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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. Cool. Have you got any pics? I would be interested in something like this. Only downside is that I´m in Ireland. Though I wouldn´t mnd paying for a courier.
  2. Any pics? Is it currently in a playable condition? Bugger! Just back from Glasgow with my band. Typical that!
  3. [quote name='steviedee' post='776960' date='Mar 17 2010, 08:23 AM']I have a Phil Jones Bass Briefcase which is cool[/quote] +1 Me too and I love it!
  4. Anyone used the 500w or 1000watt version? What are they like?
  5. basshead56


    Ah, the Fantastic American Deluxe Precision... And here's mine. Its a 96/7 Got it for a song. My First American Fender I do believe. I use it with most of the bands I play with. Monster of a bass. It's like a Swiss Army Bass-it does it all! Couldn't be happier! [attachment=44864:am_del.jpg]
  6. [quote name='Musicman20' post='775828' date='Mar 15 2010, 10:55 PM']I love the PJ BCase sat atop looking smuggly small! Big collection. Whats the favourite?![/quote] Thanks mate Favourite: My siennaburst 78 Precision through the VBA400 stack. Unbelievable round, deep and clear P-Bassiness! :wub: It was loud as a halfstack,but got lucky with a second VBC412 so really had to go for it. Though a pain in the a**e to move about (it, like all my rigs, is fully cased). My guitarist nearly s**t herself when she turned up to the studio the other week-and she has a TSL full stack! Stupidly massive, but ready for that call to Glastonbury Though my Gibson Studio Tbird V through the Ampeg rig is pretty sweet. All depends on the gig really. I use the PJB for my Stagg EUB with the Trace cab-earth moving (with the SUB control on the the Stagg at 3/4 full)!
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='775510' date='Mar 15 2010, 06:40 PM']Nice set-up just not sure if it'd be loud enough.[/quote] Cheers Wayne, Yeah, might have to add a few more bts to be sure Nah, seriously though, I reckon Im pretty much GAS free at this stage
  8. Apologies for the awful pics but: Behold, The Armada! : Ampeg b500dr, Fender Rt1000 Tuner, Ampeg BSE 410HLF x2 Marshall VBA400, Marshall VBC412 x2 Phil Jones Briefcase Trace Elliot 1524 2x15 cab [attachment=44841:rig_1.JPG] [attachment=44842:rig2.JPG] [attachment=44845:rig4.JPG] [attachment=44843:rig5.JPG] [attachment=44844:rig6.JPG]
  9. [attachment=44815:esp_et100tr.jpg] Gorgeous!!!
  10. The Fender American Precision Deluxe has both a p and mm pup. My 97 is fantastic. It gets pretty close to the MM alright. though not totally identical. It does Precision perfectly. Great bass for the money and an interesting combination of sounds
  11. Not sure about early 90´s but my 96/7 American Fender Precision Deluxe is the mutts! Seriously great bass! I did have a Fender JP-90 at one pont (starting out) but I rarely played it and can´t remember much about it. It was white. sold it to a mate. That was definately from the very early 90´s
  12. [quote name='AlanP2008' post='772720' date='Mar 12 2010, 01:10 PM']It is best to avoid slapping it around when it is plugged in, or the tubes are still hot... but if it is cool or cold you can turn it over however you want, without any real risk of problem (how do you think they made it?).[/quote] Fair point I suppose Will have a proper look tonight Cheers
  13. I own two 78 Precisions and love them. They really are lovely but the two couldn´t be more different from each other. The first one I got was in showroom condition and weighs very little (for a late 70´s P) The one I got just before Christmas is an absolute joy to play bar the fact it weighs nearly twice as much as the other. its in much poorer cosmetic condition though and had a pup mod. I went through about 8 or 9 77/78´s before finding that one and there were wasn´t any real consistency there. Some were rough, others weren´t. I think the 70´s was a strange period for Precisions. Like any other decade in Fender producton (bar the current run, whch all seem fantastic), there are some gems and some turds! I think finding a decent 70´s Jazz would be a much tougher job-the few good ones that turn up are usually way overpriced! Take your time in deciding on one and a/b as many as you can to ensure you end up with the best bass you can get. And I do agree that some of the best 70´s Fender Precisions weren´t made by Fender-Tokai´s from then are fantastic!
  14. Hi, I have a Marshall VBA400 and recently one of the four little feet that slot into the holes of the the matching VBC412 cabs has cracked off. It´s not a huge problem, but seeing as it´s now sitting atop two VBC412 cabs, its quite high up and I don´t like the fact that it ´wobbles´ slightly. It looks fixable, but I´m not sure about tilting the amp on its side or upside down as I´ve heard these amps don´t like that at all. How do I go about solving the problem? Also, is there something anchoring the screw (which goes through the foot) inside the amp, or does it just go into the wood? Any insight would be very much appreciated
  15. These are fantstic amps. I have one and am in love with it. they really are SVT killers! What age is this amp? the front panel looks a tad different to mine.
