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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. As I am doing a feature on the man who made the originals, I have tried to look a these new models with an open mind. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/"]Peter Cook - FenderBirds and ExplorerBirds[/url] I think it is clear from reading the Dean promo stuff, the top man, is a fan of John and The Who. Whether it presses all the right buttons, or not - I'm not sure. I think Peter would recognise the "Cataldo", as a very close facsimilie and any others that are close to the original. BaCh is not that far off the mark but I'm not sure (myself) about the Dean. Is it as pure, raw and inspirational as the originals that Peter made for John? Discuss/Answers on a postcard! Cheers.
  2. Next instalment. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/"]Peter Cook - FenderBirds and ExplorerBirds[/url] Cheers.
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1079822' date='Jan 6 2011, 01:37 PM']Fancy one? Yup. Plan to buy one? Nope. Regrettably, these basses come from an era when a bass that weighed less than a Ford Cortina (preferably a Mk.II) was a mere toy, not worth the bother of strapping on. [/quote] Nice comparison - I had two MK II's, "that were many years ago, when men were men" Power Steering, Pah - how else were you supposed to get any exercise?? They are not heavy - mine isn't, balances surprisingly well - quite a bright tone, not what most people expect. Looks like a reasonable one. Cheers.
  4. For someone who is almost electronically blind, can just about master all the variations on a BT500 Head and has an arsenal of pedals including an EQ and a chorus . . . . . and, erm nothing else, this is all a bit mind boggling but very interesting. I intend to educate myself and try and work my way through it. The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone's connected to the hip bone. . . . . . . . . Cheers.
  5. Don't normally get involved with this sort of thing but it may be of use to someone. Spotted this, the other day - looks like a respectable example. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ovation-Magnum-Bass-Guitar-/130471414894?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e60b3cc6e"]Ovation Magnum[/url] One or two BCer's have shown an interest in them. I already have one and I am trying to kick the habit of buying two (or three) of the same thing, so someone buy this and remove the temptation. Cheers.
  6. [quote name='Wilco' post='1074786' date='Jan 1 2011, 09:41 PM']I've just acquired one of these which is a little beat up & needs some TLC to get it playable. I wonder if someone could help with a control query. There is a three way toggle switch on the bass which I believe is a pick up selector. There are also two, two-way toggle switches which are I think a 'dual sound' switch & a coil tap. With both the two way switches down & with three way switch set at either up or middle I get sound. With all three switches in the down position there is silence.... If I then put the most rear-ward two way switch up (coil tap). I get a thin sound from I think the back pick-up. Not sure of that's by design but it feels like a fault. Anyone got one of these (or the ZZB model) & could let me know if the above mirrors their instrument? Many thanks in advance for any thoughts.[/quote] Hi. I've got one - Cracking bass. [attachment=67837:AriaSBSII.jpg] Same as this?? Could be an iffy switch. Could be a semi dry joint! I had this problem on a guitar, yesterday - hadn't played it for ages and when I plugged it in it sounded very weedy!! The wire to one of the switch contacts was almost off (must have been like that for ages) soldered it back on, as well as doing all the others. . . . KERRRANGGG! If you are any good with electrics/soldering, should be easy. You could remove the wires from the switch and make a direct contact to test. As suggested by Noel, tap the pole pieces. Cheers.
  7. [quote name='ezbass' post='1073531' date='Dec 31 2010, 10:34 AM']My customised Road Worn shortly to be for sale [/quote] I have several "P's" - Yes I know if there are no pics, they don't exist!! That's not the point of the post. This, my friend, is the way to go! I have several basses with two sets of "P" pick-ups on and if you want PUNCH, this is WAY better then a P/J combination. Nice Bass! Why you sell?? Cheers.
  8. Hi. Yep - I'm proud to say I was a big Slade fan. . . . . when I was a lot younger! Still love up to Nobody's Fools but after that, perhaps not. Somewhere in the atic, I have the complete "Flame". I would love to do some Slade covers in the band but Noddy's vocal range is way above what can be achieved by our excellent man on vocals. To date, I have never seen a Pub/Club band do any Slade covers. Do you? Cheers.
