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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. [quote name='Lo.' post='1061082' date='Dec 16 2010, 10:26 PM']Well I'm now the proud owner of a very tidy 79 T-40. I love its mad variety of tone and its weight. Thinking of spraying it red to make it heavier.....[/quote] Welcome aboard to the "Forty" club. Stick some pics up. I have a '79, just like yours, Nice! Cheers.
  2. [size=4]BASS in CASE[/size] Ignore the [color="#8B0000"]COLOUR[/color] actual shade is as per the original pics.
  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1059392' date='Dec 15 2010, 11:17 AM']Oo-err Mrs; Matron! etc. J.[/quote] Jon. . . Very Funny!! Keep it clean!! You finished the Blazer yet??
  4. [quote name='cocco' post='1059994' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:27 PM']This is gorgeous! I've toyed with the idea of getting a rail to accompany my toaster. Sadly no funds ATM T-40s are literally amazing by the way.[/quote] One fine day, my Forty loving friend, I will turn up with a couple of Blades (and a Rail) you can buy me beer (several) and I can watch you thrash the living daylights out of them. Ohhhhhhhhhh Yyyyyyyesssssssssssss!!!!!!
  5. [quote name='gizmo6789' post='1060032' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:55 PM']Hahaha. Sorry FlatEric, but im not selling it, im desperate to get it fixed and get it out on the live circuit with my band, should sound awesome, i can tell its got some weighty tones in there judging by the fact that it needs a forklift to carry it around Any solutions?[/quote] Hi. As Geoff and Jon say - a new nut is no big issue - years of dragging the stings over the nut for tuning, will wear it down.The other suggestion of Super Glue is also a good solution - a good temp fix to ensure that is the problem. Sort it out and then.................................................. Sell it to me!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ahhhhhhhhh, now I know what the problem is . . . . . . . Sell it to me and wash all your worries away!! Nice bass. Now, payment made out to . . . . . . ??? Hold me back!! Cheers.
  7. [quote name='markinson' post='1059659' date='Dec 15 2010, 03:45 PM']Such a lovely bass!!! FlatEric, nice to "read" you. Regards[/quote] Hi - we have spoken before - on the forum, nice to hear from you again. If you mean "Read" me, I try to add to it as often as I can. Keep popping back, always something different. All the best. Eric.
  8. [size=4]Sunburst T-40 For Sale[/size] After a lot of thought, I have decided it is time to let go of some of my Forty's. Pictured below. This will not render me "Fortyless", as I will be keeping at least 5 or six of them and retaining at least 4 of my T-60's, which I am also selling some of. I first played one in the late seventies, along with a T-60 of the same period and the memory stuck with me. All of these ones I'd ever seen were natural so many years later when I saw a Sunburst one, I was intrigued to discover all the other colours - I sort of went a bit mad after that. I now have matching sets of Forty's and Sixty's!! Around three years ago, almost every gig was with a Forty, rotating the different ones I had, which without fail would seek out a player or two in the audience, who wandered up and asked "Whasatmate?" Still does - very few people have seen one in the flesh. I have started to work through some of my other stuff and most recently have been playing my Odyssey and on Saturday took out my new Odyssey, that I bought from PeteTexas - another BC'er. Cracking!! I can't see me ever doing as many gigs with the Forty's, as I have in the past and now think its time to move on, having recently managed to let go of one of the white ones and just sold "Old Red". This is as you see it - featured in "T-40 Gear Porn" and "Who's got twins". I have two of this era and the only difference between them is some [i]very small[/i] scratches in the back of the upper horn - you can just about see them if you click to enlarge the image. The one I am keeping is the bottom one in the picture - there is not a mark on that one - as it left the factory. This one is the later Blade Pick-up which are slighly brighter and more powerful than the "warmer" Toasters and has the last of the line larger Bat type switches. Same features as all the other T-40's. Comes with the Bullet-proof Peavey moulded case. This one is perhaps my "most gigged" Forty and has never missed a beat. Strung with Stadium Elite 40 - 100, only rehearsed with a couple of times and gigged with ones, so LOADS of life left in them. If you are after a Blade T-40, you would really struggle to get much better than this. £415.00 Delivered to most parts of the UK EDIT Bass in Case Ignore the colour - lighting - shade is as above pics May be interested in a part trade but no P's or J's - something a bit more unusual. Anyone got a mint RB 650 Ibanez?? Black?? After one to partner my red one. Anything similar?? Would make a great Christmas present to yourself! Any questions, will come back to you lunch and evening. Cheers.
