front of house is fine, but out three vocalists - singer, guitarist and drummer - can't hear what they are singing sometimes. We just have 2 Roland 30 w cube monitors mounted on stands facing backwards. Do we need louder monitors or floor wedges ?[/quote] Oh God, yes! The set-up I use for our little Hire Rig has three active monitors, 2x400watt wedges for the vocalists/guitarists at the front, and a 300watt wedge for the Drummer. They're capable of being very loud, but it's nice to have the luxury of being able to turn them down whenever the circumstances call for it. It's a nice feeling to be a bit 'over-gunned' and safe in the knowledge that the monitors will do a good job in most situations, instead of worrying if they'll be loud [i]enough.[/i] (Edit to add that most of our Hire jobs are Rock Bands, who tend to be a bit louder than the norm. I wouldn't expect to have to use all the available volume at an Acoustic Night)
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1223327' date='May 7 2011, 03:53 PM']I'm thinking that our stage monitors are not up to the job, with the result that our guitarists (well, one of them mainly) can't hear himself well enough (he says), so he'll crank up his amp volume.[/quote] Oh, yes.....Like we haven't heard this before, from practically every guitarist that ever drew breath. [quote]When putting everything through the PA system, is it normal practice to keep the on-stage amps quite low and use the monitors to provide the correct sound back to the band?[/quote] Yes, that's it in a nutshell. [quote]If our monitors are not really up to the job (we only have two and our config means they can't really be used separately, i.e. we have two speakers but only one monitor amp), it it feasible to turn the on-stage amps to point to the players and use them as monitors? i.e. the on-stage amps "play" to the band and the PA "plays" to the audience. I suspect we need to bite the bullet and improve our monitoring arrangement, but I'd appreaciate any suggestions of how we could better get the most out of what we already have.[/quote] This could be part of your (conceived) problem. In an ideal world, the more seperate monitor mixes, the better. If your guitarist is having to 'share' his mix with someone else, it gives him just the excuse he needs to turn himself up.
  14. Take your pick:- [url="http://rinki.net/pekka/monkey/"]http://rinki.net/pekka/monkey/[/url] [url="http://www.onemotion.com/flash/drum-machine/"]http://www.onemotion.com/flash/drum-machine/[/url]
  15. You Sir, are a scoundrel and a cad. How DARE you live so far away from me?!?!?!?!
  16. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1211559' date='Apr 26 2011, 11:35 AM']WoT he said ^ You're playing the B&T and you're travelling up from Cheshire! Oh and 'Hello' Baz/Barry! There's a few of us getting on around these parts, in fact The Bass Doc is a veritable Spring Chicken! [/quote] You trying to say we're all old buggers? Come to think of it you're right! Welcome to the Forum, Baz.
  17. I bought a Sunburst Fender Precision in 1975, and a Sunburst Fender Jazz in 1976, both brand-new from the shop. A couple of years later, I decided they would fit in better with the other natural Basses in my Collection if I got them stripped and re-finished, so this is what I did. They BOTH looked similar to the example we're talking about! I immediately told the Luthier to spray them in a different colour, and sold them as soon as I could. That's why I have a chuckle to myself when I hear all the comments on '70's Fenders being such wonderful 'Vintage instruments' because there was a hell of a lot of dross slipping through quality control at the time. Over the years I've had conversations with fellow Bass Players with similar stories to mine, so it doesn't seem as though it was a rare occurence either. I had it all documented with Receipts and photographs, but lost them all in a House Fire about 10 years ago. It won me some arguments at the time, I can tell you!
  18. Bass first, keyboards second, no guitar. I can more or less tell what chord shapes a guitarist is playing, so I can play along in Jam Sessions/Open Mic Nights etc., but for some reason, I've never wanted to play a guitar. I mustn't have a big enough ego.
  19. Welcome from a Sand Dancer. Enjoy your time on here, it's canny lush!
  20. Find a good local Luthier, or even:- [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm"]http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm[/url]
  21. [quote name='tino' post='1158581' date='Mar 11 2011, 08:20 PM']Oh Fountain of Knowledge HELP...... VESTER..............Were all made in Korea???? I thought early ones had a MIJ link somewhere[/quote] This should answer most of your questions, Tino. [url="http://www.vesterfansite.nl/"]http://www.vesterfansite.nl/[/url]
  22. [quote name='gub' post='1157147' date='Mar 10 2011, 08:23 PM']Its also funny how someone commentiung on it will bring more people to look at the origanal comment and comment on it . yes i do agree ![/quote] No comment!
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