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Everything posted by Les

  1. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='644716' date='Nov 3 2009, 09:07 PM']Does this all make sense ?[/quote] Perfect sense. Thank you again Les
  2. Fair comment, that's set up, and I can deal with that. I'm assuming basses with twin pickups are designed to change sound characteristics switching between the pups with no difference in level. But I could be wrong. That's what I'm trying to ascertain.
  3. I'm toying with the idea of another bass for gigging. At the moment I'm using a ray but I'm playing more and more with a plec. I generally just roll the treble off a bit when using a plec. On a bass with 2 pup's ie Dubs' G&L L2000 tribute that he has for sale, if you switch from the bridge pup to the neck pup obviously the tone would change but is there any difference in level? Ideally I'd like to just flick a switch to go from fingers to plec without the guessing bit. Is this possible ?
  4. If you've got a nagging feeling, then your probably right.
  5. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='643602' date='Nov 2 2009, 05:09 PM']Les I've always loved the sound of a major triad with the major 3rd as the root (1st inversion). Try these: [attachment=35621:Ist_inve...n_triads.pdf] Let me know if you have a problem with the written note. Now I've learnt how to do pdf's, my previous method seems rather long-winded to me, but I do understand if notation causes difficulty. Perhaps somebody would like to tab this for me ? The Major[/quote] Thanks Major, yep notation means my brain hurting and sticking my tongue out and my finger on the paper, but I can manage it slowly, but I'm not sure I'm playing it right. TAB's great but failing that your long winded way round works, or even the name of the note and the string would do, don't need the fret. ie F# E string or even just the notes from bottom to top, I'll figure the fingering from there. However you want to do it is fine at the end of the day, I'll work round it and I appreciate you taking the time whichever way you do it. Thanks Les
  6. All great stuff. More please. Again I'm learning shapes and moving them about without really understanding the notes involved but I can play more chords than I could so still moving forward. Thanks again Les
  7. Good stuff. Never seen anyone but us do Times Like These before. At least your guitard doesn't start it too fast like ours. Found it very interesting as your exactly the same line up as us with the same fab bass guitar as well. Big respect for coming from guitar but playing bass properly, with your fingers.
  8. [quote name='KASH' post='641135' date='Oct 30 2009, 02:43 PM']It's the case, going with a heavier gauge[/quote] Then you'll at least have to check the intonation.
  9. I normally take them all off and clean up a bit then restring and have no problems. Maybe it was the changing of the bridge that altered things rather then just releasing the tension on the neck ?
  10. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='640160' date='Oct 29 2009, 03:57 PM']Once you've mastered the left hand fingering, try playing this as triplet quavers using, on the right hand, thumb index and middle fingers in classical guitar style. More soon ......... The Major[/quote] Thanks major, I'll have a bash later. Not struggling with the fingering as I've played classical guitar (badly) for a few years, but realise my actual understanding of chords is pretty poor, esp' on the bass so all this is great stuff. Many thanks and please keep it coming. Les
  11. mmmm.....read all of this, now my brain hurts, so I'm going to the pub to ponder on it.
  12. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='617323' date='Oct 5 2009, 11:43 AM']Once you have mastered this, you have the basic shapes that you can use in any key. And there are many other options we can look at another time - let me know if you want me to do some more on this ! The Major[/quote] As I don't use chords in my band I read rather than contributed to this thread but I'm a bit gutted no one took you up on your offer as I really enjoyed messing about with your chords, so, please, if you've any more Major I'd love to see them. Thanks Les
  13. I really fancy a Status, headless and with LEDs, it's the LED's that are doing it for me.
  14. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='635537' date='Oct 24 2009, 07:43 PM']ah yes, and that he did....but when ones preamp shits itself, and EBMM are not interested in repairing, replacing or even looking at said shatted component, I found that Mr East's fine bundle of wires and circuits gives the bass all the joyousness of a Stingray, but with some added perks [/quote] Ah, never had a problem or dealt with EB. Mines pre EB, don't know what I'd do if the electrickery buggered up. Does it happen often ? I don't know for sure but I would imagine it won't play passively to get you through the night?
  15. I like mine well enough to have used it for the last 20 years. I think there's only me on here who's happy with one sound though . Played P's for years, got the Stingray sold the P's. Not sure I'd want to tinker with the electronics as has been said above, surely Leo did a fair bit of R&D to get it right ?
  16. The Killers tune down half a tone, make sure of the key as well if it's a dep job. We do a couple in the cd key, but a couple up half a tone so the guitard can use open strings.
  17. Bass full on (2eq stringray) amp flat, then go from there. I don't touch the bass at all except for about 2 numbers I play with a pleck, then I back the treble off a bit.
  18. [quote name='neepheid' post='633207' date='Oct 22 2009, 09:39 AM']Bass ensemble![/quote] A la Spinal Tap
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  20. Toughie but it's done. Move on and good luck. Oh, tell them to put an advert on here for a new bass player. That will be worth watching
  21. Me, the lip biting is cos' I've inadvertently strayed past the 5th fret and I don't know how to get back. [attachment=34512:les3.jpg]
  22. I can see why your frustrated. But maybe that's the price you have to pay to be in a band that you obviously think has merit. As for not making it cos' of their lacksadasical ways, well I'm sure you wouldn't be the first band member to drag such an outfit by the scruff of the neck to success. Apart from the drummer only having "air drums", I'm sure mine wasn't the only raised eyebrow reading that,the rest of it doesn't seem insurmountable. I know your pissed with them but the 12 things you listed for the year do seem quite achievable even if you have to do them yourself. I've played with loads of good people who you couldn't really rely on to sit the correct way on the toilet,let alone book a rehearsal studio, but on stage all was forgiven. Worlds full of them. Good luck, but don't be hasty.
  23. Don't know you from Adam mate, but are you a natural leader ? Sounds like they functioned as a unit before you, and you say the singer [b]used[/b] to book all the rehearsals before you came along and they already had myspace and facebook. Maybe you've just taken it all on board gradually without noticing till recently and they've let you. Seen it many times.
  24. I'm gonna have to try this. Always had Trace amps, active switch, set the gain as per the instructions and away. Now got the LH500 and that doesn't have a gain just active and passive inputs. I assume from the comments above I'm safe straying away from the norm ? mind you I can't see my old Ray being as hot as some of the more modern active basses.
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