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1057630' date='Dec 13 2010, 06:34 PM']Paging Flat Eric.[/quote] I'm here, I'm here but as usual, too late! If that was tidy throughout and it looked it, that is a steal. Jon, we should have bought it between us - got some good shots and "Flipped it" as you so eloquently put it. T-40, with a case (not original but still a good case) at that price, somebody out there must be a very happy bunny. The Natural ones just don't seem to reach the higher values, at the moment - sounds and feels the same. Hey Ho. Cheers. Anyone looking for a Sunburst Forty, I am putting one up for sale. Sit tight.
  10. Just read my PM's - SOLD - subject to the usual. WOW, that was quick! Anyone who missed that one, sorry - the only "Red" I had! Soreeeeeeeey!!! If you fancy a Forty, the next one is a Sunburst - nowhere near as rare as a Red but still a cracker. Will put up some pics as soon as I can. Cheers.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1057707' date='Dec 13 2010, 07:34 PM']Flat Eric in Thinning The Herd Shock! Thought I'd never see the day... That is gorgeous in red - something to do with the dual contrasts with the scratchplate & maple neck. Very best of luck with the sale, sir. Jon.[/quote] Thank you for your wishes, my friend Yep, It is hard to come to terms with but I have decided that after a lot of fun collecting this little lot I can't practically get round all of them. The other Odyssey I bought is as awesome as the one I already had, they are going to be high on the list for some time. I shall still bring out a Forty out every now and then, as I just love 'em to bits but how many do you really [i]Need[/i]?? Cheers.
  12. After a lot of thought, I have decided it is time to let go of some of my Forty's. This will not render me "Fortyless", as I will be keeping at least 5 or six of them and retaining at least 4 of my T-60's, which I am also selling some of. I first played one in the late seventies, along with a T-60 of the same period and the memory stuck with me. All of these ones I'd ever seen were natural so many years later when I saw a Sunburst one, I was intrigued to discover all the other colours - I sort of went a bit mad after that. I now have matching sets of Forty's and Sixty's!! Around three years ago, almost every gig was with a Forty, rotating the different ones I had, which without fail would seek out a player or two in the audience, who wandered up and asked "Whasatmate?" Still does - very few people have seen one in the flesh. I have started to work through some of my other stuff and most recently have been playing my Odyssey and on Saturday took out my new Odyssey, that I bought from PeteTexas - another BC'er. Cracking!! I can't see me ever doing as many gigs with the Forty's, as I have in the past and now think its time to move on, having recently managed to let go of one of the white ones. So, first up is one of the rarest - Red/Maple - the most rare and most desired is Red Rosewood - never got round to one of them. [attachment=66354:1.jpg] [attachment=66355:B.jpg] [attachment=66356:C.JPG] [attachment=66358:d.JPG] [attachment=66359:E.JPG] [attachment=66360:F.jpg] This is as you see it - featured in "T-40 Gear Porn" and "T-40 in Bass Guitars". *Not sure how to link this - perhaps someone can help* Later Blade type, strung with Stadium Elite 45 -105, just broken through the varnish under the 3rd and 5th on the A - hardly noticeable, small mark on the body just above the rear pick-up (can almost be seen on the pic - tiny!). some marks on the back but nothing major - more slight indentations, not scratches, comes with the bullet-proof Peavey Moulded Case. Last gigged this one around May time and has only been out of the case a couple of times since then - strings still very bright. All the usual T-40 features - See the Gear Porn/Bass Guitars entries for full details. A Tanburst/Maple went for £452 + delivery recently, so I'll offer this, more rare one at £465.00 inc delivery to most of the UK. This is a firm price - may be interested in a part trade but no P's or J's - something a bit more unusual. Would make a great Christmas present to yourself! Any questions, will come back to you lunch and evening. Cheers.
  13. Hi. Hoping someone can help me on dating an instrument. The only Fender USA stuff I have is the "P" in question, a '72 Jazz and a much later fretless, so I am no expert! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=109007"]A WhatyearFender??[/url] I could bore you rigid on T-40's and other stuff but when it comes to this issue, I am a little in the dark. I bought it from a guy who had bought it from the original owner, in the early nineties. I have had it about 3 years. He thought it was a 78/79 but to be honest I think he was more into playing the thing than wanting to know when it's birthday was - it looked tidy enough so I had it - it was one to tick off the list So, Fender experts, when was this old fella born?? Cheers.
  14. [size=3]You've seen the Bass, you've seen the Case Now BASS & CASE[/size] £1185.00, delivered, with the Fender moulded case. This is a 70's bass, 70's weight, 70's build quality, 70's pick-up and pots, 70's through and through - In fact, you couldn't get more Seventies!! Case is only about 3 years oldand is not . . . . . . . . . 70's There you have it. Anyone fancy the old fella or is he going back on the rack! No, no, no - not The Rack - Aaaarrrgggghhh [attachment=66179:Case.JPG] [attachment=66180:PandCase.JPG] Final time of asking, I shall bother ye no more.