  9. [quote name='jeanmarienoe' post='1067766' date='Dec 23 2010, 01:32 PM']where do u live?and is it still for sale? thanks[/quote] Hi. I was tempted to say "In a house and Yes!" but that would be silly. Sorry! I reside in the Loughborough/Leicester area, would be a better way to put it. Don't fancy it over the next few days but later on, if you fancy 'avin a butchers, I could arrange a meet up. Where are you?? - try not to say "sitting in front of my PC, reading this" - that would make you as silly as me! Cheers.
  10. [size=3]Subject to sorting everything out, it looks like this Forty will soon be living in France![/size] T- Quarante. . . . Mmmm, has a certain ring to it! Cheers.
  11. [quote name='squire' post='1067575' date='Dec 23 2010, 10:54 AM'] It's MIJ indeed. It's a Geddy Lee. [/quote] Ooooooooooohh, That's a bit nice! I have to resist, as I am Fully Jazzed up - nice looking bass. Cheers.
  12. [quote name='tom1946' post='1067171' date='Dec 22 2010, 08:18 PM']I do confirm, Old Red has a very good low action. Mine's a stayer and I want this SB too but t'awd bugger won't sell me it [/quote] Tom. Didn't actually say [i]that[/i]. . . . You can have the old fella but I am fully "P'd" up and not in need of another. When you have moved on your very nice "P". . . . . .[i]come back to me[/i] Cheers.
  13. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='1067782' date='Dec 23 2010, 01:50 PM']Really interesting read that - many thanks. Really takes me back to my early days as a bass player, in the late 70's. There were so many really interesting instruments about then - the Guild's and Arias you've covered, but also the Ibanez's, Yamaha's, Kramers, Ovations, and a host of others I remember. We really were spoilt for choice in those days! I tried one of Peter Cook's basses myself as a youngester, when I was employed to distribute leaflets for my local music shop at The Live Music Show in London, in about 1980/81. I'm not sure if he had a stand there or not but I seem to remember he had his own event going on at the same time at a hotel near by. I also remember trying a Wal at the same time, as well as the Washburn (could have been Westone) headless that was modelled on the Status bass at the time. All fabulous instruments. Happy memories - thanks for bringing them back![/quote] Hi. Now you mention it - I have, I believe, some details of the show you went to. Sit tight - should be in the next instalment. Cheers.
  14. For those "Who" are interested. . . . part 2 of Peter's story is now up. The end of working with July, expanding into guitar making, developing the "Ned Callan" range and early work with John Entwistle on the "FenderBirds" and ExplorerBirds. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/"]Peter Cook, Developing Ned Callan and work with The Ox[/url] Cheers.
  15. [quote name='squire' post='1065802' date='Dec 21 2010, 03:45 PM']Lovely bass. Can't afford it though. I only have a jazz bass(*) to trade and I'm based in Holland, so that wouldn't trade very easily. Good luck with the sale! * [url="http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1199/dscn1689ug5.jpg"]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1199/dscn1689ug5.jpg[/url] [url="http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/797/dscn1666cb0.jpg"]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/797/dscn1666cb0.jpg[/url] [url="http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3179/dscn1673st9.jpg"]http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3179/dscn1673st9.jpg[/url][/quote] Got more Jazz Basses than is decent . . . . . but what is it? MIJ? Just curious, honest!
  16. [quote name='basslondon' post='1066550' date='Dec 22 2010, 10:46 AM']Hi Any idea on the weight of this gorgeous animal? It looks rather solid to me and that unfortunately usually means weight... Cheers[/quote] Hi. To be honest, I have quite a few heavy basses and I don't usually bother weighing them. Forty's are heavier than a lot of basses but not the heaviest. I'll throw it on the scales. Cheers. [quote name='Smash' post='1066872' date='Dec 22 2010, 03:27 PM']Hmm this is the best looking T-40 I have seen, never tried one but what is the action like on this... trying not to be tempted.[/quote] Hi. Be Tempted in a T-40!! All of my Forty's are set at 2.5mm at the 12th, or less. I have two at 2.2mm - no buzzing - they are a dream to set up. Ask Tom, who bought "Old Red" (see one of the posts above) I'm sure he would confirm. Cheers.
  17. [quote name='kingforaday' post='1065459' date='Dec 21 2010, 10:40 AM']you're a brave man getting rid of these mr flateric sir, i've been trying to list my white/maple one for ages but i just can't bring myself to do it! still i guess with your collection this doesn't exactly leave you light on T40's does it! good luck with the sale![/quote] Hi. As you know, I have ended up with enough to form an Orchestra but every time I think enough is enough, I yank one out of the case, almost like a Captain choosing a man for a dangerous mission, plug it in and . . . . . OK, you can stay. [i]You[/i] obviously have the same problem! Hang on to it, you know you [i]neeed[/i] two!!
