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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. [quote name='luckman67' post='814298' date='Apr 21 2010, 09:17 PM']I am looking into changing the scratchplate,have you any pictures of yours with the black pg.[/quote] No individual shot of it, but I have one or two in a group shot here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64948&hl=my+family"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=my+family[/url] As you can see, I put a Lucky 13 red decal over the pg, but it only covers a tiny bit-you get the idea They are lovely basses-well done again
  2. Good move. and +1 for doing so I did this last year on my Gibson Thunderbird Studio V and I have to say, I love it. Never liked the low b sound- too heavy metal or something I bought a set of D´Addarios Chromes 6 (for 6er bass) and just didnt use the last one Love the sound of my T-Bird now! It suits the kind of stuff I´m playing with the bands now perfectly. Never had a 5 string before that, but am starting to use it live more and more now. Will have to get a 5 string Fender though if I decide to use a 5er as my main bass-have to keep up appearances as ´the Fender guy´!
  3. [quote name='luckman67' post='811884' date='Apr 19 2010, 09:07 PM']I bought this on Saturday for £99.99[/quote] Have the same one in the same fiinish. Great basses. well done on the price man! Stick a black pg on her though-looks much cooler
  4. named em all-all girl´s names too. Cant help it. My first one I named cause there was a story to it, the rest just sort of happened- some basses have character and that gives rise to the imagining of a personality- and the names reflect the percieved personality- at least for me anyways
  5. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-Fender-Chrome-S1-Switching-Knobs-Telecaster-P-Bass_W0QQitemZ260574923756QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3cab79cbec"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-Fender-Chrome-S1...=item3cab79cbec[/url]
  6. it´s basically a series/paralell switch. On a P Bass,once activated, it makes it sound more like a Jazzbass. The opposite is true for the Jazz. Simples Oh, and it hasn´t anything to do with active circuits so, yeah, if it´s off, you have a passive P Bass tone. On, you have a passive Jazz(ish) tone. Here´s a link: [url="http://www.fender.com/features/s1/"]http://www.fender.com/features/s1/[/url] Hope that helps, Colin
  7. [quote name='stilllifebass' post='811812' date='Apr 19 2010, 08:30 PM']Hey guys - a good friend of mine has said he can get hold Orange bass heads/cabs at knock-down prices (all perfectly legit, I promise! ). I'm playing in a rock/pop/alternative 5-piece, nothing too heavy but the bass sound I'm looking forward to is a decent punchy bottome-end with nice rounded mid to high end tone. I play a Status Graphite Series I, originally through a Trace Elliott AH300-12 (sadly now defunct) and a Peavey 4 x 10 cab. I'm looking to play small to medium-sized venues for now. For those of you who know the Orange amps, would the Terror bass 500 head carry enough punch for these size venues (I presume at 500W it would be!) and is it suitable for the tone I'm looking for? Ideally I'm looking to avoid that "metallic" sound that some amps naturally produce (eg Ampeg). Any thoughts much appreciated! Dave[/quote] What´s he reckon a ´knock down price´ for these is then? Where´s he getting them from. Am looking for a Terror Bass aswell.
  8. As someone who has 2x410s and 2x412s- go with the 12´s! much bigger sound! Always loved 10´s, but the 12´s just have something more IMO.
  9. [quote name='Davo-London' post='810912' date='Apr 18 2010, 11:26 PM']Neither[/quote] +1!
  10. Sieanna Sunburst I do believe. I have a 78 Precision in that colour.
  11. Had one for about 6 months (the first run of 100w 1x15 ones) No problems with volume- seriously loud. Sold it on, but wish i had kept it sometimes, just for small gigs and that. Well worth the lttle money involved.
  12. Lucky it wasn´t a pair of 4x10s! Hope Ampeg send him a new one after that!
  13. basshead56


    Bought Steviedee's Palatino EUB. It arrived this morning in tip top condition, only put it down to type this! A gentleman to deal with, would easily recommend him as a seller!
  14. [quote name='joegarcia' post='809897' date='Apr 17 2010, 10:23 PM']Yea I saw that. Ridiculously overpriced though.[/quote] Thought about getting one of these before I got the second VBC412. What is a good price for a second-hand one of these monsters? How do they compare to the Ampeg 8x10s?