  15. Doug Wilkes. [url="http://www.wilkesguitars.co.uk/"]Wilkes Guitars[/url] Not sure how long it would take him but worth a call. Great bloke - cosy, wacky little workshop - great product.
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  17. [quote name='gary mac' post='1053880' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:27 AM']Like the look of that twin neck, although I'm sure it would be shoulder saggingly heavy for a wimp like me. Stray... there's a name I had forgotten. I went to see them a few times back when I was a youth. Are they still about?[/quote] Definately!! Went to see them last year and got the opportunity to meet Del Bromham, who had the other Peter Cook Firebird Twin. This is him, years ago. [attachment=66098:Stray1.jpg] At The Musician, last year. [attachment=66099:Deltbirdtwin.jpg] Band web site. [url="http://www.stray-the-band.co.uk/gigs.htm"]STRAY[/url] Well worth a look - Brilliant live band!!
  18. Hi. Having been a long time fan of unusual instruments and custom builders, I have alway been interested in the work of Peter Cook. Peter made instruments for The Ox, worked on Pete Townsend's guitars, Lemmy and Fast Eddie were also customers, with a whole host of other players, around that time. I am lucky enough to have two of Peter's instruments, a Firebird twin, which is the opposite of the one that Del Bromham, from "Stray" had - his was six at the top, mine is 12 at the top. I also have an Axis bass, which is stunning - Nick, a fellow BC'er also had one, some time ago. I have, after some time, managed to meet Peter, have lunch and coffee with him, whislt we meandered through the 60's, 70's and 80's. A very intersting person to talk to. I have started off a section in my blog and as soon as I can, I will update it. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/"]Peter Cook[/url] I know I have asked this question several times and had a few replies but if anyone out there knows of a Peter Cook instrument, has one, seen one, played one - please get in touch with me. Cheers.
  19. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1048793' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:47 PM'] This performance?[/quote] Yep, this one. What the bleep is it? [quote name='Stingray5' post='1048967' date='Dec 6 2010, 03:23 AM']Sorry, 'Eric' - Inspector Picky of the Picky Police, 'ere. I'm afraid, sir, I can't 'elp you with identifyin' that bass, but I 'ave to tell you, sir, that it was not '...Noddy Holder's thing...', but, in fact, Roy Wood's thing; Noddy Holder's thing being 'Merry Christmas Everybody'! Ok, you 'int sin me, awright!?! [/quote] Inspector Picky, Mornin' Sir. What I meant, me lo'd was Noddy Holder's Christmas Show, [i]featuring[/i] Roy Wood!! Errr, can I go now?
  20. Wizzard "Wish it could be Christmas" Just watched this on TV - Noddy Holder's thing. If it's on youtube, 'ave a look - red Jazz (I think) with seriously slanted pups!!!! not noticed that before . Any one know what it is ?? Strange for that era. Cheers.
  21. I see this thing is still going The youtube Free Bird thing illustrates that there is a lot going on behind all the guitar playing. I'm not sure if this will make me guilty or innocent. . . . . . . . . . I'll be doing BOTH Sweet Home and Free Bird tonight!! Not telling you where but if you see a band this evening doing both, where ever it may be . . . run up to the bass player and shout "Flat Eric, I claim my free pint!!!" I'll gladly buy you one. Cheers.
  22. [quote name='cocco' post='1046604' date='Dec 3 2010, 05:33 PM']If anyone buys this they won't regret it! I have sn SB II elite (pretty much the same bass with 2 pickups though). The SB necks are beautiful. As is the tone. Also matsumoku build quality is second to none![/quote] I've got one of these, had it for some time - not [i]quite[/i] such good nick as this one - I paid over £300 for mine and was very pleased. This is a cracker - Aria basses of this era are a cut above most. Have a free bump. Good luck.
  23. Hi. Only just spotted this. Great finish - great result.
  24. [quote name='thebrig' post='1046714' date='Dec 3 2010, 07:19 PM']Does anyone know where I can get the tabs/transcription/video tutorial for the bass on 'Sweet Home Alabama'? Every tab I look at is just A string 55, 33 & E string 33. There is a lot more to it than that, I've worked out a few of the trickier bits, but would like to play them all. Any help would be much appreciated.[/quote] Can't help you but I can confirm there is a lot more to it than that. We've gigged it for almost 4 years and it always goes down well. I can read tab but not at playing speed - I learn by listening. One of the best bits of kit I ever bought was a Tascam Guitar Trainer, when it first came out. I then bought the Bass version and haven't looked back since then. Listen to the song over and over and over again and you will pick up all the subtle moves. Good luck.
  25. How about "includes Fender hard case". These are about £120 ish new and the one included is "as new" Pic of the type of case. [attachment=65439:Fender_case.JPG] So, Fender Precision with Fender Hard Case. £1200, delivered to most parts of the UK. Cheers.
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