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Everything posted by dlloyd

  1. The Artcore is, indeed, lovely. I've had a couple of Epiphone archtops and they were nowhere near as good as the Ibanez... dodgy qc. Tuners at weird angles, crappy pickups, etc. but solid all the same. The Ibanez artcores (at least the af95 and up) are flawless in build quality... only fault I can imagine you could get would be with the materials.
  2. A Japanese buyer will take that.
  3. 35 kg isn't that much people. Two of these would weigh less than an Ampeg 8x10.
  4. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1473419381' post='3130027'] I think I may be inclined to agree but wanted to try and keep obviously acoustic from a visual aspect if I can. [/quote] How about something like the Godin 5th avenue?
  5. Joe Osborne. I love the tone he gets on everything he did but I would never think to use a jazz bass strung with flats played with a plectrum... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJGSHMgbB0E[/media] hmm... To my right there's a Fender Jazz... in front of me there's a set of LaBella deep talking flats and there's a pick in my pocket...
  6. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1473407612' post='3129820'] I have thought of that too, but don't think I quite have the clearance for one (although Kent Armstong seem to sell a slimline pickup which should fit, but only in the US). Or I could just buy an archtop:- pays homage to the Gods of GAS and solves my issue. I did see last night too that the Ibanez Talman acoustic only uses magnetic pickup so I may go and try one out and see if I like the sound. [/quote] I have had a few jazz boxes and the two I have at the moment are among the better ones I've played... and they're not expensive. My archtop is an Ibanez AFJ95 which, for me, feels every bit as good as a Gibson ES175 for a fraction of the price. They're £500 or thereabouts, and have the Super 58 pickups they put on their more expensive models. I would have preferred an AFJ91 with just the neck pickup, but I didn't like the colour they come in! My gypsy jazz guitar is a cheapo Gitane Cigano CJ15 D hole job... they're more like archtops than flat tops in their construction and I think they have a bit more space under the strings for things like Stimer pickups. Neck mounts won't work very well because of the fretboard design (extended on the high E). I've had expensive LeVoi's and played DuPonts and the Cigano is 99% of the way there. On the cigano I've added a K&K Definity pickup, which has a fantastic acoustic tone. I'm considering fitting a K&K to the Ibanez as well. If I was in your position I'd probably go for an archtop with a neck pickup with something like the K&K Definity added so you can switch between the two, or blend them
  7. You could try one of the many neck mounted pickups that are on the market... I don't know how well they'd work on a flat top acoustic, they're really designed for archtops.
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1473369132' post='3129619'] If I sight read a chart, it has exactly the same feel, and is played as well as if I'd learned it. [/quote] Yes. If reading music somehow interferes with the groove, it's because you suck at reading.
  9. There's a tradition in gypsy jazz for Stimer pickups like Django used in his latter years... Here's a good example of how they can sound: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH6irdA0wVI[/media]
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1473362386' post='3129533'] I bet you know those 53 songs like the back of your hand. Next time you gig, don't take the music stand. You'll astound yourself, with what an amazing memory you have. Live dangerously......you know you want to. [/quote] lol... I could probably manage most of them...
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1473361110' post='3129519'] If you haven't memorised the songs, then you lack commitment. Unless you have Alzheimer's, or are depping, there's no excuse [/quote] Just checking my most recent set list... 53 songs. I take a music stand.
  12. Jim Deacon is essentially the same as SX... great instruments for the price
  13. It's also, I think, a little simplistic to try to compare the situation that those in the "millennial generation" face with the situations faced by the baby boomers or the generations that came before them. Jazz musicians in the 1930s could learn their trade playing in one of the many big bands that would tour the country (US and, to an extent, UK and Europe), playing at dances and nightclubs. That isn't an option now and a college setting gives a reasonable structured alternative.
  14. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1472743847' post='3123852'] The Blues, jazz, rock n roll, punk, metal, hip hop, folk...all came into being against or independent of the establishment. Now, Berklee, Rockschool and similar types of institutions offer graded exams. Would you have wanted to pay to study bass at one of these types of places or d'ya reckon taking exams goes against the original spirit of rock n roll? Have a gander... [url="https://www.rslawards.com/music/graded-music-exams/bass"]https://www.rslaward...usic-exams/bass[/url] [/quote] Jazz is a bit different. The type of jazz that is taught at Berklee, New England Conservatory of Music or Leeds College of Music is very different from early Dixieland jazz. It was developed in part by people who had studied music at college... Off the top of my head, Coleman Hawkins, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Ron Carter, Dave Brubeck and George Russell (who basically codified a lot of jazz theory) all studied music at college. I would have liked the opportunity to have immersed myself in studying music but I'm not sure I would pay Berklee rates to do it (you can essentially buy a house for how much it costs to get a degree there).
  15. I don't hear anything problematic. You're going to get some fret noise on all fretted basses unless you use a really light touch.
  16. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1472289470' post='3120043'] [media][url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJxR-qeAUpo"]http://www.youtube....h?v=BJxR-qeAUpo[/url][/media] Anyone? [/quote] Not keen. There's about a million dollars of Berklee college tuition fees in that video. TH
  17. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1472650741' post='3122929'] oh the frett buzz!!! i couldn't live with that [/quote] ???
  18. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1472643895' post='3122837'] Similar thing happened to me with It Gets Funkier. I can play those notes, but it doesn't sound like when Joe does it! So many accents, it's hard to master. [/quote] Nice demo without band here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhI_ABr1Owk[/media]
  19. He appears to have a relationship going with Ernie Ball now... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ppx7rVykH0&index=7&list=PLSgBgfHBd5Jxx8suvxGo_90L9u8S_RMbC[/media]
  20. Shall I get the joke about six string, short scale piccolo basses out of the way?
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1472169931' post='3119171'] At 16 my favourite band was John Mayall and the Blues Breakers, with Eric Clapton. [/quote] Me too... and also BB King, Muddy Waters, Otis Rush, Freddy King, Howlin Wolf, John Lee Hooker... all because of the Bluesbreakers/Yardbirds/etc. I haven't really listened to blues in a long time, but it entirely defines my playing as a guitarist, even though I play jazz most of the time.
  22. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1472590765' post='3122474'] Hmm. 16 so 2001. Probably Idlewild or White Stripes. [/quote] Golly... Roddy, the singer from Idlewild, was at the same school as me. I sort of knew his sister, but not him.
  23. Seven... you've left it too late... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSedE5sU3uc[/media]
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