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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. [quote name='applerocks' post='71561' date='Oct 9 2007, 02:09 PM']Zack Bleach [email protected] [/quote] Hi Zack, I think you have the Bass in the wrong section. It needs to go in Basses For Sale. If you contact a mod they will move it for you, Cheers, Stuart
  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='71405' date='Oct 9 2007, 07:09 AM']I'd stay well clear and put it down to experience Chris[/quote] Hi Chris, Already have done. In fact I did the minute I got the first e-mail from him. I have no intention of dealing with him. I was just trying to see how much "wriggling and squirming" he could do. I am going to be a couple of miles away from Preston on Saturday and after repeated requests for his address, it has gone very quiet. I had a feeling about it form the word go. Don't know why.....
  3. [quote name='ZPQ' post='71355' date='Oct 8 2007, 11:33 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1983-Wal-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ260168938408QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1983-Wal-Bass-Guitar...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] zero feedback but otherwise might be real? What do we think? I might email ask if it's ok to collect and pay cash. Cheers John[/quote] It's Aberdeen again.... I think there are a few more "iffy" sales from that area on other posts. No PayPal either...
  4. [quote name='neilb' post='71318' date='Oct 8 2007, 10:28 PM']Strange, on the 6th October he says he had packed it, therefore he was unable to take anymore pics. I think its bullshit. didnt get the price he wanted I reckon. Bet its relisted before long with a reserve!![/quote] My Sentiments exactly. We are playing e-mail tennis at the moment. I pulled him up on the fact it was packed up ready to go. He now says he hasn't a camera and didn't want to feel a fool by admiting it !!!!!! I have asked him to borrow a Camera or Camera phone and take a picture of the damage as I may be interested in putting a new neck on it if I can get it for a song. Have offered to drop in on Saturday when I am in the area..... Here's the reply; [i]Wow yeah sure that a nice surprise didnt think i would be able to get much out of it now, yes of course i will try my best to get my hands on a camera! MANY THANKS!! Sam[/i] I will be keeping a watchful eye for a re-list and then report him. Won't do any good, but will make me feel better.
  5. Have just "bought" A MM Sub 5 off e-Bay. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=270172808546&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=017"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...N:IT&ih=017[/url] When I e-mailed the guy to tell him I would collect on Saturday, (as I am in Leylend which is right next door), here is the reply. [i]am so sorry! I have just been getting the bass from the loft and i dropped in down the ladder onto a concrete floor, the bass neck has split and the headstock has come off...... .. you can guess i am pissed.. will see what i can do with it and maybe put it back up, but i wont be happy with you taking it away as it will cost you alot to have repaired! I will leave you positive feedback, but dont return the favour as it was not your falut! Again i am sorry and hope you can understand if you could please reply that would be good for peace of mind Sam Norton[/i] Went too cheap or a con merchant unearthed????
  6. [quote name='nedsbeds' post='46999' date='Aug 17 2007, 10:07 PM']Hi bassbunny, I really like the grill too! The handles are from blue aran [url="http://bluearan.co.uk/menu/index.php?id=JAM34062&product=Plastic_Bar_Handle!comma!_round_cutout&browsemode=category"]http://bluearan.co.uk/menu/index.php?id=JA...semode=category[/url]. They are plastic so they are nice and light, but once screwed in (I used a piece of wood behind the handle part to double the thickness and strengthen everything up) it is extremely strong. They aren't too deep either and fit very snugly so making them airtight isn't a problem. which cabs are you building? Nick[/quote] Hi Nick, I think it is likely to be a couple of 10.5 Crossfires. I have been trying to get around to building for ages. Even Plan B failed, (get Thumper to build them for me), as every time I have planned to drop in on him, something has happened. Was going to meet up with Sug at Thumpers a few weeks back and it all went "pear shaped". I really would like to do them myself as i have the time and reckon i would feel good having accomplished something for a change. Migh give it a crack as the worst I can do is write off a sheet of ply.....
  7. [quote name='ZPQ' post='70519' date='Oct 7 2007, 10:12 AM']I'm not looking to profit from it so it'll be £350 inc hardcase. All pm's now replied to, but it's still up for grabs. (which might be a good thing for me - I won't be sad if I have to keep it!)[/quote] Hi John, Do you know what scale it is? Cheers, Stuart
  8. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='69387' date='Oct 4 2007, 10:27 AM']But seriously, learning to read takes you to places you would otherwise not go and it is by far the most marketable skill you can have as a player - read and you will work. Start with walking bass lines and, over the next decade expand into more sophisticated stuff like saxophone solos etc. If you can read, you can work almost anywhere and do it quickly. Best thing you could ever work on and progress, whilst slow, is its own inspiration.[/quote] God I wish. When I started guitar lessons years ago the tutors gave up on trying to teach me to read. The best comment was "your not reading the music are you? You are just listening to what I play and copying it." Yes I was. My Mother could play piano by ear, (not literally), and I seem to have the same "trait". I would LOVE to be able to read and agree that even learning the basice of reading would help enormously.
  9. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='69375' date='Oct 4 2007, 09:58 AM']I am constantly amazed at the number of really good musicians who just can't dance or who seem to have no sense of movemment. Me, I'm a GREAT dancer.........now what does THAT say about my playing S[/quote] And here's another catagory. Can't dance, can't move, not brilliant player but am ace at tapping my feet...... Constantly getting whinged at by 1 of the guitarists in 1 of the bands I play in for not "moving and grooving" when we play. Mind you when I told him he was a sh*te gutarist who always plays out of tune and far too loud, which meant I had to concentrate on my playing, he stopped having a pop at me. The brain says I want to move, but the body won't do as it's told.