  18. [quote name='tom1946' post='1064890' date='Dec 20 2010, 06:34 PM']Old Red is amazing! so glad I bought it. [/quote] Tom, glad you are happy with the old fella! Sunburst, anyone??
  19. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' post='1065235' date='Dec 20 2010, 10:32 PM']One of my all-time favourite basses is, I believe, a Peter Cook special - It was played by John Entwistle on occasions, notably in the 'Eyesight To The Blind' section of the Tommy film, and in The Who's appearance on the Whistle Test miming to 'Relay'. It's got a black hook-shaped body with what looks like Thunderbird guts, and the longest headstock you've ever seen. It's just the coolest looking bass ever. Weirdly, for what I assume was a one-off, it also pops up in the 1973 film 'Horror Hospital', being played by a proto metal herbert. I'd love to know more about this bass.[/quote] Hi. I know the one you mean - I will try to find a decent image of it and ask him. Cheers.
  20. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='1064364' date='Dec 20 2010, 10:47 AM']So, what's the difference between a blade and a toaster. Different sound?[/quote] There can be quite a bit. The Blades are definately more powerful and brighter. The most mellow one I have is the Tanburst/Rosewood. It could be said that the the Rosewood adds to the warmth but the pick-ups are not as "Biting" One the other hand, the Natural one in the centre of the group of three, in the first pic, is without doubt the most powerful and biting T-40 I have. Put the two together, same amp settings/EQ and between the two of them, there is a big difference. Horses for Courses. [quote name='mike257' post='1064578' date='Dec 20 2010, 01:13 PM']This is stunning - are you sure you don't want to swap it for my black one [/quote] Thanks for the offer - I am trying to slim down on the Forty's. Mine's called "Blackie" who now goes with "Snowy" as "Chalky" has now gone! Did you get all of that?? I think it started off naming our cars and it sorted drifted over into the guitars! Madness, really! Cheers.
  21. [size=4]Peter Cook - Part 1[/size] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2010/12/peter-cook-guitar-builder-and-musician.html"]Peter Cook, Guitar Builder - His story.[/url] Click on the above for the first part in a facinating story, told by Peter, himself. This documents his early days in the music business, when he played as a pro musician, long before he took a chisel to wood. Cheers.
  22. [quote name='Trois6' post='1064066' date='Dec 19 2010, 09:58 PM']Awesomeness ! Just want it =) Hope you can send this to France ! =>MP[/quote] Bonjour!! Replied to your questions. Cheers.
  23. Sold "Old Red" Peavey T-40 to Tom. Top man, on the ball - VERY easy to deal with - would happily sell him something else. All the best. Eric.
  24. [color="#FF0000"]Now Sold and should be performing this evening.[/color]
  25. [quote name='theosd' post='1061302' date='Dec 17 2010, 08:46 AM']Oh man... I've not seen a sunburst one before and it. is. awesome. I really can't justify the expenditure but is there anything in my sig you would be interested in trading/part exchanging with? I also have an akai headrush 2, ebs octabass (grey) and boss ce-2b all in a kinsman pedalboard case with soundlab power supply I'd happily move on...[/quote] Also in Red, Wine, White, Black, Natural and. . . . Tanburst. Luvverly!! [quote name='WonderHorse' post='1061335' date='Dec 17 2010, 09:35 AM']Damn you Eric. If I'd not just splashed out on an Ampeg I'd snap this up straight away.[/quote] You will have one, some day - You will have one, some day - You will have one, some day - You will have one, some day - You will have one, some day - You will have one, some day - Just keep saying it and it will happen! [quote name='razze06' post='1061346' date='Dec 17 2010, 09:42 AM']Want. Can't afford. The T-40 is one of the most awesome, inspiring and satisfying bass to play I've ever owned or used. Mine gets instinctively picked up for live work ahead of anything else, and I have to make a concious effort to put it down and use anything else.[/quote] Howdy, fellow Forty owner! I couldn't agree with you more!! Why do you think I have ended up with so many!! I think I will keep three of the Toasters and 3 of the Blades. No, make that four of the blades. . . . AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH here we go again!! Keep on thrashing that Forty, lad - you know it can take it!! Cheers.
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