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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I played one at the short lived Bass Centre in Deansgate Locks. The guy barked at me for touching it - I was “just a kid”, but he’d forgotten that I’d bought a fairly expensive Spector there the month before. Agh. Not a shock it went bump.
  2. Mark just got a case from me - legend. All good 👍🏼
  3. I want one. Have done for years… The wallet always says no when they (rarely) come up.
  4. Nah, if you buy 2 at once…rude not to isn’t it?
  5. Have bought one should arrive tomorrow, thank you for the lovely offer. Lineup is ace; just need to learn how to play the blummin things.
  6. I had one of these for a bit…much preferred my jazz fretless; I also managed to get a better DB impression from it. Seems counter intuitive…but 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. I’m sure it was at the gallery a couple of years back. knowing their website - it’s probably still listed as “for sale”
  8. I’m a predominantly electric player - some fretless and I’ve got a fretless Jazz bass which gets close - but I want something to move air in front of a microphone like a double bass would. This gets close - work in progress though…
  9. Ah - ballsed up: The “hilarious” Flamenco plates arrived - and instead of the manky, trashy white/cream plastic I wanted - they’re clear. Far too understated. Luckily, I’ve returned them to swap… A postage mistake to the tune of a tenner - for a visual joke. Knobber. Also, now the bass is settling…I’ve realised - in my hasty sanding, I’ve flattened off a spot I didn’t want to in the fretboard…🙄 so unless I want a ridiculously high action - I need to get a 9.5” radius block (based on a fender jazz fretless radius). The last time I did this it was a brand new 5 string with a very flat fingerboard - not sure I’ve worked enough of the 40/45 years play wear on this one yet. So, before recording - more work to do… Wish @Andyjr1515lived around the corner. I’ve still not braved the nut yet.
  10. The stock will most likely get filtered to the nearest bigger store. The music retail trade is grim - this is my 10th year out of it. By god I miss that job…not the wage, but we used to have such a laugh. I left as the worm was turning. Actually nearly ended up at PMT Manchester when I was having a crisis of confidence in my new career.
  11. The only answer…MORE SETTEE
  12. Fer a fiver?? I’d do the round trip. maybe that’s why I’m a failure 🥳😂
  13. There’s so much of it to take. It’s fine. I have all this gear to use as a shield 🥴😂
  14. I hope you got that?! And for that price - I’d suggest it doesn’t even count!!!
  15. Ah well, for good measure I’ve just sourced an upgrade pickup for my P. I’ll grow up one day.
  16. I’d always go JC - sound like a bigger precision. Mate of mine who’s a bassist watched me use both at a gig once “that Epiphone sounds massive mate, bin the fender”. I didn’t. Have owned 2 JC’s now - wish I still had both.
  17. No. She gave me a few quid, not a remortgage 😂
  18. A Sansamp FlyRig. Technically a gift from Mrs T, but I’m not going to try to worm out of it. It’s gear. I could’ve bought some new trainers or something.
  19. I’M OUT. Good. Glad that’s out of the way.
  20. https://on.soundcloud.com/BHzAPX6kfLUM72yg9 “You’ll be sorry” - basically just the idea of Technology being introduced into everything… Will it take over? Anyhow, first one with the Gibson Ripper, trusty old Pacifica and GarageBand everything else… An AI generated image being part of the issue 😂
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