  10. [quote name='ZPQ' post='67859' date='Sep 30 2007, 08:13 PM']Can't you all just let the guy sell his bass. If you want to make an offer make one. If you think the price is wrong send a pm. If you want to point out an error in the ad ( I don't see any - he's correct about the taxes) send a pm. If you think the price is too high don't buy it - he'll either drop the price or not according to how quick he wants to sell it. Picking fault like this in public is a pretty shoddy way to behave IMHO.[/quote] +1 and I am sure we have been here before.
  11. [quote name='five-string.co.uk' post='67592' date='Sep 30 2007, 10:39 AM']Hey Stuart, The flats are marked 'LONG SCALE' so 35" will be no problem. If you want them, please PM & I'll send you my paypal details Thanks Greg[/quote] PM'd
  12. BassBunny


    [quote name='elom' post='59041' date='Sep 11 2007, 11:35 PM']Anyone got any Van Morrison tabs.... elom [/quote] Mr Mole, I put the tab for Moondance on another post somewhere on BassChat. Think I may have some more if you need them.......
  13. Hi Greg, what scale length are the 5 String Jazz Flats? IF they are 35" I'll take them. Cheers, Stuart
  14. [quote name='Groove65' post='67177' date='Sep 28 2007, 11:11 PM']Where did you guys get the frogs ? i want one !! bass still for sale by the way... or a trade for a lightweight (gotta be sub-8lb) 4 string bass as ive just had a shoulder op and cant take the weight of this anymore...[/quote] Frogs came from Homebase. If you go hunting, (probably a good time as they are clearing the garder centres), and find a drummer or keyboard player let me know
  15. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='67189' date='Sep 28 2007, 11:57 PM']Don't mean to be an ass but... You do realize that you could buy a brand new Heir from the US, pay about the same p&p and then you get to choose the color for a very similar price, if not less?[/quote] If you use Bass Central as an example, (and know as I was going to import an Heir from US until I picked one up from e-Bay). Price is $799 + $165 shipping, = $864. Then add on 17.5% VAT, 4% Import duty and between £10-£25 import release charge depending on which carrier is used. $1076 best case scenario. Which is around £540 at todays rate.
  16. I'lll try tomorrow afternoon at a gig we are doing and let you know. Interesting experiment as i only normally play finger style. Either way as an MTD convert these are awesome basses. Mine is now my main gigging bass.
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  18. BassBunny


    Mighty be worth publishing this as a book...... And for my 10 penneth........ Speak to the reception organisor beforehand to agree what is required, especially if you are hired through an agency. The function band I play in is a Soul Band and although we do "doff our cap" to some recent numbers, most is Stax/Atlantic/Tamla....and that is what the agency has sold and normally 2x45's. However, the vocalist, (who plays Sax as well), has an alter ego as a solo artist, singing to backing tracks. As his Solo set contains everything from Frank Sinatra, Van Morrison to Detroit Spinners etc, we usually find thay a set from him and 2 from us works really well. Most receptions have an age group ranging from 6months to grandparents in their 80's. By doing our "Swing to Soul" show, everyone seems to be happy. They can digest the food during the swing set as well. Might be worth looking out for some "advert" music. A while back Bunny Siglers "Let the good Times Roll" was featured in an ad, so we put it in the set and it went down a bomb. Current favourite is Al Wilson's "The Snake" from the Lambrini advert. As it also has a Dance, all the teenager's jump straight on the floor and try and get their parents learning it. Another nice touch is find out the B&G's names and take a congrats card for them. The personal touch does help, particularly leave a CD with the B&G if it was a good night, and this generally feeds back to the agents and more work comes your way.
  19. [quote name='Pikefloyd' post='53031' date='Aug 30 2007, 10:31 PM']Hello Steve, Thanks for the information, we've been on Forming Bands, musofinder, partysounds and Gumtree. We've seen a few drummers, but nothing ideal for us yet! The band is spread over Manchester, and we practice in the Greenhouse in Manchester. I didn't know about Apocolypse, I'll have to take a look. Is there any forum like this one specifically for drummers? Maybe I could stick an add on there! cheers Matt[/quote] Hi Matt, I know of a couple of Drummer's who are "redundant" at the moment. What sort of age group are the band? The reason I ask is that 1 guy is in his 20's and the other nearer 50. The younger one is the son of the drummer from one of my bands and is superb. Not sure if either is suitable, but who knows. Let me know. Stuart
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  21. What a really great idea. Maybe we could expand to Basses Could save a fortune buying something you don't like. Bit like "Try before you Buy" Now who has the largest collection of Basses????
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  23. [quote name='dr.funk' post='64321' date='Sep 23 2007, 12:09 PM']Bassbunny - I happen to have that same double bass wielding frog in my garden..[/quote] Cool, We're putting a band together. Got Bass, Guitar, Trumpet, Sax and a 3 Frog audience. Struggling with a Drummer and Keys................ Sad isn't it ....
  24. [quote name='BB2000' post='64275' date='Sep 23 2007, 08:48 AM']I had the same S.M.Choi sticker inside a G&L tribute I used to have. Not a lot of people know that..[/quote] I believe Laklands, G&L and some others are made in the Cort factory. Proves the point about G&L and Lakland anyway.
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