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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Just looks “better” - new strings in the post.
  2. Happy Christmas to me… this is the best. The worst… I bought a Boss LMB-3 and it stayed in a box from the day it arrived until I sold it. I didn’t need it…just a pointless purchase. weirdly…I need something of that Ilk now.
  3. Bump - can entertain trades if you’ve got something Danelectro long scale - we’d obviously have to talk about prices etc.
  4. Got some D’addario Half wounds on way - the current Rotos are cut too short for through body.
  5. Back to the factory bridge. Acoustically a bit quieter. But who plays these acoustically 🥴
  6. think the Grabber/G-3’a have something approaching BBOT
  7. 1976 3 point is going back on I think
  8. They can be inordinately pricey if clean and tidy. There’s a blonde one on eBay with a neck repair for £950
  9. So in the mid 90’s my older brother used to put a VHS on called “Nirvana: Live Tonight Sold Out”. There was this Human shaped Spider guy on bass, about 19ft tall with 15ft long arms… He played these bloody handsome basses - and I obsessed about them, just staring at Adverts for used Gibson Basses. His sounds were really warm plummy and “boingy” - even with Fuzz/Overdrive sounds. Anyhow, the years came and went…I got into the dreaded Slapping and Tickling of basses, so the Gibson’s didn’t really seem to fit that ideal. Having recently joined an indie band, the time has come. With a huge helping hand from our very own @walshyand some selling and some inheritance… Here’s my new toy… 1970’s Gibson Ripper. And “that” sound is present. But also, shockingly…some funkier and Jazzier sounds are to be had. Going to experiment with the original 70’s bridge too. Its a decent weight - a shade over 9lbs. And while it’s evidently “old” - it’s by no means battered. It’s in lovely condition. I’m pretty smitten to be fair. ”never meet your heroes” - The old adage says… I say meet them! Natural next 😆
  10. I think this and the RD Just always have my attention. But I couldn’t pull off the RD as I’m not 7ft tall with orangutan arms. this is ace.
  11. yeah. My £250 was otherwise engaged
  12. I watched that on ebay. A mate had a strat and it was excellent - same finish/headstock shape as this
  13. You’ll have to send yours off - and he’ll duplicate it in any colour. For not much dough. £38 for my last one. All decent gear too
  14. Earlpilanz on eBay will do that… https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/earlpilanz
  15. You’ll definitely forgive me - I promise
  16. Bought this. I no longer own a jazz. Protective film still on it. 60’s thumb rest and pickup cover holes pre drilled. decent wide bevel. £3 to post in UK
  17. This has been a revelation… No arguing, no fussing, no let downs. No Egos. weird, was about to give up completely. 2024 looking good. I auditioned and got the “job” with 3 other bands - but this just felt right. So I let the other bands know and off I went - one set of responses from a particular band were reassuringly horrific…glad I didn’t join that particular band.
  18. Paul bought a Jazz from me - lovely bloke. All very pleasant and above board 😉
  19. Think there are 2 camps on this… 1. Aspirational “wish I had a fender” - but can’t afford. My first bass was a Kay precision where someone prior to me had (hand painted) “Fender Precision Bass” on the headstock - and that was done in the 80’s 2. forgery. A whole other story.
  20. Had blue one in my basket twice in 48 hours. I can’t do it - I know I’d fawn for a few days and then decide I don’t need it. Anyhow… Something else is coming for a visit to see if it’s the right “glass slipper” for this particular Cinderella. And it’s a proper “meet your hero” moment. So, Soloking…close but no cigar.
  21. New band I’ve recently joined have some Roland TD-18/20KV thing. it works. but there’s definitely a keyboard drums vibe still lingering and it doesn’t sit well with me, or the drummer who I’ve drafted in. anyhow. tomorrow is real kit central. Thank god.
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