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Everything posted by Jigster

  1. what has the courier offered as an explanation?
  2. Come to this thread late. It's a tough one but we're all in a market together - I had a whinge about paying fees a few weeks back, but I increasingly appreciate this pov - I personally HATE the idea of market, per se, it's the root of all evil today (thanks P. Floyd), but 'market' works on all levels, ie. realistically, why should someone provide a service for free if they offer expertise and time? I'm prepared to pay someone for their time and to do what[i] I[/i] can't do, same as I expect people to pay me the going rate for my time (and expertise...what little I have ) (ha ha)
  3. I've played his other one - very nice - quite tempted myself [size=4] [/size] [size=4]But I won't.[/size]
  4. [size=4]Mate of mine is selling this - all hand crafted Eggle from 1997[/size] [size=4]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Patrick-Eggle-Berlin-Pro-HT22-1997-One-Owner-/121082682085?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c31171ae5[/size] [size=4]Sorry mods, not sure where else to put something like this[/size]
  5. Alister bought my Westone Thunder - really easy guy to deal with and good comms. Thanks for the sale!
  6. A chance to meet Ian Tilton - the photographer behind loads of seminal Roses photos - also took iconic images of The Smith and Nirvana... This should be a cool night [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/478679028852059/"]https://www.facebook...78679028852059/[/url] [attachment=130571:Shop-Talk-Ian-Tilton.jpg]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363714367' post='2016459'] My favourite band name (taken, sadly) is [b][size=5]Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead[/size][/b] Really trips off the tongue. [/quote] Nearly as catchy as Edward Woodward Wouldn't He?
  8. It IS a bit like having fallen into a Two Ronnies sketch, you must admit
  9. I'll hav[size=4][quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1363708572' post='2016298'][/size] TBH, I've no time to check these out, so if anyone wants to use them - Google it ffs, as the Ferret used to say. The Hog Bosses Norman's Knob The Saddams Family My Dinner Of Faggots A Load Of Old Cobras Virginia Wade's Face Cream You Cannot Be Sirius Asstronaut Panty Wallah Uprising Biff Curtin Inspector Japp's Eye [/quote] I'll take the lot thanks.
  10. Didn't realise what an amazing drummer the guy was until following some Soft Machine links after Kevin Ayers died last month. What a band! Carrying on the theme of covers perhaps better than the original - have always favoured Joe Strummer's version of Redemption Song to Marley's [size=4] [/size] [size=4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvnHFl2WuEE[/size]
  11. Daryl is clearly modelling himself on a Clarky hair cut yeah?
  12. Yes was from you - well I said in the ad either yourself or someone previous to you adjusted them. I like them as they are, but it's worth mentioning. Would love to keep it but funds, ya know?
  13. I'm also generally jibbering nonsense this eve [size=4] [/size]
  14. that's what I'm saying. WOT said there'd be chaos [i]without[/i] any rules - - there are/were/have been/ no rules in the market.
  15. sure - altho [size=4]I'm hard pressed to think what markets have rules, the absence of which lead to chaos - stockmarket, fruit, vegetable market etc - the only abiding rule seems to be the rule of investment - which you'd tend NOT to make unless you're assured of getting the best out of your investment.[/size] [size=4] [/size][size=4]I'm being very pedantic, and I did say 'Ok', cos no one bass player is bigger than BC [/size][size=4] [/size][size=4] [/size]
  16. Hmm. It's a market, and I am paying for its use. But ok.
  17. Can you confirm your policy re 36 hour restriction on bumping in lieu of BCers now paying £7 for an ad? Chars [size=4] [/size]
  18. Bought this on here a while back - need to generate funds. [attachment=129585:k.jpg] Pretty darn good condition - one dink on upper bout - but for its age this is in great condition. Either the BCer who sold it to me, or someone beforehand, has pushed the polepieces on the pick up, closer to the strings - but likewise they can go back down. I don't mind them where they are, and it doesn't alter the unique Ray sound in any way [attachment=129586:mh.jpg] 2 eq, bass and treble boost only, quite a nicely shallow neck, weighs in the 9lb something mark, but not a monster by any means. [attachment=129587:m.jpg] [size=4]Will post, [b]as it also comes with the MM hardcase[/b], at buyer's cost, or happy to drive and meet within reasonable distance for relevant petrol money.[/size]
  19. This forum really is a powderkeg at times
  20. Lovely. LOOKS heavy, is it? Is it an ebony board?
  21. We use it thus: http://www.thoseamongstusarewolves.com You can self-title it as your own website rather than a tumblr account - create various pages etc - carries music, vid, images - does most things a website does I guess. I think it also has the social media element that means you can follow other tumblr accounts etc and other follow you
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