  16. Any idea about what they are worth? Are they any good? "Help me bassassin, you´re my only hope"
  17. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='765097' date='Mar 5 2010, 01:31 PM']I've got a VBC412 which I bought off Thumperbob off here and I've never had any problems with it. Excellent sounding cab.[/quote] I´ve got two VBC412´s driven by a VBA400 and LOVE them! Lovely sound, plenty of rumble and clarity-perfect. Have heard mixed reviews of the MB range. Personally, If a Marshall isn´t a valve amp and its made in China or Asia or whatever, I would expect the craftsmanship to be sub-par. Though some Ampeg stuff and Laney stuff still sounds great, they are not without their problems. For instance, the Ampeg stuff that came out of Vietnam had serious problems with poor wiring and low-grade woods. The MG series of SS guiatr amps are aweful! Threatened to kick in a guitarist´s cab one evenig when he couldn´t stop it from crackling and spluttering all evening at a wedding gig! That was his third one he´d had from that series. I´ve tried the MB series Head (Is it the 450 or something?), seemed ok for the money, but nothing to write home about. Again, with these cheaper made amps its a case of ´Get what you pay for´ I reckon Still, if its ´stupid but saveable´, I reckon see how long you can keep it running. Hope it works out mate
  18. Around mid 09 (June or July), there were about five of these going on ebay (UK one) at the same time. There were three versions of these- a very rare silver faced one. then the typical white-lined one and the blue lined one. The silver went for 230, There were two bluey´s and they both closed around 180-190 and the whitey´s went for about the same, maybe even less. (think one was 145 or thereabouts) I bid on all of them, but never bothered keeping up with the auctons. So anywhere from 150-200 I reckon would be the average price (they go for around 200 dollars on ebay.com) Hope that helps
  19. Ich Bein Ein NERD! Can´t help looking at what gear is lying around at a gig. And I dont mind talking gear if another ´gearstalker´ asks me about any of mine if I´m playing. with my main band: the drummer just about knows his name, the guitarist doesn´t own any of her equipment (amp, Strat and pedals are all mine!) and hasn´t the foggiest when it comes to gear. And the singer, oh, the singer... (how do I make my mic work?) Amazing musicians and lovely people, just totally geartarded. Lets leave it there shall we
  20. This week I ave been mostly learnin' the Garbage back catalogue. Loving the bassline for Cherry Lips by Ms. Manson and co. Think it was that bloke with the weird hair-Justin Meldal-Johnson who did most of the newer tracks. Great stuff! Also been messing with Rezillos and Florence and The Machine stuff for some reason
  21. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='755018' date='Feb 23 2010, 02:10 PM']Like turning up to play a football match without your kit.[/quote] Yeah, but if you had our old PE teacher-you´d have to play the match in your pants or uniform trousers regardless! Me-I would never let anyone touch my gear without any permission and even then, that´s usually not too forthcoming! I don´t mind when another serious player has a look at my gear, but I hate when ´All The Young Punks´ come up and think my 78 P is Sid´s and therefore public property! That´s when it´s time to state very clearly to the young toerags-´Cut The Crap!´ or ´Back de F**K Up Beatches!!!´
  22. [quote name='Skinkemann' post='754956' date='Feb 23 2010, 01:14 PM']Found a real cheap [b][i]Peavey 3620 Bass Speaker Cabinet Enclosure 210 / 218[/i][/b] And I think I'm gonna go for that, unless someone have something bad to say about it? (Please do if you do! Anything ) But that leads me to the top. The cab is rated at 4 ohms and can handle 400 watts[/quote] That sounds like it should be on cat tracks,have a front mounted machine gun and an anti-tank gun turret! Still, probably loud enough to loosen a few bowels-even if it isnt, it´ll have the same effect when people get a look at it! Seriously though, if it can´t be transported without an army of immensely strong roadie-types, i´d leave it. Peavey do make some great gear though.
  23. I wouldn't mess with something as delicate and perfect as the unique vibe of Skips or Monster Munch As for me, i do find the Jazz missing in the 'kick' department. It is a perfect bass for the lighter stuff and even the odd bit of funk. But the P bass is rock and roll! I started with jazzes and had nothing but Jazzes for the first few years of playing. i love the body shape and the top end, bright snappy pups. But I bought a P as a back up for a new band project and ended up being completely converted! Now I use a P 90% of the time and have sold all but two of the 5 Jazzes I had (would have trimmed down to one, but one of them is my very first 'real' bass and a present from someone very close!). If it aint broke...
  24. [quote name='chris_b' post='752746' date='Feb 21 2010, 01:18 PM']Ampeg every time.[/quote] +1
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