  15. Butterscotch is your only real choice-its a classic!
  16. [quote name='rainus5' post='809340' date='Apr 17 2010, 12:32 PM']Sorry, my last comment about slaving into a combo was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.... Thanks for your advice guys. If nothing else, you've saved me cooking my amp!!![/quote] Ah, sorry, wasn´t picking up on that-was fairly tired at that stage Best of luck with t And let us know what u decide to do
  17. My vote would be 1)VBA400- Amazing.Nuff said. 2) Ampeg SVT 3) Orange 4) Mesa Boogie 400+
  18. [quote name='orangepeelneil' post='808942' date='Apr 16 2010, 09:43 PM'][size=3]Hi, Yes I think thats right.The SVT -410HLF is also the only single (smallish!) 4 ohm cab in the range I'm also frustrated as I need single 4 ohm cab for my SVT amp, I wish some of thier other cabs were 4 Ohm. or the SVT amps has a 8 Ohm output tap for more versatility. Cheers Neil [/size][/quote] There are only 2 4ohm 4x10s in Ampeg´s current range, but there were loads of 4ohm cabs up until recently-blame LOUD Tech I guess. There was the BXT410HLF, The BSE410HLF (I have 2 of them), the current B410HLF also. And of ourse the 8x10- all 4ohm cabs.There was also an SVT18 cab at 4 ohm (anyone selling one-NAME YOUR PRICE!!!) I wish Ampegs had a three way impedance selector though-2,4 or 8 ohms-infinite cab config options. And yeah, wish my BSE410HLF-SEs had the grab bars and kick plates that their SVT counterparts have. Still, the flghtcases will have to do. Also, IMO, the best US made 4x10 Ampeg have EVER done! And they look fantastic-love the ´Merc´ type badges on the front! The SVT Classic series is just that-Classc, but knd of boring looking. I much prefer Ampegs with Silver/blue fronts-much cooler and much more vintage/retro looking! Would love to get hold of the SVT-AV and matching 8x10- Old-School Ampeg look and sound! In the words of the prophet MC Hammer, ´Proper!´
  19. [quote name='rainus5' post='808408' date='Apr 16 2010, 01:59 PM']Perhaps a crude idea would be to buy an Ampeg BA300, and slave into it. But I have no idea how (bad) that would sound.[/quote] ...AWFUL! Dont do that mate, whatever you do. If you are going down the Ampeg combo route, try to track down a B2 or B3 combo-both have speaker outs (again, you'd have to check the impedance for them). But I wouldn't recommend doing that-you'll have problems with line levels etc. Honestly, the 450 through an SVT HLF should be plenty loud-you're getting the max output from the amp-and its compact enough to transport. You can always DI for decent sized gigs anyway, so you'll have no hassle being heard (or felt-its an AMPEG!!! )
  20. I bought an Epiphone Flamekat guitar from Cash Converters on Ebay about 3 years ago. It was exactly as described. a few wee dings and a crackling pot. Paid 100 quid for it including postage to Ireland. Found out after that it had been modded before sale (active pups installed) Stripped them and the preamp,got a set of Kent Armstrong mini humbuckers, tidied the soldering and wiring, gave her a full set up and wham-the nicest guitar i own and one of the ncest ive ever played or seen! I have a Fender strat, a tele a gibson challenger and a few others-this is a super-Gretsch with an Epi badge! My ultimate rockabilly/surf guitar! Anyways, the point was, I have dealt with them through ebay and have had no ssues at all. my only problem was a week later the b*stards sold the epi case it came in seperately!!! Cant get one now as the model was dicontinued!
  21. Pretty sure the SVT450 is a 4 ohm min load. If you add another cab to compliment your 410hlf-you will indeed be like aladdin, surrounded by smoke! An 8ohm cab plus a four brings the load to about 2.6 ohms-well below 4 and not at all safe. and two 4ohm cabs will bring the load to 2ohms-again not the amps min load. best bet would be to get rid of the 410HLF and buy a pair of 410HE´s they are 8 ohm cabs and sound pretty good. Or either an SVT610HLF Or 8x10 With the last two, you´ll never need a second cab Most of the Ampeg tube stuff goes down to 2 ohms, as do the 4 PRO and 2 PRO (maybe the 5PRO?). A few SS Ampegs do too. My b500dr head does anyway
  22. I adore my VBA400 rig-nothing but a Panzer Division can make this much noise and mayhem. Put havent tried plugging a 70´s Precision into a Panzer tank yet. Cannot believe how loud it is, or how nice the sound is. The contour switch is amazing. That said, my back doesn´t like the look of it one bit-nor does our roadie and drummer! Weight is a killer, but its worth it. There are some real gems when it comes to valve stuff That said, I have heard some fairly poor valve amps aswell. I owned a Mesa 400+, but it would always give me grief-valves popping, power cutting out etc and it was definately not the monster I expected soundwise. Tried aa SVT VR recently-totally crestfallen with it. Was expecting a monster of a sound-weak as a box of diabetic kittens chasing wool! no oomph at all. Some of the solid state stuff I have owned has been great, and some dire. My Fender 400 Pro head was a fantastic bit of kit, as was my Trace ellot 8x10 combo (no idea of model) Had a GK backlne thing that farted out after a week. Not really a fan of Ashdown, but the mini stack I sold recently was unbelievable.Played loads of gigs with it and it cut through no problem! Laney R4 wasn´t bad either-my first stack, lightweight and big sounding-just a lttle something missing. My current Solid State amp is an Ampeg B500DR digital. Sounts exactly the same as an SVT3 Pro and can even get pretty close to the Classic aswell-though gain tends to differentiate it the more its pushed. I will NEVER get rid of it-cracker of an amp! There is no real bottom line on the issue. Its a subjective thing and there are a million other factors involved the decision making process. weight, cost, value for money, maintenance, storage/transport etc etc Once you get a tone you want-does it really matter if the power section is valve or ss? FWIW, my next and probably final amp purchase will be an Orange Bass Terror-haven´t owned a decent Hybrid before and loving the sound of them.
  23. No problem mate. Enjoy, these are great little amps! Colin
  24. This is what I got: [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/phil_jones_briefcase_akku.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/phil_jones_briefcase_akku.htm[/url]
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